Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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Volume 15 , Issue 1 , PP: 50-61, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms

P. Maheswaravenkatesh 1 , K. Nithya 2 , V. Kandasamy 3 , R. Kiruba buri 4 * , A. Sumaiya Begum 5

  • 1 Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, India - (
  • 2 Assistant Professor(Sr .Gr), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computing, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India - (
  • 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology Panimalar Engineering College Chennai , India - (
  • 4 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University College of Engineering Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India - (
  • 5 Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.M.D.Engineering College,Chennai, India - (
  • Doi:

    Received: January 28, 2024 Revised: April 25, 2024 Accepted: July 20, 2024

    Ad-hoc Networks are structure less, auto-designing, self mending and dynamic in nature. The manet geography which are more helpless to have security issues and clearly self important to different kinds of assaults. The IDS framework has been created in manet to address the different assaults in Ad-hoc networks. Irregularity interruption recognition is bothered with ready to distinguishing occasions that give off an impression of being confused assaults. In contrast to single and gathering of nodes, causes assaults may cause all the more destroying impacts on remote conditions. To guard against different shared assaults. In this paper, we propose 'An Intelligent IDS  for mobile adhoc network using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesian algorithm (DEANB)‘ calculation.  The proposed framework is for the most part centers to identify and forestall the malevolent node in Ad-hoc organizes and arrange the believed node utilizing the NB  idea and node choice is upgraded utilizing DE calculation. This proposed framework which likewise diminishes the bogus positive pace of Ad-hoc nodes and expands the reliability of the node took part in dynamic systems. The proposed framework can identify wormhole, dark opening, flooding and specific bundle drop and furthermore builds the exhibition of system as far as various boundaries like throughput, directing over-head, start to finish postponement and packet conveyance proportion, and so forth. In this way the recreations in NS-2 shows that the proposed framework has impressively diminishes the vindictive trouble making of nodes in networks.

    Keywords :

    IDS&ndash , Intrusion Detection System , DPS- Detection and Prevention system node , DE- Differential Evolutionary , Adhoc Networks , NB &ndash , Naï , ve Bayesian  ,


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    Cite This Article As :
    Maheswaravenkatesh, P.. , Nithya, K.. , Kandasamy, V.. , Kiruba, R.. , Sumaiya, A.. An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 50-61. DOI:
    Maheswaravenkatesh, P. Nithya, K. Kandasamy, V. Kiruba, R. Sumaiya, A. (2025). An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 50-61. DOI:
    Maheswaravenkatesh, P.. Nithya, K.. Kandasamy, V.. Kiruba, R.. Sumaiya, A.. An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2025): 50-61. DOI:
    Maheswaravenkatesh, P. , Nithya, K. , Kandasamy, V. , Kiruba, R. , Sumaiya, A. (2025) . An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 50-61 . DOI:
    Maheswaravenkatesh P. , Nithya K. , Kandasamy V. , Kiruba R. , Sumaiya A. [2025]. An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 50-61. DOI:
    Maheswaravenkatesh, P. Nithya, K. Kandasamy, V. Kiruba, R. Sumaiya, A. "An Intelligent IDS for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Differential Evolutionary and Navie Bayesin Algorithms," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 50-61, 2025. DOI: