Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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Volume 15 , Issue 1 , PP: 89-100, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation

Bhavani Vasantha 1 * , G. Pradeepini 2

  • 1 Department of computer Science and Engineering, Koneru lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur, India - (
  • 2 Department of computer Science and Engineering, Koneru lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur, India - (
  • Doi:

    Received: February 02, 2024 Revised: April 24, 2024 Accepted: July 25, 2024

    Crop yield prediction is performed based on crop, water, soil and environmental parameters, which is now a potential research field. Machine-learning approaches are extensively utilized for extracting significant crop features. ML approaches help in handling the issues over the crop prediction process. Some essential issues like linear and non-linear data mapping among the crop yielding values and input data need to be analyzed. However, the performance relies on the quality of extracted features. Here, a novel dense convolutional Network model with a kernel is designed to resolve the challenges identified. Based on feature learning, the anticipated model predicts the crop yielding value and linearly maps the crop yielding output with a nominal threshold value. Here, MATLAB 2020a simulator is used and various metrics like precision, accuracy, recall, F1-score, MAPE, RMSE and value are evaluated with various approaches. The model shows a superior trade-off than other approaches and intends to give better prediction accuracy. The model preserves the original data without disturbing the overall incoming values.

    Keywords :

    Crop yield prediction , Machine learning , Support vector machine , Classification , Feature learning


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    Cite This Article As :
    Vasantha, Bhavani. , Pradeepini, G.. Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 89-100. DOI:
    Vasantha, B. Pradeepini, G. (2025). Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 89-100. DOI:
    Vasantha, Bhavani. Pradeepini, G.. Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2025): 89-100. DOI:
    Vasantha, B. , Pradeepini, G. (2025) . Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 89-100 . DOI:
    Vasantha B. , Pradeepini G. [2025]. Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 89-100. DOI:
    Vasantha, B. Pradeepini, G. "Modelling a Dense Convolutional Model for Crop Yield Prediction Using Kernel Computation," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 89-100, 2025. DOI: