Volume 13 , Issue 1 , PP: 276-286, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Marco P. Villa Zura 1 * , Merly C. Moran Giler 2 , Pablo O. Piray Rodriguez 3 , Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres 4 , Sanjar Mirzaliev 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.130120
In this paper, we undertake the intriguing task of uniting the advanced methods in the domain of decision making. It is about the fusion of plithogenic logic and neutrosophic HPA. It appears that in an environment where the nature of strategic decisions includes high levels of uncertainty and complexity, it is a time to seek more comprehensive methods that help in overcoming contradictions and ambiguities. This is not the first time efforts have been made to bridge the divide between decision making and artificial intelligence, but for some reason, a holistic approach to these tools is still absent. What is missing from the current literature is a framework that would tackle the two challenges of the decision-making processes, and that chaos of human judgments which is often the order of the day. To this end, we seek to articulate the missing literature, suggesting a methodology that may be useful in addressing these problems. The purpose of this model is to integrate plithogenic logic, which in its nature is a model that enables the integration of varied perspectives, and neutrosophic HPA that is theorized to be in tune with uncertainty and those fundamental contradictions in expert judgment. When this combined methodology is implemented, it seems that the outcomes achieved not only enhance the value of decision analysis, but they also allow for a more versatile and elaborate framework for evaluation of alternatives in seemingly ambiguous contexts. The truth is that the contribution of this study could be rather considerable. Theoretically, it may expand the way decision making is perceived. And more practically, it provides a way which can be more useful and comprehensible, particularly in the fields of business strategic management, policy formulation and implementation, and even project management.
Advanced methods integration , Decision making , Plithogenic logic , Neutrosophic AHP , Complexity , uncertainty , Contradiction , Ambiguity
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