Volume 15 , Issue 2 , PP: 138-150, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Syed Mutiullah Hussaini 1 * , T. Abdul Razak 2 , Muhammad Abid Jamil 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.150210
The (SPEA2) Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 is a capable technique for managing multi-objective optimization problems. In IoT-cloud systems, this is particularly true with regard to task scheduling. Task scheduling and efficient resource allocation are necessary to improve performance and service quality as the Internet of Things (IoT) grows. SPEA2, which is especially helpful for cloud computing frameworks, is excellent at handling competing goals, such minimizing executing duration while increasing the usage of resources. The capacity of SPEA2 to keep a large collection of solutions allows for the exploration of various scheduling approaches in IoT-cloud scenarios, where tasks generated by several devices need to be handled effectively. In dynamic contexts where resource availability varies, this IoT-CS (IoT-Cloud_Scheduling) adaptability is essential. With SPEA2, researchers are able to create algorithms that enhance system responsiveness and dependability overall while also optimizing task scheduling. The management of resource distribution and task prioritizing difficulties is exemplified by the use of SPEA2 to scheduling problems in IoT-cloud infrastructures. Thus, by guaranteeing that computing resources are used efficiently while respecting performance limitations, SPEA2 makes a substantial contribution to the development of intelligent scheduling solutions that satisfy the changing requirements of IoT applications
Cloud Computing , IoT things , IBEA , NSGA-II , SPEA2 , IoT-CS , MOEA , Evolutionary Algorithm , Optimization , Scheduling Solution
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