International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

On Refined Netrusophic Fractional Calculus

Mohamed Nedal Khatib , Ahmed Hatip

Depending on the geometric isometry (AH-Isometry), it has been proven that every Neutrosophic real function is equivalent to three real functions. Then, the foundation of the Refined Netrusophic calculus was established, where new definitions of Refined Netrusophic integration and Refined Netrusophic differentiation were introduced, along with some illustrative examples. Following that, definitions for the Refined Netrusophic gamma function and Refined Netrusophic beta function were presented to pave the way towards achieving the desired goal, which is Refined Netrusophic Fractional calculus.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 08-18, (2024)

Reliability Function Estimated for Generalized Exponential Rayleigh Distribution Under Type-I Censored Data and Fuzzy Data

Zainab A. Aldraji , Rehab Noori shalan

In this paper, maximum likelihood estimation method (MLEM), one of the most well-liked and frequently applied classic methods, is used to estimate the two scale and one shape parameters of the Generalized Exponential-Rayleigh distribution for type-I censored data, which is one of the most Rights censored data. Based on an iterative process to get approximated values for these two scale parameters and one shape parameter using the Newton-Raphson method to locate estimate value for these parameters by using the simulation procedure utilizing monte-Carlo technique to find Reliability function underneath various sample sizes and the initial values are different for the parameters for all estimated parameters of Generalized Exponential-Rayleigh by implement the initial value in the MATLAP program, Subsequently, conducting a comparative analysis between the estimated reliability function and its non-estimated counterpart employing the mean squares error methodology. In the last finding the pdf function f (t), reliability function R (t) and hazard function h (t) for simulation data. Also, we provide some examples to clarify how can we apply our results on fuzzy data tables

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 19-29, (2024)

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Plithogenic Sociogram based Plithogenic Cognitive Maps Approach in Sustainable Industries

N. Angel , Sulbha Raorane , N. Ramila Gandhi , R. Priya , P. Pandiammal , Nivetha Martin

The theory of Plithogeny is primarily attribute based. Plithogenic Sociogram (PS) and Plithogenic cognitive maps (PCM) are distinct decision-making approaches developed to deal with attributes. This paper proposes an integrated decision-making model combining the approaches of PS with PCM and this sets the beginning of new genre of PCM. The development of this model is applied in investigating the association between the factors pertinent to the promotion of sustainable industries.  This work also compares the working of the proposed integrated model of PCM with PS and the independent working of PCM model. The results are more promising to the proposed integrated approach and this paper strongly emphasises the efficacy of this hybrid approach. The blended model of PCM with PS is efficient in handling complex decision circumstances and this approach shall be extended to other kinds of Plithogenic representations.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 30-41, (2024)

Enhancing Project Selection with Neutrosophic TOPSIS: Navigating Uncertainty in Post-Pandemic Decision-Making

Frantz Dimitri V. Barragan , Felipe Garcés Cordova , María J. Calderon Velásquez , Layal Kallach

This article explores the implementation of Neutrosophic TOPSIS, an advanced decision-making framework that extends classical and fuzzy set theories to handle the complexities of project selection amid uncertainty and indeterminacy. Neutrosophic sets are characterized by three parameters: truth, indeterminacy, and falsehood, which allow for a nuanced assessment of alternatives against defined criteria. Utilizing neutrosophic scales and expert evaluations, this method prioritizes projects by efficiently balancing multiple truth levels and addressing specific challenges such as judicial process optimization and labor education enhancement. The case study within the article demonstrates the application of Neutrosophic TOPSIS to select the most suitable project for improving labor relations and judicial efficiency in a post-pandemic world. The methodology proved effective in identifying the Digital Platform for Labor Education project as the optimal solution, given its alignment with strategic objectives and potential to handle identified challenges robustly. Future work could integrate Neutrosophic TOPSIS with other decision-making models and expand its application to more complex scenarios, potentially incorporating automated tools for a broader and more dynamic evaluation process.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 42-49, (2024)

Fusion of Centrality Measures with D-OWA in Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps to Develop a Composite Centrality Indicator

Byron J. Chulco Lema , Carlos Javier L. Chapeta , Rosa E. Chuga Quemac , Layal Kallach

This study utilized Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs) integrated with the D-OWA operator to analyze the nutritional rights of pregnant women in Ecuador, with a focus on the crucial role of nutrition education. The innovative application of the D-OWA operator enabled the computation of a composite centrality measure by merging key centrality indicators—degree, closeness, and betweenness—each appropriately weighted according to its relevance to the analysis. This methodology provided a sophisticated evaluation of the factors impacting maternal nutrition, demonstrating how combining various centrality measures offers a deeper and more comprehensive insight into the dynamics of complex systems. The calculated composite centrality measures revealed the system’s intricate structure, pinpointing critical nodes and pathways that could be targeted most effectively through interventions. The findings underscore the significant benefits of using composite centrality measures to enhance decision-making in public health and other sectors characterized by complexity and uncertainty. The potential for refining and expanding this approach in future research suggests that it could be further supported by technological advancements, enabling more efficient analysis and scalability across diverse complex systems.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 50-57, (2024)

Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic

Marcia Esther E. Heredia , Jorge Washigton S. Andachi , Nemis García Arias , Saziye Yaman

The integration of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the Delphi method, and neutrosophic logic provides a powerful framework for complex decision-making, allowing for an enhanced handling of uncertainties and multiple criteria that characterizes many strategic planning and policy formulation scenarios. AHP’s structured approach helps decompose decision-making into manageable sub-problems, while the Delphi method facilitates expert consensus through iterative rounds, enriching the decision-making process with diverse expert insights. The inclusion of neutrosophic logic allows for better representation and processing of uncertainty, offering a flexible way to handle indeterminate and contradictory information. This robust methodology not only improves the precision of decisions but also adapts to the nuanced requirements of multifaceted decision environments. Future research could benefit from integrating these methods with technological advancements like artificial intelligence to automate and optimize the decision-making process further. Applying this integrated approach in various sectors such as healthcare, environmental management, and urban planning could also provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and scalability.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 58-67, (2024)

Study Some Methods To Measure The Reliability System Neutrosophically

Kawther F. Alhasan

Industry has developed greatly nowadays, and it has been accompanied by great complexity in machines and devices. Researches that seeks to obtain high efficiencies for these machines have emerged , such as reliability theory. Due to the verity  and complexity of   the  machines, we resort to using the neutrosophic reliability that includes cases excluded from classical reliability.    The aim of this paper is to define the neutrosophic parallel system and study neutrosophic methods of calculating the neutrosophic  reliability, where the basic concept  neutrosophic adjacency matrix of system  are present by defined neutrosophic adjacency matrix of neutrosophic graph. Two methods for calculate the neutrosophic reliability are defined conformity to neutrosophic logic which are neutrosophic minimal path method and neutrosophic tracing method. some applications have been introduced. 

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 68-79, (2024)

Modeling of Improved Sine Trigonometric Single Valued Neutrosophic Information based Air Pollution Prediction Approach

Afrah Al-Bossly , Shoraim M. H. A. , Amal O. A. Al magdashi , Badr Eldeen A. A. Abouzeed

Industrialization and urbanization air is getting polluted due to human activities. CO, NO, C6H6, etc., are the major air pollutants. The focus of air pollutants in ambient air is controlled by the climatological parameters including wind direction, atmospheric speed of wind, temperature, and humidity. Air pollution prediction is a critical sector where machine learning (ML) technique plays a major role. Its main purpose is to tackle and understand the damaging effects of air pollutants on the environment and human health. By using a range of ML techniques such as neural networks, regression, and decision trees, we could analyze historical data on air quality alongside geographical and meteorological factors. This allows us to design model that could detect patterns and predict pollution levels. By taking proactive measures such as providing timely alerts to the public, adjusting controls on emissions, and, implementing strategies to reduce pollution, we can work towards creating healthier and cleaner environments. Embracing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in air pollution prediction empowers us to protect the well-being of our communities and make informed decisions. Therefore, this study develops an Improved Sine Trigonometric Single Valued Neutrosophic Information based Air Pollution Prediction (ISTSVNI-APP) approach. The major objective of the ISTSVNI-APP technique is to exploit AI concepts with neutrosophic sets (NS) models for the forecasting of air pollution. To do so, the ISTSVNI-APP technique makes use of min-max normalization as the initial preprocessing step. For predicting air pollution, the ISTSVNI-APP technique uses STSVNI approach. To improve the performance of the ISTSVNI-APP technique, modified crow search algorithm (MCSA) is used for the parameter tuning of the STSVNI system. The performance evaluation of the ISTSVNI-APP method is verified utilizing benchmark dataset. The experimental outcomes stated that the ISTSVNI-APP technique gains better performance in predicting air pollution

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 80-93, (2024)

Leveraging Neutrosophic TOPSIS with Artificial Intelligence-Driven Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation for Weather Prediction

Fuad S. Al-Duais , Shoraim M. H. A. , Amal O. A. Al magdashi , Badr Eldeen A. A. Abouzeed

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are powerful, low-pressure weather systems attributed to heavy rainfall and strong winds, and have often resulted in extensive damage to coastal regions. TC intensity prediction, an essential aspect of meteorological forecasting, includes evaluating the strength of the storm to facilitate disaster preparedness and alleviate possible risks. Classical approaches for the prediction of TC intensity rely on different oceanic and atmospheric parameters, but the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, especially those leveraging image data, provides positive breakthroughs in efficiency and accuracy. By harnessing AI techniques like deep learning architectures and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), meteorologists could analyze radar data, satellite imagery, and other visual inputs to distinguish complicated patterns indicative of intensity changes and TC development. This combination of weather science and AI-driven image analysis enables more timely and precise predictions and improves our understanding of TC dynamics, eventually fortifying protection against the impacts of formidable storms. This article introduces Neutrosophic TOPSIS with Artificial Intelligence Driven Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation (NTOPSIS-TCIE) technique for Weather Prediction. The presented NTOPSIS-TCIE technique determines the intensities of the TC which in turn helps to forecast weather. In the NTOPSIS-TCIE technique, median filtering (MF) approach is used to remove the noise in the images. In addition, the features are extracted using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model. To enhance the performance of the CNN model, Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) algorithm is applied. Finally, the NTOPSIS model is employed for the prediction of TC intensities. The performance of the NTOPSIS-TCIE technique can be studied using TC image dataset and the results signify its promising results over other models

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 94-107, (2024)

Rare and Dense Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

Sara Q. khamis , Fatimah M. Mohammed

The purpose of the current paper is study some new concept of sets and called fuzzy neutrosophic rar and fuzzy neutrosophic dense sets in fuzzy neutrosophic opology and investigate some properties. In fact, the subject of fuzzy neutrosophic sets is already conducted by F. M. Mohammed [1-9]. However, the current study illustrates number of notable examples to shed the light on some novel attributes of recently established terms, as well as showing related interactions among these researches.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 108-119, (2024)

A New Neutrosophic Extended Rayliegh Distribution for Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency Across Industrial Sectors: A case study of Al-Kharj region

