Volume 16 , Issue 2 , PP: 123-141, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
El-Sayed M. El-kenawy 1 * , Amel Ali Alhussan 2 , Doaa Sami Khafaga 3 , Amal H. Alharbi 4 , Sarah A. Alzakari 5 , Abdelaziz A. Abdelhamid 6 , Abdelhameed Ibrahim 7 , Marwa M. Eid 8
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.160210
The Comment Feedback Optimization Algorithm (CFOA) presented a novel feedback-driven model for solving optimization problems, incorporating ideas based on positive and negative feedback loops. Unlike other optimization algorithms, CFOA includes feedback adjustments for better tuning the exploration-exploitation trade-off, thus making CFOA less sensitive to the dimensions of problems and their nonlinearity. Some proposed features include feedback dynamics for adaptive search options, parameter control by a decay function, and mechanisms for escaping local optima. CFOA’s performance has been benchmarked on CEC 2005 test cases with many evaluations. The results demonstrate better convergence speed, solution quality, and computational complexity compared with the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), and Tunicate Swarm Algorithm (TSH). The efficiency of the approach used by CFOA makes it an indispensable tool for solving real-world optimization problems across various application domains such as machine learning, engineering, and logistics.
Metaheuristic Optimization , Comment Feedback Optimization Algorithm (CFOA) , Feedbackdriven Optimization , Exploration-Exploitation Balance , High-Dimensional Optimization
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