Volume 15 , Issue 2 , PP: 164-182, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Indra Kishor 1 * , Udit Mamodiya 2 , Bright Keswani 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.150212
The objective of this research is to offer a comparative evaluation of IoT based static and single-axis solar tracking systems with respect to energy efficiency, economic viability, and impediments in the implementation of both static and single-axis solar tracking systems. In order to fill in the gaps in the current literature on their performance comparison. In this research work, IoT technology has been used to monitor both systems in real time over a period of 30 days in comparable under the similar environmental conditions for data collection and analysis. The research also implements the Fuzzy Logic Controller-based algorithm, developed for the single-axis solar tracking system provides a dynamic and flexible mechanism to optimize solar energy capture. It intelligently adjusts the solar panel's angle based on real-time sensor data, ensuring that the panel is always positioned to maximize sunlight exposure. The data characteristics like solar radiation, temperature, voltage and these different effects were monitored to help in the determination of energy output and the overall efficiency of the system. The findings confirm that the IoT-based single-axis tracking system considerably improved the average system efficiency by 7% as compared to the static system. However, the high installation and maintenance costs of IoT-based single-axis systems increase complexity, posing challenges for mass adoption, particularly in small-scale applications. This paper demonstrates how IoT tracking systems offer improved efficiency of single axis trackers to achieve higher energy efficiency. This work will help in the decision making process for the future solar energy projects where there will be a need to consider the costs against the operational and performance advantages to balance performance benefits with cost and operational consideration. Studies have shown that IoT technology application enhances efficiency and energy operational parameters of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Solar tracking , Static , Single-axis , Cloud-based monitoring , Photovoltaic performance , Renewable energy
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