International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

On the Characterization of Some m-Plithogenic Vector Spaces and Their AH-Substructures Under the Condition 6 ≤ dim SPV ≤10

Ibraheem Abu Falahah , Abdallah Al-Husban , Mutaz M. Abbas Ali , Ahmed A. Alsaraireh , Amani Shatarah , Norah Mousa Alrayes

This paper is concerned with studying symbolic m-plithogenic vector spaces with finite orders between 6 and 10, where it defines and characterizes the AH-subspaces, AH-kernels, and AH- linear transformations in five different symbolic m-plithogenic spaces (6-plithogenic, 7-plithogenic,10-plithogenic vector spaces). Also, we prove many theorems that describe the computation of the kernels and direct images of the plithogenic AH-linear transformations.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 3 PP. 258-267, (2024)

Applied Linguistics driven Artificial Intelligence for Automated Sentiment Detection and Classification

Abdulkhaleq Q. A. Hassan

The widespread dissemination of World Wide Web has paved the way to express individual sentiments. Also, it is a medium with a massive quantity of data where the user can view the opinions of other users that are categorized into dissimilar sentimental classes and are growing increasingly as a major aspect in decision making. Sentiment analysis (SA) is a method utilized in natural language processing (NLP) that defines the emotion or sentiment formulated in the text portion. SA method is often performed on text datasets to assist in accepting client requirements, businesses monitoring brands, and product sentiment in customer feedback. SA is the challenging and most common complication in artificial intelligence (AI). It applies automated mechanisms to identify physiological information namely feelings, thoughts, and attitudes shown in text and indicated through blogs, social networks, and news. This manuscript develops Applied Linguistics driven Artificial Intelligence for Automated Sentiment Detection and Classification (ALAI-ASDC) technique. The preprocessing stage includes tokenizing and cleaning textual information, followed by encoder words into vector representation using pretrained GloVe embeddings. This embedding captures semantic similarities between words, which provides an abundant depiction of textual information for SA. Integrating single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert set (SVNFSES) improves the SA method by addressing imprecision, uncertainty, and ambiguity inherent in text sentiment expression. FNS enables the representation of linguistic variables with degrees of truth, falsity, and indeterminacy, allowing a nuanced understanding of sentiment polarity. Moreover, the Hybrid Jelly Particle Swarm Optimization (HJPSO) is applied for the parameter tuning of the SA technique. Enhancing the performance of the SA model. Empirical analysis illustrates the efficiency of the presented technique in precisely categorizing sentiment polarity in different textual datasets

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Vol. 24 Issue. 3 PP. 08-20, (2024)

Bankruptcy Prediction using Diophantine Neutrosophic Number for Enterprise Resource Planning on Value of Accounting Information

Adeeb Alhebri , Gubarah Farah Gubarah , Abdulkarim Alsayegh , Radwan Hussien Alkebssi , Mohammed Al-Matari

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is paramount in modern business, integrating many fundamental processes such as human resources, economics, customer relationship management, and supply chain management into a comprehensive infrastructure. Leveraging the wide-ranging data apprehended by ERP techniques, an organization could improve its financial analysis abilities, involving bankruptcy prediction. By using analytics methods like predictive modeling and machine learning, the ERP system could examine market trends, historical financial information, key performance indicators, and other related factors to evaluate the financial stability and health of the company. This prediction insight empowers businesses to vigorously detect advanced indicators of financial distress, alleviate risks, and make informed strategic decisions to avoid bankruptcy. Integrating bankruptcy prediction techniques within the ERP system allows organizations to reinforce contingency strategies, financial planning, and risk management, protecting long-term competitiveness and sustainability in a dynamic business environment. This study introduces a Bankruptcy Prediction using the Diophantine Neutrosophic Number for Enterprise Resource Planning (BPDNN-ERP) technique on the value of accounting information. The BPDNN-ERP technique begins with a harmony search algorithm (HSA) for electing feature subsets. In addition, the BPDNN-ERP technique applies the DNN model for the prediction of bankruptcies. To increase the performance of the DNN model, the manta ray foraging optimization (MRFO) model can be used. The experimental study demonstrated the enhanced performance of the BPDNN-ERP algorithm equated to existing forecasting methods

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Vol. 24 Issue. 3 PP. 21-33, (2024)

Integrating N‐person Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Games with Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for Cloud Storage with Accounting Information Systems

Adam Mohamed Omer , Abdulkarim Alsayegh

Neutrosophic logic is founded on non-standard evaluation. In neutrosophic set (NS), the computation of indefiniteness is explicit, while the membership of truth, falsity, and indeterminacy are non-reliable. Recently, various attractive game theory application is extended by entrenching the fuzzy set logic. The accounting data analysis has to contribute the innovativeness. This includes various characteristics. It applies billions of individuals in the business to develop and design novel products until the sale managing of the enormous sales staff. While cloud storage provides flexibility and scalability, it also comes with related costs, involving data transfer fees, subscription fees, and storage costs. Optimizing and managing cloud storage costs associated with business needs and budgetary constraints is crucial. Cloud-based AIS decreases the necessity for localized infrastructure and hardware, oscillating rate from capital to operational expenditure. This enables organizations to pay only for the used resource, resulting in economic efficiencies. Incorporating cloud technology into accounting information systems (AIS) provides several advantages. To increase the capability of accounting data statistics and analysis, this article introduces an N‐person intuitionistic neutrosophic soft game with Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NINSG-NCM) for cloud storage with AIS. The NINSG-NCM technique considered a contemporary accounting data analysis is built based on the block bit sequence evaluation technique and extracts the association rule representative amount of accounting data. Integrated with cloud computing (CC) framework, the NINSG-NCM method is proposed, and the NCM clustering technique is used for realizing the modern accounting data clustering, and the NINSG method could enhance the capability of statistical analysis and parallel computing of accounting data. Lastly, salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is applied for hyperparameter tuning method. The experimental outcomes illustrate that the designed intelligent data evaluation technique makes the parallel computing efficacy high and the statistical evaluation capability of accounting data better.

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Vol. 24 Issue. 3 PP. 34-44, (2024)

Interval-valued Fermatean Neutrosophic Graph with Grey Wolf Optimization for Sarcasm Recognition on Microblogging Data

Abdulkhaleq Q. A. Hassan

Game theory is more popular in competitive situations due to its importance in decision making. Several kinds of fuzzy sets can manage uncertainty in matrix games. Neutrosophic set theory has been instrumental in investigating ambiguity, complexity, inconsistency, and incompleteness in real-time issues. Nowadays, sarcastic comments on social media have become a general tendency. Sarcasm is frequently used by individuals to pester or taunt others. It is often conveyed via inflection, tonal stress in speech, or lexical, hyperbolic, and pragmatic features existing in the text. Sentiment Analysis (SA) is regarded as the data mining targets of sentiment organization of the client's criticisms obtainable in textual form. Sarcasm is a form of speech that states an individual's downside feeling through a positive term. Labeling sarcasm in characters is a dynamic task for Natural Language Processing to evade the misconception of sarcastic speeches as a verbatim declaration. The outcome of these kinds of sarcastic speeches is hard for the people and machines. Sarcasm has a considerable influence on the efficacy of SA techniques that are impacted by mendacious sentiments that frequently belong to sarcastic classes. This study introduces an Interval-valued Fermatean Neutrosophic Graph with Grey Wolf Optimization for Sentiment Analysis (IFeNG-GWOSA) on Microblogging Data. The IFeNG-GWOSA technique includes a sarcasm detection technique that categorizes words in sarcastic or non-sarcastic form. The initial phase is preprocessing, where the tokenization and stop word removal are implemented. Then, the preprocessed data is subjected to feature extraction, where the BERT word embedding is applied. The IFeNG model is used for sarcasm detection, and the grey wolf optimizer (GWO) generates its parameter selection technique. Lastly, the efficiency of the presented technique is compared with existing approaches under different measures

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Vol. 24 Issue. 3 PP. 45-55, (2024)