International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Thinking on Thinking: The Elementary forms of Mental Life Neutrosophical representation as enabling cognitive heuristics

Philippe Schweizer

Beyond the predominant paradigm of an essentially rational human cognition, based on the classical binary logic, we want to propose some reflections that are organized around the intuition that the representations we have of the world are weighted with appreciations, for example affective ones. resulting from our integration into a social environment. We see these connotations as essentially ternary in nature, depending on the concepts underlying neutrosophy: either positive, negative or neutral. This form of representation would then influence the very nature of the cognitive process, which in complex real-world situations, has to deal with problems of a combinatorial nature leading to a number of cases too large for our abilities. Forced to proceed by shortcuts on the basis of heuristics, cognition would use these assessments of the representations it manipulates to decide whether partial solutions are attractive for solving the problem or on the contrary are judged negative and are then quickly rejected. There is still the case of a neutral weighting that allows processing to continue. Thus a neutrosophical conception of our representations of the world explains how our cognition functions in its treatment of combinatorial problems in the form of producing processing accelerating heuristics, both in terms of partial solutions selection and processing optimization.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 2 PP. 63-71, (2020)

How we can extend the standard deviation notion with neutrosophic interval and quadruple neutrosophic numbers

V. Christianto , F. Smarandache , M. Aslam

During scientific demonstrating of genuine specialized framework we can meet any sort and rate model vulnerability. Its reasons can be incognizance of modelers or information mistake. In this way, characterization of vulnerabilities, as for their sources, recognizes aleatory and epistemic ones. The aleatory vulnerability is an inalienable information variety related with the researched framework or its condition. Epistemic one is a vulnerability that is because of an absence of information on amounts or procedures of the framework or the earth [7]. Right now, we examine fourfold neutrosophic numbers and their potential application for practical displaying of physical frameworks, particularly in the unwavering quality evaluation of engineering structures. Contribution: we propose to extend the notion of standard deviation to by using symbolic quadruple operator.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 2 PP. 72-76, (2020)

Refined Neutrosophic Rings I

E.O. Adeleke , A.A.A. Agboola , F. Smarandache

The notion of neutrosophic ring R(I) generated by the ring R and the indeterminacy component I was introduced for the first time in the literature by Vasantha Kandasamy and Smarandache in.12 Since then, fur-ther studies have been carried out on neutrosophic ring, neutrosophic nearring and neutrosophic hyperring see.1, 3, 4, 6–8 Recently, Smarandache10 introduced the notion of refined neutrosophic logic and neutrosophic set with the splitting of the neutrosophic components < T, I, F > into the form < T1, T2, . . . , Tp; I1, I2, . . . , Ir; F1, F2, . . . , Fs > where Ti, Ii, Fi can be made to represent different logical notions and concepts. In,11 Smarandache introduced refined neutrosophic numbers in the form (a, b1I1, b2I2, . . . , bnIn) where a, b1, b2, . . . , bn ∈ R or C. The concept of refined neutrosophic algebraic structures was introduced by Agboola in5 and in particular, refined neutrosophic groups and their substructures were studied. The present paper is devoted to the study of refined neutrosophic rings and their substructures. It is shown that every refined neutrosophic ring is a ring. For the purposes of this paper, it will be assumed that I splits into two indeterminacies I1 [contradiction (true (T) and false (F))] and I2 [ignorance (true (T) or false (F))]. It then follows logically that:

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Vol. 2 Issue. 2 PP. 77-81, (2020)

On αω-closed sets and its connectedness in terms of neutrosophic topological spaces

M. Parimala , M. Karthika , Florentin Smarandache , Said Broumi

The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of neutrosophic αω-closed sets and study some of the prop-erties of neutrosophic αω-closed sets. Further, we investigated neutrosophic αω- continuity, neutrosophic αω-irresoluteness, neutrosophic αω connectedness and neutrosophic contra αω continuity along with exam-ples.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 2 PP. 82-88, (2020)

Refined Neutrosophic Rings II

E.O. Adeleke , A.A.A. Agboola , F. Smarandache

This paper is the continuation of the work started in the paper titled “Refined Neutrosophic Rings I”. In the present paper, we study refined neutrosophic ideals and refined neutrosophic homomorphisms along their elementary properties. It is shown that if R = Z(I1, I2) is a refined neutrosophic ring of integers and J = nZ(I1, I2) is a refined neutrosophic ideal of R, then R/J Zn(I1, I2).

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Vol. 2 Issue. 2 PP. 89-94, (2020)