Volume 13 , Issue 1 , PP: 287-292, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Jose Luis Robalino Villafuerte 1 * , Sheila Belen Esparza Pijal 2 , Mónica Isabel Mora Verdezoto 3 , Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres 4 , Sanjar Mirzaliev 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JISIoT.130121
Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCM), this research tackles the very core of one of the main problems that exist in the analysis of complex structures and systems: how to represent and model decision making in situations of uncertainty, or where there is contradiction and ambiguity. This problem gets even worse in the areas of knowledge management, strategic evaluation, or design of public policies since orthodox methods do not always possess required versatility for combining partially available or contradicting information. To address this challenge, the researchers recommend Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCM) as a more appropriate technique considering that the neutrosophic logic can depict and study more intricate relationships in the presence of indeterminacy. There is an iterative learning of cognitive maps which is coupled with neutrosophic analysis techniques enabling the construction of a comprehensive model capturing both certainties and the undefined and disputed areas of the evaluated systems. The findings obtained in this research demonstrate how effective NCMs are in the spatial and analytic representation of complex and multifactorial situations providing features that go beyond the conventional structure models. Apart from broadening theorization on decision-making processes in an uncertain situation, this research provides practical tools applicable in sectors such as strategic planning, complex problem solving and organizational management. In short, the study shows that neutrosophic, used as a methodological catalyst, not only expands the possibilities of analysis but also transforms how complex systems are conceptualized and managed in the academic and practical fields.
Neutrosophic , Neutrosophic cognitive maps , NCM, Uncertainty , Contradiction , Ambiguity , Decision making , Complex systems , Knowledge management , Strategic evaluation , Public policies , Neutrosophic logic
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