Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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2690-6775ISSN (Online) 2769-7851ISSN (Print)

Volume 1 , Issue 2 , PP: 55-63, 2020 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering

Omar Mar Cornelio 1 * , Jorge Gulín González 2 , Ivan Santana Ching 3 , Barbara Bron Fonseca 4

  • 1 University of Computer Sciences, Cuba - (
  • 2 University of Computer Sciences, Cuba - (
  • 3 Marta Abreu Central University of the Villas, Cuba - (
  • 4 University of Computer Sciences, Cuba - (
  • Doi:


    The training of specialists in automation in Cuba is carried out through the career of Automation Engineering that has within its fundamental disciplines, the Control Systems discipline. For the development of laboratory practices, students work on physical or remote devices, in person or remotely, in the latter using Remote Laboratory Systems. The present investigation proposes a Remote Laboratory System for the practice of control of the Automatic Engineering career. A scale thermal process model is designed for experimentation. The main result was the availability of practices for system identification, controller design and controller execution in real processes. In addition, the implemented solution allows students to carry out studies of the behavior of the temperature variable, the controller's response in the designed process, the establishment times, among other variables.

    Keywords :

    automatic control , laboratory practices , Remote Laboratory System.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Mar, Omar. , Gulín, Jorge. , Santana, Ivan. , Bron, Barbara. Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2020, pp. 55-63. DOI:
    Mar, O. Gulín, J. Santana, I. Bron, B. (2020). Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 55-63. DOI:
    Mar, Omar. Gulín, Jorge. Santana, Ivan. Bron, Barbara. Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2020): 55-63. DOI:
    Mar, O. , Gulín, J. , Santana, I. , Bron, B. (2020) . Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 55-63 . DOI:
    Mar O. , Gulín J. , Santana I. , Bron B. [2020]. Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 55-63. DOI:
    Mar, O. Gulín, J. Santana, I. Bron, B. "Remote Laboratory System for Automatic Engineering," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 55-63, 2020. DOI: