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Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management
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Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering
The Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things: A quick review
Authenticating IoT Devices issues based on Blockchain
A Novel Fuzzy Bat Based Ambulance Detection and Traffic Counting Approach
Implicit Authentication Approach by Generating Strong Password through Visual Key Cryptography
Red Palm Weevil Detection Methods: A Survey
Data Mining Algorithms for Kidney Disease Stages Prediction
Implementation of Crowd Sale using ERC-20 Tokens
Energy Efficiency Techniques in Heterogeneous Networks
Empirical Study of Function Point Analysis during Software Development Phase
A Validation Model for ERP systems
Energy efficient Laser based embedded system for blind turn traffic control
A novel approach for Spam Email Filtering Using Machine Learning
Pre-Cursor microRNAs from Different Species classification based on features extracted from the image
Incremental Research on Cyber Security metrics in Android applications by implementing the ML algorithms in Malware Classification and Detection
Security Challenges for IoT Based Applications & Solutions Using Fog Computing: A Survey
Cyber Attacks Evaluation Targeting Internet Facing IoT: An Experimental Evaluation
Cyber Attacks Evaluation Targeting Internet Facing IoT: An Experimental Evaluation
Systematic Literature Review on Quantum Cryptography
A Proposed Predictive Model for Business Telemarketing Information Management
A Lightweight Privacy Preserving Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing
K-means Clustering Analysis of Crimes on Indian Women
Security and Privacy Challenges in Cloud Computing: A Review
A Web Based Document Encryption Application Software for Information Security in Tertiary Institutions
PARUDroid: Validation of Android Malware Detection Dataset
Survey on Deep Learning Approaches for Aspect Level Opinion Mining
A review into the evolution of HIPAA in response to evolving technological environments
A review on Privacy-Preserving Data Preprocessing
An Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol using Enhanced Rain Optimization Algorithm in Mobile Adhoc Networks
A Systematic Review of Privacy Preserving Healthcare Data Sharing on Blockchain
HomeTec Software for Security Aspects of Smart Home Devices Based on IoT
Information Security Assessment in Big Data Environment using Fuzzy Logic
Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology
A Study of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Used in Pandemic Covid-19 For Healthcare Monitoring Services
Analysis of Various Credit Card Fraud Detection Techniques
A Novel Artificial Face Mask based Nanofibers with Special Intelligent Engineered Nanocomposite Against Covid-19
Managing a Secure JSON Web Token Implementation By Handling Cryptographic Key Management for JWT Signature in REST API: : A survey
Image Classification Based On CNN: A Survey
Explaining feature detection Mechanisms: A Survey
Parasitic overview on different key management schemes for protection of Patients Health Records
An Efficient Smartphone Assisted Indoor Localization with Tracking Approach using Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Impact of Cyber Attack on Saudi Aramco
Audit, Validation, Verification and Assessment for Safety and Security Standards
Smart Model for Securing Software Defined Networks
A New Chaos-based Approach for Robust Image Encryption
BioPay: A Secure Payment Gateway through Biometrics
An Optimal Teaching and Learning based Optimization with Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption for Image Security
Intelligent Feature Subset Selection with Machine Learning based Risk Management for DAS Prediction
Modeling of Deep Learning based Intrusion Detection System in Internet of Things Environment
An Efficient Machine Learning based Cervical Cancer Detection and Classification
Modeling of Optimal Adaptive Weighted Clustering Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
A Novel Hybrid Bio-Inspiration Technique for Service Composition
Utilizing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in IoT Smart Applications
Deep Learning Model for Digital Sales Increasing and Forecasting: Towards Smart E-Commerce
An Artificial Intelligence-based Intrusion Detection System
Cybersecurity in Networking Devices
Design of Optimal Machine Learning based Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection Systems
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning based Botnet Detection and Classification Models for Information Security
A Novel Image Encryption with Deep Learning Model for Secure Content based Image Retrieval
Mitigating DDoS Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks using Heuristic Feature Selection with Deep Learning Model
Mitigating Hot Spot Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks using Political Optimizer Based Unequal Clustering Technique
Advancements in Encryption Techniques for Enhanced Data Security Over Cloud
Dragonfly Algorithm with Gated Recurrent Unit for Cybersecurity in Social Networking
An investigation into the effect of cybersecurity on attack prevention strategies
History, Present 2021 and Future of Cyber Attacks
Detecting Image Spam on Social Media Platforms Using Deep Learning Techniques
A Comprehensive Analysis of Cyber Security Protection Approaches for Financial Firms: A Case of Al Rajhi Bank, Saudi Arabia
Brain Storm Optimization with Long Short Term Memory Enabled Phishing Webpage Classification for Cybersecurity
An Intelligent Spatial Military Intrusion Detection using Reactive Mobility Unmanned Vehicles Based on IoT and metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm
A Framework for creating a Safety and Security Management System (SSMS)
Trust Aware Aquila Optimizer based Secure Data Transmission for Information Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
An analytical approach for evaluating sustainable supply chain solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Benefits and better explanations
Re-Evaluating the Necessity of Third-Party Antivirus Software on Windows Operating System
Machine Learning-based Information Security Model for Botnet Detection
Detection and Classification of Malware Using Guided Whale Optimization Algorithm for Voting Ensemble
A Novel Intrusion Detection Framework (IDF) using Machine Learning Methods
An Enhanced Hybrid Chaotic Technique for Protecting Medical Images
Chaos Based Stego Color Image Encryption
Coded DCO-OFDM Techniques in Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection (IM/DD) Systems
Securing the Internet of Things (IoT) with Blockchain: A Proof-of-Concept Implementation and Analysis
A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Deepfake Videos: An Investigation of Feature Extraction Techniques
Enhancing Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing through a Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Approach
A Comprehensive Study of Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures: Strategies for Mitigating Risks in the Digital Age
A Neutrosophic Proposed Model for Evaluation Blockchain Technology in Secure Enterprise Distributed Applications
Information Security Management Framework for Cloud Computing Environments
Managing Information Security Risks in the Age of IoT
A Deep Learning Framework for Securing IoT Against Malwares
Guardians of the IoT Galaxy: Using Deep Learning to Secure IoT Networks Against Botnet Attacks
Securing the IoT: An Efficient Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Network
Detecting In-Vehicle Attacks with Deep Learning: An Applied Approach
The Cost of Progress: Exploring Privacy Nightmares for AI in Precision Medicine
Data Driven Machine Learning For Fault Detection And Classification In Binary Distillation Column
Machine Learning framework for Information Security Management in Big Data Applications
Balancing Security and Information Management in the Digital Workplace
Data Security in Healthcare Systems: Integration of Information Security and Information Management
Securing Information Management in Collaborative Environments Using Machine Learning
A Proposed Blockchain based System for Secure Data Management of Computer Networks
An Improved Image Encryption Consuming Fusion Transmutation and Edge Operator
Lightweight Symmetric Encryption and Attribute Based Encryption Method to Increase Information Safety in Wireless Sensor Network
An Encrypted Rules and Extreme Learning Machine Approach for Enhancement of Data Security
A Concentrated Energy Consumption Wireless Sensor Network by Symmetric Encryption and Attribute Based Encryption Technique
An Upgraded Data Security Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Aggregate Signature Method in Wireless Sensor Network
An Improved Analysis of Secured Permutation and Substitution based Image Encryption
Cybersecurity Detection Model using Machine Learning Techniques
An Effective FOG Computing Based Distributed Forecasting of Cyber-Attacks in Internet of Things
Improved Method for Enhanced Quality of Service in IoHT Task Dependency Optimization
Maximizing Anomaly Detection Performance in Next-Generation Networks
Transforming Healthcare Infrastructure for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Privacy
Unraveling the Decision-making Process Interpretable Deep Learning IDS for Transportation Network Security
Protecting Smart Home from Cybersecurity Threats Strategies for Homeowners
On a Generalization of RSA Crypto-system By Using 2-Cyclic Refined Integers
Blockchain Meets Edge Intelligence for Smart Cities Sustainability: An Insightful Review and Prospective Analysis
An Improved K-Means Clustering Process Solicitation for Mine Blood Donors Information
Securing the Future of Digital Marketing through Advanced Cybersecurity Approaches and Consumer Data Protection Privacy and Regulatory Compliance
A Context-Aware Internet of Things (IoT) founded Approach to Scheming an Operative Priority-Based Scheduling Algorithms
Pioneering Security: A Hybrid Logic Framework for the Future of IoT Protection
Utilizing Asymmetric Cryptography and Advanced Hashing Algorithms for Securing Communication Channels in IoT Networks Against Cyber Espionage
Optimizing Intrusion Detection Mechanisms for IoT Network Security
A Comprehensive Approach to Cyberattack Detection in Edge Computing Environments
Enhancing K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks through Stochastic Fractal Search and Particle Swarm Optimization
A Hybrid Intrusion Detection Approach for Cyber Attacks
Enhanced Intrusion Detection Using Stacked FT-Transformer Architecture
Optimizing AI-Based Automated Security Patch Deployment in IoT Devices to Combat Zero-Day Exploits and Advanced Cyber Attacks
Development of Digital Twin Technology in Hydraulics Based on Simulating and Enhancing System Performance
Boosting Financial Fraud Detection Using Parameter Tuned Ensemble Machine Learning Model
Discovering Unknown Non-Consecutive Double Byte Biases in RC4 Stream Cipher Algorithm
Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences
Link-Based Xcorr Normalization and Attention Mechanism for Predicting the Threats over the Network Model
Hybridization of Deep Sequential Network for Emotion Recognition Using Unconstraint Video Analysis
Modelling an Improved Swarm Optimizer and Boosted Quantile Estimator For Malicious Flow Monitoring And Prediction In Network
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm
Prediction of Skin Lesions Using Integrated Multi-Layered Network Model with Baseline Learning Approaches
Insider Threat Detection: Exploring User Event Behavior Analytics and Machine Learning in Security Reviews
Computational genetic epidemiology: Leveraging HPC for large-scale AI models based on Cyber Security
Innovations in Cyber Security Algorithms for Databases Enhancing Data Retrieval and Management
Cybersecurity Approaches for Securing Digital Marketing Data
The impact of AI-based cyber security on the banking and financial sectors
Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems Using Machine Learning
Securing the Digital Commerce Spectrum and Cyber Security Strategies for Web, E-commerce, M-commerce, and E-mail Security
Secure Medical Records Through Big Data Analytics and Blockchain
ML-based Intrusion Detection for Drone IoT Security
Security Validation in OpenStack: A Comprehensive Evaluation
Investigating the Efficacy of Deep Reinforcement Learning Models in Detecting and Mitigating Cyber-attacks: a Novel Approach
Concealed Chosen Plaintext Attack on Multiple S-boxes Based Image Encryption
Fortifying Connected Vehicles Based Cybersecurity Measures for Secure Over-the-Air Software Updates
Design of Novel Cryptographic Model Using Zero-Knowledge Proof Structure for Cyber Security Applications
Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Cyber Security Networks Using Deep Q-Networks Data Routing
Cyber Security Protection in Roadside Unit Based on Cross-Layer Adaptive Graph Neural Networks (Gnns) in Vanet
NCBI Medical Data Encryption with Lossless DNA Compression
Novel Slumped SRAM Configuration using QCA Leveraging Differential Voltage Sensing for Enhanced Stability and Efficiency
Prediction of Traffic Congestion in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Employing Extreme Deep Learning Machines (Edrlm)
A Novel Secured Deep Learning Model for COVID Detection Using Chest X-Rays
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in Uzbekistan: Arduino-Based IoT Framework for Sunflower Seed Yield Improvement through Air and Soil Moisture Monitoring
NCBI Medical Data Encryption with Lossless DNA Compression
Deep Layered Network Model to Classify Brain Tumor in MRI Images
Deep Spectral Convolution Neural Network Based Leukemia Cancer Detection Using Invariant Entity Scalar Feature Selection
Dense-BiGRU: Densely Connected Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit based Heart Failure Detection using ECG Signal
LSTM-NAS-Net: Enhanced Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI and CT Images using LSTM-Autoencoder-based Neural Architecture Search
Modelling a Request and Response-Based Cryptographic Model For Executing Data Deduplication in the Cloud
Panoptic Segmentation with Multi-Modal Dataset Using an Improved Network Model
Drought Prediction with Feature Enhanced LSTM Model using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
Integrating Novel Mechanisms for Threat Detection in Enhanced Data Classification using Ant Colony Optimization with Recurrent Neural Network
Fuzzy Sampling Strategy Based on IPD
Advanced Cyber Attack Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks and NLP
Optimized Group-Centric Data Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Integrating Quantum Computing and NLP for Advanced Cyber Threat Detection
Trustworthy-Based Authentication Model with Intrusion Detection for IoT-Enabled Networks with Deep Learning Algorithm
A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Detection and Classification of Cracks in Ancient Monuments using Image Processing Techniques
Automated Brain Tumor Detection and Classification in MRI Images: A Hybrid Image Processing Techniques
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network-Based Cyber Security Approach for Enhanced Detection of DDoS and Malware Attacks in Wide Area Networks
Multi-Fusion Biometric Authentication using Minutiae-Driven Fixed-Size Template Matching (MFTM)
Detect and Prevent Attacks of Intrusion in IOT Devices using Game Theory with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
Development of a Cryptographic Model Using Digits Classification for Cyber Security Applications
Enhanced Visual Cryptographic Schemes with Essential Access Structures and Pixel-Wise Operations
A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Securing Smart City Networks Against Flooding Attack
Enhanced Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques
Credit Card Fraud Detection Model Based on Correlation Feature Selection
Enhanced Face Detection in Videos Based on Integrating Spatial Features (LBP, CS-LBP) with CNN Technique
An Efficient Algorithm for Stock Market Prediction Using Attention Mechanism
Systematic Analysis of threats, Machine Learning solutions and Challenges for Securing IoT environment
Enhancing Cybersecurity: Detecting Hidden Information in Spatial Domain Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Optimized and Comprehensive Fake Review Detection based on Harris Hawks optimization integrated with Machine Learning Techniques
AFCP Data Security Model for EHR Data Using Blockchain
Detecting Zero-day Polymorphic Worms Using Honeywall
An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms
A Novel Authentication Mechanism with Efficient Mathematic Based Technique
Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation
HEART SAVIOUR: A Dense Network Four Way Transformer Network for Remote Heart Disease Monitoring using Medical Sensors for Blockchain Cloud Assisted Healthcare
Optimizing Task Offloading in Vehicular Network (OTO): A Game Theory Approach Integrating Hybrid Edge and Cloud Computing
TBBS-TO: Trustable Blockchain and Bandwidth Sensible-based Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in Cloud-IoT Network
A Multiclass Attack Classification Framework for IoT Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model
Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Challenges in Dark Web Investigation Using Measurement Sensors
Enhancing Network Congestion Control: A Comparative Study of Traditional and AI-Enhanced Active Queue Management Techniques
Digital Forensic Investigation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): A Technical Case Study of a DJI Phantom III Professional Drone
A Hybrid Intelligence-based Deep Learning Model with Reptile Search Algorithm for Effective Channel Estimation in massive MIMO Communication Systems
A Hybrid GA-GWO Method for Cyber Attack Detection Using RF Model
A Public Key Infrastructure Based on Blockchain for IoT-Based Healthcare Systems
Analysis of Wazuh SIEM's Effectiveness in Cloud Security Monitoring
Anomaly Detection Improvement in Computer Communication Networks using Machine Learning Techniques
The Impact of Cloud Computing on Network Security Risk for Organization Behaviours
Biometrics Applied to Forensics Exploring New Frontiers in Criminal Identification
The Challenge of Adversarial Attacks on AI-Driven Cybersecurity Systems
A Hybrid Temporal Lambda Layer Embedded in Autoencoder Neural Network for Fake News Detection
Enhancing Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems through Supervised Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Comprehensive Analysis of Internet Security Protocols and Standards for Enhanced Network Safety
Transfer Learning Models for E-mail Classification
FreeHand Sketch based Authenticated Security System based using Damerau-Levenshtein Distance
Improved Security in Cloud Computer Networks Using RNN Deep Learning Techniques
E-mail Classifications Based on Deep Learning Techniques
Adversarial Machine Learning Challenges in Modern Network Security Systems
Predictive-based Models for Efficient Energy Management in Smart Buildings
Smart Energy Management in Green Cloud Computing using Machine Learning Algorithms
Dual Convolutional Neural Network for Skin Cancer Classification
Quantum Machine Learning for Video Compression: An Optimal Video Frames Compression Model using Qutrits Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Video multicast over the Internet
Automated Agricultural Crop Type Mapping Using Fusion of Transfer Learning and Tasmanian devil Optimization Algorithm on Remote Sensing Imagery
A Novel Design of a Quadratic Koch Fractal Nano Antenna for THz Application
Advanced Threat Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems using Lemurs Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning
Blockchain Assisted AlāBiruni Earth Radius Optimization with Deep Learning Model for Sustainable Healthcare Disease Detection and
Enhancing Cybersecurity Attack Detection Using Multiplayer Battle Game Optimizer with Hybridization of Deep Learning Models
Enhancing Malicious User Recognition Using Coot Optimization Algorithm with Bayesian Belief Network for Cognitive Radio Networks
EfficientDense-ViT: APT Detection via Hybrid Deep Learning Framework with Hybrid Dipper Throated Sine Cosine Optimization Algorithm (HDT-SCO)
Real-time Prediction Model for Heart Disease Risk during Medical Consultations and Health Monitoring
Coverless Image Steganography Based on Machine Learning Techniques
Smart Grid intrusion detection system based on AI techniques
Securing the Future: Real-Time intrusion Detection in IIoT Smart Grids through Innovative AI Solutions
Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols
Proposal for the use of the neutrosophic method of Shannon entropy
Enhancing DNP3 Security Using CNN Deep Learning Techniques
Enhancing Malware Detection through Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis Using Random Forest Classifier
A Digital Forensic Investigation of the Presence of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Refurbished Hard Drives
Data-DrivenWeather Prediction: Integrating Deep Learning and Ensemble Models for Robust Weather Forecasting
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Techniques in Detecting Attacks in a Big Data Environment
Type-2 Neutrosophic Ontology for Automated Essays Scoring in Cybersecurity Education
Text Categorization for Information Retrieval Using NLP Models
Efficient Deployment Approach in WSNs Using Heuristic Technique
Integrating Cybersecurity into Renewable Energy Development: A Data-Driven Decision Tree Approach for Environmental Protection
AI-Driven Features for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Using Random Forest
Critical Feature Selection Technique for Improving Performance Classification Model in Adaptive Intrusion Detection System
Efficient Algorithms for Fuzzy Centrality Measures in Large-Scale Social Networks
A Constraint Satisfaction Approach for Estimating the RSA Prime Factors towards Known Bits Factorization Attacks
Implementing Comparative Analysis on Feature Engineering Techniques and Multi-Model Evaluation Framework for IDS
An Empirical Investigation on the Origins and Effects of Cybersecurity Culture in It Organizations
Innovative Resilient Systems Scheduling Methods for Explicit Critical Applications in Cloud Environments
Biometric Data Securement Using Visual Information Encryption
A Robust Disease Prediction System Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks
Dynamic Leader Sibha Algorithm (DLSA): A Novel Hierarchical Metaheuristic Approach for Solving Engineering Design Problems
A Swarm Inspired Chaotic Map Evoked Attribute Encryption Framework Using Multi-Model Inputs in Cloud Environment
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Volume 4
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Issue 2 : Special Issue-RIDAPPH
Volume 5
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Issue 2 : Special Issue CITCOVID-19
Volume 6
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Volume 7
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Volume 8
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Volume 9
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Volume 10
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Volume 11
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