Fuad S. Al-Duais , Walid Aydi

This paper introduces a new statistical distribution called the Neutrosophic Extended Rayleigh Distribution (NERD), which is specifically developed to handle uncertainty commonly found in industrial applications. We conduct a comprehensive examination of the statistical characteristics of NERD, including important measures such as the quantile function, moments, moment generating function, mean deviation, skewness, kurtosis, reliability measures, uncertainty measures, distributions of order statistics, and L-moments. Parameter estimation is conducted by maximum-likelihood estimation within a neutrosophic framework, guaranteeing resilient inference in practical situations. Through the application of NERD to actual industrial datasets, we evaluate its adaptability and efficiency in simulating industrial processes. A real case study of Al-Kharj region demonstrates the higher performance of NERD. This research highlights the capacity of NERD to greatly improve productivity and efficiency in several industrial sectors.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 120-130, (2024)

Intuitionistic Possibility Fermatean Fuzzy Soft Sets

Shawkat Alkhazaleh , Areen Al-khateeb , Hamzeh Zureigat , Belal Batiha , Rawan Almarashdeh

In this study, we introduce a new concept by making Possibility Fermatean fuzzy soft sets into a more general concept, namely Intuitionistic Possibility Fermatean fuzzy soft sets. We present examples of the application of this theory to a decision-making problem. From a theoretical point of view, we review the basic properties of this model and define the operations essential to its framework. Comprehensive definitions of complement, union, and intersection, as well as AND and OR operations are meticulously presented. As a transition from theory to practical application within this innovative context, we present an algorithm for solving decision-making problems, contributing to the practical implementation of this extended concept. This research aims to improve our understanding of the intuitionistic possibility of Fermatean fuzzy soft sets and to bridge the gap between theoretical advances and their real-world utility in decision-making problems.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 131-146, (2024)

New approach towards (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued set applied to sin trigonometric aggregating operator and its generalization.

V. Vijayalakshmi , S. Sahaya Jude Dhas , T. T. Raman , Aiyared Iampan

We introduce the concept of sine trigonometric (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued set. An identifying sine trigonometric (g1, g2, g3)neutrosophic normal interval valued set is a combination of (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic interval valued set and neutrosophic interval valued set. We communicate the new aggregating operator such as sine trigonometric (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued weighted averaging, sine trigonometric (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued weighted geometric, sine trigonometric generalized (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued weighted averaging and sine trigonometric generalized (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued weighted geometric.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 147-162, (2024)

Foundations of neutrosophic convex structures

Jos´e Sanabria , Ennis Rosas , Elvis Aponte

In this paper an idea of neutrosophic convex structures (briefly, NC-structures) is given and some of their properties are explored. Also, NC-sets, neutrosophic concave sets and neutrosophic convex hull are defined and their properties are investigated. Moreover, the notions of NC-derived operator and NC-base are studied and their relationship to NC-structures are established.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 163-175, (2024)

Abelian subgroups based on neutrosophic sets

Aiyared Iampan , C. Sivakumar , P. Maragatha Meenakshi , N. Rajesh

The notion of a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup of a group is introduced. The characterizations of a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup are investigated. We show that the homomorphic preimage of a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup of a group is a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup, and the onto homomorphic image of a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup of a group is a neutrosophic Abelian subgroup.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 176-186, (2024)

Arithmetic Operations on Generalized Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers

Aslı Guldurdek , G. Yazgı Tutuncu

Fuzzy concepts have been widely used to treat imprecision in many fields of natural and social sciences. In most of the natural science fields such as applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering, triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are commonly used and arithmetic operations on those numbers are studied in detail. On the other hand, in engineering and social science fields such as sociology and psychology, while treating the uncertainties, these numbers are not applicable and fuzzy numbers with more parameters and clear definitions of their arithmetic operations are needed. In order to fill this gap in the literature, in this study we propose the generalized pentagonal fuzzy numbers, and we define fuzzy arithmetic operations based on both extension and the function principle.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 187-197, (2024)

On the Development of Fuzzy Estimators for Life Time Distributions based on Censored Fuzzy Life Times

Mohammad Abiad , Muhammad Shafiq , Syed Habib Shah , Muhammad Atif

Lifetime analyses comprise the techniques dealing with observations obtained from the occurrence of a specified event(s). In most of the situations dealing with lifetime observations, some units are recorded as censored observations. Dealing with censored observations makes these techniques unique. Countless standard statistical tools are available for inference based on censored lifetime observations. These classical techniques consider lifetime observations as precise numbers and ignore the uncertainty of single observations. Whereas in practical applications it is not possible to measure life times as precise numbers, they are always more or less nonprecise. The imprecision in measurements can be covered by neutrosophic set. Fuzzy estimators for life time distributions potentially use neutrosophic system to model and analyze the inherent uncertainties and neutalities present in the data and the parameter estimates. This study aimed to obtain estimators for the Weibull parameters and two exponential parameters based on the up-to-date fuzzy number approach, a special case for neutrosophic set. The suggested estimators incorporate fuzziness in addition to random variation, which makes these estimators more realistic. The same techniques need to be extended to fuzzy and neutrosophic sets.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 198-209, (2024)

Neutrosophic ANFIS Machine Learning Model and Explainable AI Interpretation in Identification of Oral Cancer from Clinical Images

Sakshi Taaresh Khanna , Sunil Kumar Khatri , Neeraj Kumar Sharma

This paper introduces a new Neutrosophic Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System paired with Explainable Artificial Intelligence to classify oral cancer from clinical photos. The ANFIS model’s interpretability and accuracy have been enhanced in resolving challenging medical images by deploying Neutrosophic logic on a 1000-image dataset to solve the word indeterminacy. A combination of Neutrosophic sets addresses ambiguity, enabling an adaptive neuro-fuzzy network to learn from data to accurately classify oral cancer. This exhibits the benefits of fuzzy logic and neural networks in action. The parameters of this model have been changed meticulously to increase sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy toward diagnostic readiness. These results reflect a substantive enhancement in the model’s ability to distinguish between benign and malignant lesions by delivering accurate and understandable diagnostic decisions existence for clinical adoption. AI medical diagnostic confidence increases the understanding of how the model makes decisions. The ideal objective is to develop a strong, dependable, and easy-to-understand tool to diagnose cancer early. The experimentation on this model can be improved as it may lead to real-time testing, more data for the testing dataset, and using how many types of cancer the model can be applied.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 198-221, (2024)

Applying Neutrosophic Chi-Square Test and Social Structures to Analyze Gender Parity

Ketty M. Moscoso-Paucarchuco , Michael R. Vásquez-Ramírez , Percy T. Avila-Zanabria , Kathy L. Javier-Palacios , Paul C. Calderon-Fernandez

This paper examines the disparities in job opportunities and social prosperity based on gender within Peruvian universities, particularly focusing on the Universidad Peruana Los Andes during 2021-2022. Utilizing Neutrosophic Social Structures and the Neutrosophic 2-tuples Technique, we statistically analyze the entrenched biases that categorize careers by gender, contributing to power imbalances and unequal employment rates between men and women. By modeling student data through intervals or neutrosophic numbers as per Smarandache's theory, we address the unique engagement of each student with their academic environment. Neutrosophic contingency tables are employed to present this data, and a neutrosophic chi-square test is applied to examine the correlation between students' gender and their major fields of study, which include Administrative and Accounting Sciences, Health Sciences, Law and Political Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and Pedagogical Sciences. This neutrosophic approach allows for a nuanced understanding of the indeterminate and complex nature of social phenomena, providing a clearer insight into gender parity in academic professional development.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 22-228, (2024)

Neutrosophic Social Structures and Neutrosophic 2-tuples Technique for Studying Labor Insertion and Gender Inequality

Michael R. Vásquez-Ramírez , Ketty M. Moscoso-Paucarchuco , Percy T. Avila-Zanabria , Omar A. Vivanco-Nuñez , Paul C. Calderon-Fernandez

This study explores the dynamics of job placement and gender inequality at the Universidad Peruana Los Andes in Huancayo, Peru, with a focus on the application of neutrosophic methods. Recognizing the nuanced differences in professional opportunities for men and women, we employ the Smarandachean theory of neutrosophic social structures to examine these disparities. During 2021-2022, we conducted surveys among university graduates, utilizing the 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic model to measure their satisfaction levels. This approach, grounded in neutrosophy, allows for a more precise capture of the participants' thoughts and feelings by effectively incorporating the inherent indeterminacies of social phenomena. The use of these neutrosophic tools provides a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between job placement and gender in professional settings.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 229-236, (2024)

Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Binary Set And Its Properties

A. Anit Yoha , M. Jaslin Melbha

This study aims to propose a new kind of set, which we refer to as Pentapartitioned neutrosophic binary set. Additionally, we prove some of its basic properties.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 237-245, (2024)

Enhancing Cybersecurity in Financial Services using Single Value Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Expert Set

Alsadig Ahmed

Cybersecurity has become a primary concern as the financial sectors generally handle increasing cyber-attacks and an increasing danger of financial crime. Recently, ransomware attacks have intensified, affecting enterprises, and crucial infrastructure worldwide. Ransomware employs sophisticated encryption techniques to encrypt data on the targeted device, then requests payment for decrypting the data. Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches involving ML were progressively employed in the domain of cybersecurity and significantly subsidized to preventing and detecting variety of threats. On the other hand, the several researchers that employed ML to identify ransomware are still constrained by the accuracy of models, the complication of malware, the high false-positive rate, and the lack of setting up the appropriate analysis environment. Therefore, there is a need to design efficient ransomware detection based on ML algorithms. This work introduces a modified Single Value Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Expert Set (M-SVNFSES) technique for cyberattack detection. The main purpose of the M-SVNFSES system is to detect and recognize the existence of cyberattacks in the financial sectors. In the M-SVNFSES technique, min-max normalization is used as an initial pre-processing stage. For the identification of cyberattacks in the financial sectors, the M-SVNFSES technique uses the SVNFSES model. To enhance its performance, the M-SVNFSES technique makes use of a bat optimization algorithm (BOA). The performance of the M-SVNFSES methodology was extensively studied using financial datasets. The experimental outcomes depicted that the M-SVNFSES method reaches optimal detection performance in attack detection process

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 246-257, (2024)

Modelling of Green Human Resource Management using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Approach

Alsadig Ahmed , Mamoun Badawy , Gubarah Farah Gubarah

Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) state a determination of the association using crossing points of employees to stimulate environment performance activity, increase the employee awareness and sustainable activities, consequently, increasing the employee awareness towards environmental challenges.  The hotel industry is developing quickly in emerging nations owing to an upsurge in the tourism business; but, conversely, the hotel industry is mainly growing the problem of the environment. As a result, owing to the enormous amount of conservation problems that hotel business has faced, there is a growing potency to pay an accurate response to environmental problems and performing sustainable industry performance like the adoption of GHRM practice provides a win-win situation for its stakeholders and the organization. Accordingly, it indicates the requirement to scrutinize how GHRM performs will augment the environment in the hotel business. This manuscript models the design of GHRM using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean (GHRM-PNBM) approach. The presented GHRM-PNBM method objectives are to evaluate the limitation of hotel GRHM. Moreover, the presented technique constructs an expert system analysis technique for assessing the performance of hotel GHRM. Adaptive optimization of hotel GHRM assessment can be done using the PNBM technique, and the parameter selection method can be done using Quasi-Oppositional-Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (QTLBO) method. The empirical analysis reports that the performance calculation of hotel GHRM has good confidence level and high accuracy

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 258-267, (2024)

A New Paradigm for Decision Making under Uncertainty in Signature Forensics Applications based on Neutrosophic Rule Engine

Oday Ali Hassen , Shahlaa Mashhadani , Iptehaj Alhakam , Saad M. Darwish

One of the most popular and legally recognized behavioral biometrics is the individual's signature, which is used for verification and identification in many different industries, including business, law, and finance. The purpose of the signature verification method is to distinguish genuine from forged signatures, a task complicated by cultural and personal variances. Analysis, comparison, and evaluation of handwriting features are performed in forensic handwriting analysis to establish whether or not the writing was produced by a known writer. In contrast to other languages, Arabic makes use of diacritics, ligatures, and overlaps that are unique to it. Due to the absence of dynamic information in the writing of Arabic signatures, it will be more difficult to attain greater verification accuracy. On the other hand, the characteristics of Arabic signatures are not very clear and are subject to a great deal of variation (features’ uncertainty). To address this issue, the suggested work offers a novel method of verifying offline Arabic signatures that employs two layers of verification, as opposed to the one level employed by prior attempts or the many classifiers based on statistical learning theory. A static set of signature features is used for layer one verification. The output of a neutrosophic logic module is used for layer two verification, with the accuracy depending on the signature characteristics used in the training dataset and on three membership functions that are unique to each signer based on the degree of truthiness, indeterminacy, and falsity of the signature features. The three memberships of the neutrosophic set are more expressive for decision-making than those of the fuzzy sets. The purpose of the developed model is to account for several kinds of uncertainty in describing Arabic signatures, including ambiguity, inconsistency, redundancy, and incompleteness. The experimental results show that the verification system works as intended and can successfully reduce the FAR and FRR.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 268-282, (2024)

Neutrosophic Fuzzy Interval Sets and its Extension through MCDM and Applications in E-Management

A. Manshath , K. Rajesh , M. Logeshwari , R. Saranya

we are introducing the model-type operators over Interval-Valued Fuzzy Neutrosophic Sets with time moments [IVFNS] and learn a few of their properties with numerical examples to demonstrate the defined operations and operators. Also introduce various distance measures over the extension of interval neutrosophic sets as well as apply the introduced measures in ecological management in this direct to decide the type of corrosion disturbing some towns for valuable management to be taken, using this normalized distance measures. The extensions of neutrosophic connection values and non-connection values be not used for all time probable positive to our fulfillment, but this concept IVTNFS part has more significant responsibility at this point since the time progress with IVN-fuzzy sets provide the accurate solution in factual situations similarly, conclusion making, career deciding and so on. This is the main reason for taking in the extensions of neutrosophic sets.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 283-292, (2024)

ODESMAN: Optimizing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Logic for Advanced System Modeling

Shaik Khaja Mohiddin , Abdul Ahad , N. Murugavalli , V. Kavitha , S. Venkata Suryanarayana , M. Sundar Raj

Within the domain of complex systems, inherent uncertainties, and ambiguities that traditional models frequently find difficult to handle pose a constant challenge to decision-making. To dramatically improve decision-making frameworks, this study presents a novel methodology called "ODESMAN," which synergistically integrates fuzzy logic with neutrosophic sets. Neutrosophic sets, on the other hand, allow one to express the degrees of truth, untruth, and indeterminacy as shifts rather than fixed points. Therefore, their use is more elegant than the existing methods offered. The implementation of fuzzy logic into such sets may provide a high level of effectiveness in managing uncertainty, which can be predicted and quantified. For example, the model allows accounting for uncertainty in the system inputs and processes up to 20%, the variability of truth values 10-50%, and the overall uncertainty 15-30%. The application of the model in practice, specifically in the emergency response, and the supply chain system permitted achieving a 40% increase in flexibility capacity and a 25% improvement in decision-making approaches compared to the traditional frameworks. Therefore, the practical strength and broad utility of the model can be proved, which validates its efficiency and allows broad implementation of this complex theoretical framework into the existing systems.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 293-302, (2024)

Applied Linguistics Driven Deceptive Content Recognition using Single Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number with Natural Language Processing

Abdulkhaleq Q. A. Hassan

Single valued neutrosophic number is a special case of single valued neutrosophic set and are of importance for neutrosophic multi-attribute decision making problem. A single valued neutrosophic number seems to define an ill-known quantity as a generalization of intuitionistic number. Applied linguistics in the context of Natural Language Processing (NLP) comprises the practical applications of linguistic approaches for addressing real time language processing issues. Social media become indispensable components in many people’s lives and have been growing rapidly. In the meantime, social networking media have become a widespread source of identity deception. Several social media identity deception cases have appeared presently. The research was performed to detect and prevent deception. Identifying deceptive content in natural language is significant to combat misrepresentation. Leveraging forward-thinking NLP methods, our model contextual cues analyze linguistic patterns, and semantic inconsistencies to flag possibly deceptive contents. By assimilating complex procedures for parameter optimization, feature extraction, and classification, the NLP focused on precisely recognizing deceptive content through different digital platforms, which contributes to the preservation of data integrity and the promotion of digital literacy. This study presents a Single Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number with Natural Language Processing for Deceptive Content Recognition (STVNNLP-DCR) technique on Social Media. The presented technique includes four important elements: preprocessing, GloVe word embedding, STVN classification, and Chicken Swarm Optimization (CSO) for parameter tuning. The preprocessing stage includes tokenization and text normalization, preparing text information for succeeding analysis. Then, GloVe word embedding represents the word in a continuous vector space, which captures contextual relationships and semantic similarities. The STVN classifier deploys the embedding to discern deceptive patterns within the text, leveraging its capability to effectively manage high-dimensional and sparse datasets. Moreover, the CSO technique enhances the hyperparameter of the STVN classifier, improving its generalization capabilities and performance. Empirical analysis implemented on varied datasets validates the efficacy of the presented technique in precisely recognizing deceptive content. Comparative studies with advanced approaches demonstrate high efficiency. The presented technique shows robustness against different forms of deceptive content, such as clickbait, misinformation, and propaganda

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 303-316, (2024)

Design of Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set VIKOR Method for Hedge Fund Return Prediction

Fadoua Kouki

The theory of neutrosophic hypersoft set (NHSS) is an appropriate extension of the neutrosophic soft set to precisely measure the uncertainty, anxiety, and deficiencies in decision-making and is a parameterized family that handles sub-attributes of the parameters. In contrast to recent studies, NHSS could accommodate more uncertainty, which is the essential procedures to describe fuzzy data in the decision-making method. Hedge funds are financial funds, finance institutions that increase funds from stockholders and accomplish them. Usually, they try to make certain predictions and work with the time sequence dataset. A hedge fund is heterogeneous in its investment strategies and invests in a different resource class with various return features. Furthermore, hedge fund strategy is idiosyncratic and proprietary to the hedge fund manager, and the correct skills of fund managers are not visible to the stockholders. These reasons, united, make hedge fund selection a complex task for the stockholders. Different techniques have been analyzed to select the portfolio of hedge funds for investment. Machine-learning (ML) models employed used for performing individual hedge fund selection within hedge fund style classifications and forecasting hedge fund returns. Therefore, this study designs a new Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set VIKOR Model for Hedge Fund Return Prediction (SVNHSS-HFRP) technique. The presented SVNHSS-HFRP technique aims to forecast the hedge fund returns proficiently. In the SVNHSS-HFRP technique, two stages of operations are involved. At the initial stage, the SVNHSS-HFRP technique, the SVNHSS is used for forecasting the hedge funds. Next, in the second stage, the moth flame optimization (MFO) system is applied to optimally choose the parameter values of the SVNHSS model. The performance validation of the SVNHSS-HFRP model is verified on a benchmark dataset. The experimental values highlighted that the SVNHSS-HFRP technique reaches better performance than existing techniques

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Vol. 24 Issue. 2 PP. 317-327, (2024)