Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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Volume 13 , Issue 2 , PP: 84-95, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences

Sanaa Ahmed Kadhim 1 * , Ruwaida Mohammed Yas 2 , Saad A. A. Abdual Rahman 3

  • 1 University of information technology and communications, Iraq - (
  • 2 Information Institute for Postgraduate Student, Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Iraq. - (
  • 3 Almamoon university collage, Iraq - (
  • Doi:

    Received: March 09, 2024 Revised: April 27 2024 Accepted: May 02, 2024

    In today's mass communication landscape, security is a paramount concern, notably with the rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT). Various methods aim to bolster IoT communication security, particularly by regulating access between IoT devices and networks. Encrypting data with a shared secret key is crucial, considering the limited capabilities of these devices, demanding a lightweight yet robust control mechanism. While traditional methods like Diffie-Hellman facilitated secure communication, vulnerabilities arose from modular and exponential equations. Our paper proposed a mathematical refinement of the Diffie Hellman (D_H) protocol. By leveraging GF finite fields and multi-order recursive sequences, this enhanced method aims to fortify confidentiality and complexity in exchanged keys, enabling secure data transmission while remaining efficient for resource restricted IoT devices. Validation using the Affine encryption method demonstrates considerable improvements in complexity, security, and speed. Incorporating Galois field (GF) and third-order sequencing enhances secrecy and complexity, ensuring swift computational processes.

    Keywords :

    IoT security , Secret Key Exchange , Finite field (GF) , Recursive sequence , D_H protocol, Recursive sequences , Symmetric encryption , Confidentiality , Secure data transmission , Computational efficiency


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    Cite This Article As :
    Ahmed, Sanaa. , Mohammed, Ruwaida. , A., Saad. Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 84-95. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. Mohammed, R. A., S. (2024). Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 84-95. DOI:
    Ahmed, Sanaa. Mohammed, Ruwaida. A., Saad. Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2024): 84-95. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. , Mohammed, R. , A., S. (2024) . Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 84-95 . DOI:
    Ahmed S. , Mohammed R. , A. S. [2024]. Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 84-95. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. Mohammed, R. A., S. "Advancing IoT Device Security in Smart Cities: Through Innovative Key Generation and Distribution With D_F, Gf, and Multi-Order Recursive Sequences," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 84-95, 2024. DOI: