Peer Review Process



All ASPG submissions are subject to a strict peer review process, drawing upon the expertise of a range of academic and industry experts to ensure the validity and relevance of the resulting journal content. Besides, the Editor in Chief conducts an initial review process ( pre-screening) before assigning the paper to the reviewers. Participation in the peer-review process is essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers and editors determine which works are of quality and significance. Due to our extensive readership, the research and scholarship selected by our reviewers will ultimately impact literacy in national and international classrooms. 




The following steps give an example for the detaled peer- review process: 


  • -       Authors submit their manuscript to the journal


  • -       The Editorial office checks the paper to make sure it matches the requirements, e.g., formatting style.


  • -       The editorial office forwards the submission to the EiC of the intended journal.


  • -       The EiC checks the submission through a pre-screening process to make sure it meets the required level of quality and fits within the journal's scope.


  • -       The EiC may assign the submission to an Associate Editor to handle the submission, or he can take it by himself.


  • -       If the paper passes the above steps, the corresponding editor assigns reviewers to it.


  • -       The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted/ accepted with minor revision/ needs major revision / or rejected.
  • -       Once the Editor receives three review reports, he can make a decision.


  • -       The Editor may invite more reviewers if he sees that the received reports are not strong enough


  • -       The decision is one of the following ( Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, and Reject)


  • -       Once the decision is assigned to the submission, the system will notify the authors automatically with the reviewer's comments.


  • -       The author is requested to submit the revised version before a deadline determined by the editor. However, he can apply for an extension through his account. 


  • -       Once the author submits the revised version, the whole process will be repeated. 



Formal conditions of acceptance

·      Papers will only be published in English.

·      Each typescript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere in English.

·      Previous presentation at a conference, or publication in another language, should be disclosed.

·      All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

·      Typescripts which have been accepted become the property of the publisher. It is a condition of acceptance that copyright shall be vested in the publisher. Click here for the Copyright statement.

·      The publisher shall furnish authors of accepted papers with proofs for the correction of printing errors. The proofs shall be returned within 14 calendar days of submittal. The publishers shall not be held responsible for errors which are the result of authors' oversights.


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