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Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
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Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Rainfall Forecasting
A comparative study on Internet of Things (IoT): Frameworks, Tools, Applications and Future directions
A survey on gel images analysis software tools
Improving the Security and Authentication of the Cloud with IoT using Hybrid Optimization Based Quantum Hash Function
A Survey on Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Global Optimization Problems
Handling within-word and cross-word pronunciation variation for Arabic speech recognition (knowledge-based approach)
Mindful Horizons: Navigating the Future Challenges and Potential Threats of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIS)
Computer Network Design for the teaching area of the Elvira Cape library
A New Method for Web Service Recommendation Based on QoS Prediction
A Survey on Flower pollination algorithm
Enhancing WBAN Performance with Cluster-Based Routing Protocol Using Black Widow Optimization for Healthcare Application
Autism Spectrum Diagnosis using Adaptive Learning Algorithm for Multiple MLP Classifier
ERP Implementation Road Map for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)
Characterizing wavelet coefficients with decomposition for medical images
ECG signal monitoring based on Covid-19 patients: Overview
Solving the Problem of Target k-Coverage in WSNs Using Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
A Dockers Storage Performance Evaluation: Impact of Backing File Systems
A Novel Artificial Intelligence Based Internet of Things for Fall Detection of Elderly Care Monitoring
Smart Grid: A Survey of Architectural Elements, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications and Future Directions
Intelligent System for Ranking Big Data in Search Engine
Pollution Reduction using Intelligent Warning Messages in VANET
Optimized Resource Allocation Algorithm for Crowd-Creation Space Computing Based on Cloud Computing Environment
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Gears Based on Deep Learning Feature Extraction and Particle Swarm Support Vector Machine State Recognition
Intelligent system for IoT botnet detection using SVM and PSO optimization
A Proposed AI-based Algorithm for Safety Detection and Reinforcement of Photovoltaic Steel
From the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to the Web of Things (WoT): An Overview
Intelligent Image Detection System Based on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
Intelligent Web Information Extraction Model for Agricultural Product Quality and Safety System
Intelligent System for Forecasting Failure of Agile Projects
Efficient Share Generator for Slicing and Securely Retrieving the Cloud-Hosted Heterogeneous Multimedia Data
A Trustworthy Learning Technique for Securing Industrial Internet of Things Systems
Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey
Trust Aware Moth Flame Optimization based Secure Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks
Automated Deep Learning based Video Summarization Approach for Forest Fire Detection
Intelligent Neighborhood Indexing Sequence Model for Healthcare Data Encoding
Modeling of Multiple Share Creation with Optimal Signcryption Technique for Digital Image Security
MSJEP Classifier: “Modified Strong Jumping Emerging Patterns” for Fast Efficient Mining and for handling attributes whose values are associated with taxonomies
Effective Drive an Autonomous Vehicle, The Environment Characteristics Are Extracted Via Intelligent Image Processing
Chaotic Butterfly Optimization with Optimal Multi-key Image Encryption Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks
Intelligent Differential Evolution based Feature Selection with Deep Neural Network for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Hybrid Heuristic AI Technique for Enhancing Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT Environments
Digital Automatic of Clothing Design Cad Based on Intelligent Sensing Technology
Comparison between Saudi Arabia and USA: Prevention and Dealing with Cyber Security
An Improved Metaheuristic based Node Localization Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks
The Application of Fuzzy Collaborative Intelligence to Detect COVID-19 Minor Symptoms
An Intelligent Bankruptcy Prediction Model based on an Enhanced Sparrow Search Algorithm
Development of Sustainable assessment Model of solar hydrogen production techniques: An integrated MCDM approach
A Novel Glowworm Swarm Optimization Driven Gated Recurrent Unit Enabled Botnet Detection in IIoT Environment
Sustainable Management for the Architectural Heritage in Intelligent Cities using MCDM methods
An intelligent model to identify industry 4.0, IoT and circular economy adoption barriers
Site Selection for an Offshore Wind Power Station Under a Fuzzy Environment
Several Factors to Analyze the Issues Concerned with the Internet of Things: Methods and analysis
Clustered IoT Based Data Fusion model for Smart Healthcare Systems
A Proposed Optimization Model for Water Quality Prediction in Internet of Things Environment
An intelligent multi-criteria decision-based approach for sustainable growth of the energy sector: the case study of India and Vietnam
Customer Data Processing in Internet of Things Environments Using RFM Analysis and K-means Clustering
Smart Learning in the Ecosystem: Examines Smart Learning Structural Design Features Considering IoT and IoB
An intelligent Multi-criteria Decision-making Model for Sustainable Higher Education Strategy Selection
Intelligent Wheat Types Classification Model Using New Voting Classifier
An Edge Intelligence Framework for Elegant Power Management in IoT-enabled Power Grids
Federated Resistance Against Adversarial Attacks in Resource-constrained IoT
Intelligent and Secure Detection of Cyber-attacks in Industrial Internet of Things: A Federated Learning Framework
Collaborative Segmentation of COVID-19 From non-IID Topographies in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
An advanced optimization technique for integrating IoT and cloud computing on manufacturing performance for supply chain management
An effective model for Selection of the best IoT platform: A critical review of challenges and solutions
Artificial Neural Network Based Approach for Food Recognition Using Various Filters
An Approach Based on Decision-Making Algorithms for Qos-Aware Iot Services Composition
Intelligent Model for Customer Churn Prediction using Deep Learning Optimization Algorithms
Classification of Diabetic Foot Thermal Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Skin Cancer Detection using Neutrosophic c-means and Fuzzy c-means Clustering Algorithms
Intelligent System for Body Fat Percentage Prediction
Security Challenges and Solutions in the Internet of Things
Intelligent Edge Computing for IoT: Enhancing Security and Privacy
Intelligent Traffic Management using IoT and Machine Learning
Intelligent Video Moving Target Detection Based on Multi-Attribute Single Value Medium Neutrosophic Method
Forecasting COVID-19 Infection Using Encoder-Decoder LSTM and Attention LSTM Algorithms
Smart Security Area (SSA) for Radar system technology
Smart Sensor Networks for Industrial IoT Applications
AI-Driven Smart Homes: Challenges and Opportunities
Survey of Artificial Intelligence of Things for Smart Buildings: A closer outlook
Securing Wireless Sensor Networks Against DoS attacks in Industrial 4.0
A Machine Learning Approach for Energy-Efficient IoT Systems
Federated Learning for Intelligent Resources Allocation in Internet of Things
Recurrent Model for Automatic Detection Cardiac Arrhythmia on the Internet of Healthcare Things
Intelligent Learning System to Help People with Color Impairment Using Image Processing Algorithms
Federated Knowledge Purification for Responsive Internet of Things
Intelligent Asset Tracking System for Logistics Industry using IoT and Big Data
IoT-Based Health Monitoring System with Real-Time Analytics
Smart Irrigation System with Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning and IoT
Intelligent Waste Management System for Recycling and Resource Optimization
Intelligent Traffic Management System for Smart Cities
Intelligent Energy Management System for Sustainable Smart Homes
Performance Enhancement of Intelligent Healthcare-Based Recommendation System with IFODNN Model
A Multi-level Fusion System for Intelligent Capture and Assessment of Student Activity in Physical Training based on Machine Learning
Intelligent Load Identification of Household-Smart Meters Using Multilevel Decision Tree and Data Fusion Techniques
Granulation-Based Data Fusion Approach for a Critical Thinking Worldview Information Processing
Intelligent Multi-Level Feature Fusion Using Remote Sensing and CNN Image Classification Algorithm
Fuzzy-Based Clustering for Larger-Scale Deep Learning in Autonomous Systems Based on Fusion Data
A Novel Approach for Enhance Fusion Based Healthcare System In Cloud Computing
IOT enabled Intelligent featured imaging Bone Fractured Detection System
An Intelligent Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model for selecting an optimal location for a data center: Case Study in Egypt
Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare: Bridging Biomedical Clothing to the IoT Future
Developing a Risk Management System with an Optimistic Predictive Approach and Business Decision-Making
A Framework for Strategic Planning Adaptation in Smart Cities through Recurrent Neural Networks
Anomaly Detection in Complex Power Grid using Organic Combination of Various Deep Learning (OC-VDL)
Modeling Sports Event Tasks in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Using Deep Learning
Machine Learning Based Logistic Decision Support System for Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems
Path Scheduling and Bandwidth Utilization for Urban Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Developing Heart Rate Monitoring system for Athletes using Fuzzy Clustering Approach
Intelligent Classification for Credit Scoring Based on a Data Mining algorithm
Diagnosis of Overlapping Communities and Coherent Groups Using Structural Centrality based Methodology
Developing a Smart Economy Using Statistical Framework-Based Business Models in Smart Cities
Intelligent system for Distributed Quality Monitoring of Sewage Management based on Wastewater Treatment Procedure and Data Mining
Data Management and Decision-Making Process Using Machine Learning Approach for Enterprises
Chili Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Feature Extraction
Athlete’s Performance Analysis Based on Improved Machine Learning Approach on Wearable Devices
Application of Edge Computing-Based Information-Centric Networking in Smart Cities
Blockchain-based e-Medical Record and Data Security Service Management based on IoMT resource
Predictive Maintenance in IoT: Early Fault Detection and Failure Prediction in Industrial Equipment
Privacy-Enhanced Digital twin Framework for Smart Livestock Management: A Federated Learning Approach with Privacy-Preserving Hybrid Aggregation (PPHA)
The Role of Internet of Things in Smart City Environmental Monitoring: A Pollution Detection System
Catalyzing Future Education: Dynamic Learning and Remote Experiments through IoT-Integrated Learning Management Systems and Virtual Reality
An optimized Identification System by using Shark Smell algorithm for Biometric Images Crossing
Safeguarding Digital Essence: A Sub-band DCT Neural Watermarking Paradigm Leveraging GRNN and CNN for Unyielding Image Protection and Identification
The «Climate in Weathers» Approach to Processing of Meteorological Series in Mesopotamia: Assessment of Climate Similarity and Climate Change using Data Mining
Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Metaheuristic Optimization for Disease Detection in Plant Leaves
Real-time Monitoring of Activity Recognition in Smart Homes: An Intelligent IoT Framework
Internet of Things Enabled Disease Outbreak Detection: A Predictive Modeling System
Predictive Energy Management in Internet of Things: Optimization of Smart Buildings for Energy Efficiency
Distributed Facial Recognition Facial Recognition in Visual Internet of Things (VIoT) An Intelligent Approach
Predicting Student Performance Using Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Technique
An Ensemble Learning Approach for detection of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Ambient air pollution monitoring and health studies using low-cost Internet-of-things (IoT) monitor within KNUST Community
IoT-based Emulated Performance Evaluation NLP Model for Advanced Learners in Academia 4.0 and Industries 4.0
Ant Colony Optimized XGBoost for Early Diabetes Detection: A Hybrid Approach in Machine Learning
3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation from Single RGB Image for Augmented Reality
Real Time E-learning Students Monitoring for Optimization Facial Landmark Recognition Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques
Intelligent Classification of JPEG files by Support Vector Machines with Content-based Feature Extraction
Early Energy Consumption Prediction as a Key Element in Smart City Sustainability
Security and Privacy Protection for Online Electronic Documents Based on Novel Encryption Techniques
Prediction of Rainfall Trends Using Forecasting Approaches Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis
Forward feature selection: empirical analysis
Optimizing Sustainable Inventory Management using An Improved Big Data Analytics Approach
A Multi-Criteria Decision Making TOPSIS Fusion Approach for Selection Best Strategy Charging for Electric Bus Systems
Optimizing Retail Business Strategies with Advanced Analytics and Improved Business Intelligence Techniques
Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection Using Hybrid RL-PSO Approach
Improving Support vector machine for Imbalanced big data classification
Unraveling the Complexity: A DEMATEL Analysis of the Negative Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Adoption among Students in Higher Education
Adaptive feature selection based on machine learning algorithms for Lung tumors diagnosis and the COVID-19 index
Advanced Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Networks: Empowering Security through Hybrid Off-loading Techniques and Enhanced Radial Bias Neural Network
Internet of Things Enabled Based Arrhythmia Classification using Dandelion Optimization Algorithm with Ensemble Learning
A Framework for Leveraging the Incorporation of AI, BIM, and IoT to Achieve Smart Sustainable Cities
Enabling Metaheuristics with Deep Learning based Resource Allocation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Wireless Networks
Enhanced Jaya Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning Assisted Oral Cancer Diagnosis on IoT Healthcare Systems
Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement
Outlier Management and its Impact on Diabetes Prediction: A Voting Ensemble Study
Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow
Enhancing Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Osprey Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning on MRI Images
Energy Efficient Task Scheduling Strategy using Modified Coot Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Computing
Enhancing Real-Time Malware Analysis with Quantum Neural Networks
Automated EEG based Emotion Detection using Bonobo Optimizer with Deep Learning on Human Computer Interaction
Multimodal Feature Fusion Using Optimal Transfer Learning Approach for Lung Cancer Detection and Classification on CT Images
Spider Monkey Optimization with Deep Learning-based Hindi Short Text Sentiment Analysis
Zero Trust-Based Blockchain Based IoT Security with Consensus and Access Control Framework
An adaptive distributed intrusion detection system in local network: Hybrid classification methods
A Frequency Reconfigurable Graphene-Based Microstrip Antenna with Mushroom-Like EBG
Improving Data Aggregation Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks using Software-Defined Networks
Enhanced Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Quantitative Approach for Anemia Detection Using Regression Analysis
Comparative Analysis of ML-Based Outlier Detection Techniques for IoT-Based Smart Energy Management Systems
Sustainable Waste Management through ML-based Real-Time Trash Bin Prediction
Securing Pervasive Computing Networks: Enhancing Network Security via Network Virtualization in Wireless Communications Infrastructure
An IoT Device-Level Vulnerability Control Model Through Federated Detection
HDRA: A Haybird Data Reduction and Routing Algorithm
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm to Optimize IoT Based Scheduling Problem Using (NSGA-II Algorithm)
A Hybrid Logistic Scroll Chaotic Encryption Algorithm for Ensuring the Cloud Security to Counerfeiting the Attacks
Filtering Big Data with Optimized Hybrid Algorithm for IoT-Based Data Selection
Development of an Approach for Image Forgery Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Evaluating the Potential of Mesh Networks in Enhancing Rural Connectivity based on Internet of Thing
Investigating the Impact of Compressed Sensing Techniques and IoT in Medical Imaging
Strategizing IoT Network Layer Security Through Advanced Intrusion Detection Systems and AI-Driven Threat Analysis
Modeling of Dung Beetle Optimization-based Sink Node Localization Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks
A DEMATEL Analysis of the Complex Barriers Hindering Digitalization Technology Adoption in the Malaysia Agriculture Sector
Revolutionizing Healthcare: A Comprehensive Framework for Personalized IoT and Cloud Computing-Driven Healthcare Services with Smart Biometric Identity Management
Enhancing Air Pollution Monitoring and Prediction using African Vulture Optimization Algorithm with Machine Learning Model on Internet of Things Environment
Intelligent System for the Classification of Arterial Blood Pressure Waveform Abnormalities Due to Mistiming in Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
An Improved Internet of Thing-based Optimized SVM Approach for ECG-founded Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification
Intelligent IOT Based Audio Signal Processing for Healthcare Applications
An Effective Internet of Things based Assessment of ANN and ANFIS algorithms for Cardiac Arrhythmia
An efficient Analysis based on the Internet of Things, SVM and KNN for Operative Diabetic Retinopathy Classification
Strategic Improved K-Means Clustering in Mining Blood Donor Data Analysis and IoT-based Allocation
Fractal Dimension on CBCT Images and Modular Neural Networks to Identify Reduced Bone Mineral Density in Women
Optimizing Brain Tumor Classification Accuracy Through Transfer Learning and Internet of Things Integration
An Advance Study of an Efficient CNN-Grounded Deep Learning Classification Technique for the Diagnosis of IoT based Cardiac Arrhythmias
An Ensemble Machine Learning Method for Analyzing Various Medical Datasets
Systematic Analysis based on Conflux of Machine Learning and Internet of Things using Bibliometric analysis
Improving Loan Status Prediction Accuracy with Generative Adversarial Networks: Addressing Data Scarcity and Bias
Cyber Security Based Application-Specific Integrated Circuit for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network
Improving Loan Status Prediction Accuracy with Generative Adversarial Networks: Addressing Data Scarcity and Bias
An Intelligent IoT Framework for Heart Diseases Prediction Using Harris Hawk Optimized GRNN
Digital Forensic Based Object Recognition for Enhanced Crime Scene Interpretation
Comprehensive Analysis of Implementation and Evaluation IoT based Techniques in Networked Security Systems
Machine Learning and Internet of Things Driven Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks through Crossbreed Clustering
Emerging Trends: Nano-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
Intelligent Integration of Wearable Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Athletic Performance Enhancement
Optimized LoRaWAN Architectures: Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Long-Range Connectivity in IoT Networks for Sustainable, Low-Power Solutions and Future Integrations with Edge Computing and 5G
An Operative IoT Grounded AEEBLR (Ant-Founded Efficient Energy and Balanced Load Routing) Method for Path Conjunction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Approach
Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Muscular Movement Analysis in Wireless Body Area Networks for IoT based Fitness Assessment
Advances in Wearable Sensors for Real-Time Internet of things based Biomechanical Analysis in High-Performance Sports
Energy saving of cluster computing by CPU frequency Tuning using genetic algorithm
An effective Web System for Weather monitoring using Artificial Neural Network Based on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
Software Testing Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Machine Learning Techniques
Transfer Learning and Optimised Firefly Neural Network for Lung Cancer
LoRa Architecture-Enabled Intelligent for Agriculture with Deep Learning Architecture
Deep Learning-Based model for Medical Image Compression
Collaborative Intelligence for IoT: Decentralized Net security and confidentiality
Bridging the Gap between Technology and Medicine through the Revolutionary Impact of the Healthcare Internet of Things on Remote Patient Monitoring
Optimizing Sensor Localization and Cluster Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks through Internet of Thing (IoT) and Boosted Weight Centroid Algorithm
Security Implications of IoT-Enabled Mobile Net Facial Recognition System
The Healthcare IoTs as a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Management, Patient Treatment, and Healthcare Data Processing
Innovative Approaches to Bank Security in India: Leveraging IoT, Blockchain, and Decentralized Systems against Loan Scams
An Ensemble Boosting Algorithm based Intrusion Detection System for Smart Internet of Things Environment
A Predictive Analysis of IMDb Movie Reviews Using LSTM and ANN Models
A Comprehensive Review of Real-Time Vehicle Tracking for Smart Navigation Systems
Gazelle Optimized Visual Geometry Group Network with Resnet101 fostered Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Detection
Brain Tumor Semantic Segmentation using U-Net and Moth Flame Optimization
A Hybrid Intelligence-based Deep Learning Model with Reptile Search Algorithm for Effective Channel Estimation in massive MIMO Communication Systems
BBOA-SNDAE: A Deep Learning Model for HD Prediction in Medical IoT Systems
Intelligent Segmentor: Self Supervised Deep Learning based Multi Organ and Tumor Segmentation with Pseudo Lables Generation from CT Images
Deep Learning for Energy Forecasting Using Gated Recurrent Units and Long Short-Term Memory
Modelling a Constructive Approach For Predicting Attacks Over IoT Network Environment
Enhancing Task Scheduling Process in Fog Computing using GTO-SSSA: A Metaheuristic Approach
Internet of Things Assisted Sleep Quality Recognition using Hunger Games Search Optimization with Deep Learning on Smart Healthcare Systems
Quasi Oppositional Jaya Algorithm with Computer Vision based Deep Learning Model for Emotion Recognition on Autonomous Vehicle Drivers
Stacked Ensemble Machine Learning based Skin Cancer Detection and Classification Model
Energy Assessment based Smart Sustainable Production in Wireless Environment Using Internet of Agricultural Things (IoAT)
Advanced IoT Framework for Optimizing Sunflower Seed Production in Uzbekistan: Integration of Multi-Environmental Sensors
A Fuzzy Approach for Congestion Avoidance in FANET and IoT
IoTBlockFin: A Solution to Prevent Loan Scams in India with Integrating IoT and Blockchain for Enhanced Security and Transparency in Loan Processing
Efficient Routing and Lifetime Prolongation in IoT founded Wireless Sensor Network Performance with Bee Colony-Inspired Lifetime Enhancement
The Future of Personalized Medicine and Internet of Things Reshaping Healthcare Treatment Plans and Patient Experiences
The Integration and Implementation of the Healthcare Internet of Things and Its Comprehensive Analysis
IoT based Wireless Networks in Hospitals: Ensuring Seamless Communication in Critical Situations
Integrating Internet of Things Sensors with Machine Learning for Urinary Tract Infection Prediction in Male Felines
Adaptive FPGA-Based Intrusion Detection System for Real-Time Internet of Things Security
Deep Learning Driven LSTM with Spider Wasp Optimizer Algorithm for Frictional Force Based Landslides Prediction Model
Capsule Networks for Rice Leaf Disease Classification
New Adaptive-Clustered Routing Protocol for Indoor Fire Emergencies Using Hybrid CNN-BiLSTM Model: Development and Validation
Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Machine Learning
Reduce Energy Consumption and Increase Lifetime via Genetic Algorithm over Wireless Communication Networks
Smart Home Cloud Monitoring Design and Investigation Using Artificial Intelligence Strategies
Security Inspection for Data Computing Networks Using Deep Learning Techniques
Prediction and Classification of Fatty Liver Disease Using Probabilistic Neural Networks
Automated Detection and Classification of Pneumonia using Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks
Research on Big Data efficient hybrid cloud storage model and algorithm based on 5G network
Social Media Platform Based Evaluation of Teaching Style on Online Education System using Heuristic Search with Stacked Sparse Autoencoder Model
Artificial Intelligence based Automated Sign Gesture Recognition Solutions for Visually Challenged People
Enhancing Convolutional Neural Network for Image Retrieval
IoT Innovations for Transforming the Future of Tourism Industry: Towards Smart Tourism Systems
Forecasting for Vaccinated COVID-19 Cases using Supervised Machine Learning in Healthcare Sector
MODRS: A Multi-Objective Deep Learning Algorithm for Optimizing Routing and Scheduling in LEO Satellite Networks
Intelligent Crop Disease Detection and Classification Using Deep Convolution Neural Network with Honey Badger Algorithm on Image Data
Classification of Tomato Diseases Using Deep Learning Method
Artificial Intelligence Based Hybrid ASFO-ESVM for Load Demand Prediction in Micro Grid Energy Management
Integration of advanced methods in decision making: plithogenic logic and neutrosophic AHP
Enhancing Decision-Making in Uncertain Environments: The Role of Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps in Analyzing Complex Systems
A Neutrosophic Multicriteria Analysis of Economic Recovery Systems
Neutrosophic decision making using Saaty's AHP method and VIKOR
Neutrosophic Sentiment Analysis Method Using Orange Data Analysis
IoT-Enabled monitoring system for Plant Health Growth
Dynamic Feature Weighting for Efficient Multi-Script Identification Using YafNet: A Deep CNN Approach
Brain Tumor Detection: Integrating Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Robust Brain Tumor Classification
Deployment of Hybrid Chaotic Hashes for Blockchain Driven Internet 4.0 applications
The Impact of Big Data on the Nexus between Financial Leverage and Stock Price Prediction
Exploring the Use of Deep Learning Models for Image Compression in Embedded Systems: Encoder and Decoder Architectures
Analyzing the Vulnerability of Consumer IoT Devices to Sophisticated Phishing Attacks and Ransomware Threats in Home Automation Systems
Transmuting Detached Patient Consideration through Secure and Private Healthcare Monitoring Systems
Automated validated tool for epileptic seizure detection using deep learning
Developing a system based on Chabot for detecting Epidemics in educational institution
A Hybrid Speech Recognition System Using Deep Learning Methods
Optimized KNN Algorithm for Diabetic Retinopathy Classification with PCA-Based Data Fusion and Cuckoo Search Optimization
Deep Learning for Multi-Label Facial Attribute Classification on Large-Scale Image Datasets (CelebA)
Health-Fots- A Latency Aware Fog Based IoT Environment and Efficient Monitoring of Body’s Vital Parameters in Smart Health Care Environment
Weekly and Monthly Forecasting Rainfall Model based on LSTM
An upgraded IoT based Mobile Ad- hoc Network enactment founded on optimized Signal Strength Based Routing algorithm
New Keys for Cloud Resource Provisioning Optimization Method in Multi-Tier Style
AI-Powered Election Insights: Predicting the 2024 Trump vs. Kamala Election Showdown with Machine Learning
Blockchain-Enabled Multi-Head Attention Based Deep Learning Model for Intrusion Detection System in Smart Networks
Design and implementation of intelligent home data cloud storage system with large system and big data
Modelling Software Development Effort Using Data-Driven Models
Deep Secure: An Integrated Approach to Anomaly Detection and Cryptographic Protection in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Explainable AI-Driven Gait Analysis Using Wearable Internet of Things (Wiot) and Human Activity Recognition
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Assessing Metering Faults in Electric Power Systems
Enhancing E-commerce Security through Fake News Detection Using Natural Language Processing and Advanced Feature Engineering Technique
Grasshopper-Inspired Deep Neural Network for Enhanced Breast Cancer Classification
Behavior of SPEA2 Algorithm to Resolve Scheduling Problem for IoT Cloud
Optimizing Heart Attack Predictions Models using Innovative Machine Learning Methods
Energy Efficiency and Practical Implications of IoT-Based Static vs. Single-Axis Solar Tracking Systems: A Comparative Analysis
Securing IoT through Intrusion Detection Systems: An Overview
Enhanced Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring System Employing Wearable Optical Technology
Leveraging Marine Predators Algorithm with Deep Learning Object Detection for Accurate and Efficient Detection of Pedestrians
Feature Selection and Stability Analysis using Ensemble Techniques
Integrating IoT and smart AI for Enhanced Sustainability in freight forwarding companies Performance
An Enhancement of YOLOV3-Tiny Model for Turmeric Plant Disease Detection
Leveraging Variational Autoencoder with Hippopotamus Optimizer-Based Dimensionality Reduction Model for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis Data
Enhanced Feature Selection Approach using Artificial Hummingbirds with Genetic Algorithm
Multi-Dimensional Trust based Data Dissemination mechanism (MDTD) for Ensuring Authentication by Eliminating Blackhole Attack in VANET
Robust Zero-Day Attack Detection with Optimal Deep Learning for Securing Internet of Things Environment
Implement Intelligent YOLOv8 for Car Crowd Detection and Counting in the Roads
Efficient CH selection for Traffic Congestion Reduction and To Improve Network Connectivity in Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Human to Chatbot Text Classification Using Multi-Source AI Chatbots and Machine Learning Models
Improving Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for IOT Service Composition Considering National Energy Consumption and User Experience
A New Descriptor Based on Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks WNSs
Multi-objective Optimization in Satellite-Assisted UAVs
Cat-Feed-Nets: A Novel Cat Evoked Deep Feedforward Networks for Detection of Dos Attacks in IoT-Cloud Environment
On Developing a Temporally Ordered Energy Efficient Routing Model (TO-EER) using Bio-Inspired Optimization for MANET
An Optimized Convolutional Neural Network for Alzheimer’s disease Detection
Natural Language Processing Driven Applied Linguistics for Sarcasm Detection Using Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm with Deep Learning
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