Volume 24 , Issue 2 , PP: 30-41, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
N. Angel 1 , Sulbha Raorane 2 , N. Ramila Gandhi 3 , R. Priya 4 , P. Pandiammal 5 , Nivetha Martin 6 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.240203
The theory of Plithogeny is primarily attribute based. Plithogenic Sociogram (PS) and Plithogenic cognitive maps (PCM) are distinct decision-making approaches developed to deal with attributes. This paper proposes an integrated decision-making model combining the approaches of PS with PCM and this sets the beginning of new genre of PCM. The development of this model is applied in investigating the association between the factors pertinent to the promotion of sustainable industries. This work also compares the working of the proposed integrated model of PCM with PS and the independent working of PCM model. The results are more promising to the proposed integrated approach and this paper strongly emphasises the efficacy of this hybrid approach. The blended model of PCM with PS is efficient in handling complex decision circumstances and this approach shall be extended to other kinds of Plithogenic representations.
Plithogenic Cognitive Maps , Plithogenic Sociogram , Integrated decision-making approach , Sustainable industries
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