International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 24 , Issue 3 , PP: 165-171, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal

Mourad Oqla Massa’deh 1 * , Ahlam omar Fallatah 2

  • 1 Department of Applied science, Ajloun collage, Al-Balqa Applied university, P. O. Box 26816, Jordan - (
  • 2 Taibah University, College of Science, Department of Mathematics, Madinah, Saudi Arabia - (
  • Doi:

    Received: October 21, 2023 Revised: February 02, 2024 Accepted: May 14, 2024

    In this article, homomorphism and anti-homomorphism bipolar valued multi normal fuzzy HX subgroup of a HX group is studied, discussed and their properties are introduced. The theorems presented in this article are considered a generalization of what has been publishedthrough the concept of fuzzy sets. As the concept of fuzzy sets was introduced by Zadeh in 1965, after that this concept, we expanded into more than one types, intuitionistic fuzzy set, bipolar fuzzy sets, tripolar fuzzy set, and bipolar valued multi fuzzy set are one of this.

    Keywords :

    Fuzzy sets , bipolar valued fuzzy set , bipolar valued multi fuzzy set , bipolar valued multi fuzzy HX subgroup , bipolar valued multi fuzzy normal HX subgroup homomorphism , antihomomorphism.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Oqla, Mourad. , omar, Ahlam. Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 165-171. DOI:
    Oqla, M. omar, A. (2024). Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 165-171. DOI:
    Oqla, Mourad. omar, Ahlam. Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2024): 165-171. DOI:
    Oqla, M. , omar, A. (2024) . Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 165-171 . DOI:
    Oqla M. , omar A. [2024]. Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 165-171. DOI:
    Oqla, M. omar, A. "Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 165-171, 2024. DOI: