Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management

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Volume 5 , Issue 1 , PP: 43-61, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology

Ahmed A. Elngar 1 * , Mohamed Gamal 2 , Amar Fathy 3 , Basma Moustafa 4 , Omar Mahmoud 5 , Mohamed Shaban 6

  • 1 Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Beni-Suef University, Beni Suef, City, 62511, Egypt - (
  • 2 Department of Computer Science, Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG) member, Beni Suef University of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, - ( )
  • 3 Department of Computer Science, Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG) member, Beni Suef University of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ( )
  • 4 Department of Computer Science, Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG) member, Beni Suef University of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - (
  • 5 Department of Computer Science, Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG) member, Beni Suef University of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ( )
  • 6 Department of Computer Science, Scientific Innovation Research Group (SIRG) member, Beni Suef University of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - (
  • Doi:

    ( Received: June 23, 2020 , Revised: August 22, 2020 , Accepted: October 16, 2020)


    We can bear in mind that each of us has plagiarized a text without realizing that it was plagiarism, Plagiarism can happen in Articles, Papers, Researches, literature, music, software, scientific, newspapers, websites, Master and PHD Thesis and many other fields, So plagiarism has become serious major problem to teachers, researchers and publishers, There are divergent opinions about how to define plagiarism and what makes plagiarism serious. So, the detecting plagiarism is very important, so in this survey we explicate the concept of "plagiarism" and provide an overview of different plagiarism software and tools to solve the plagiarism problem, and will discuss the plagiarism process, types and detection methodologies. We can define that plagiarism is the brief and the description of this sentence "someone used someone else’s mental product (such as its texts, ideas, or privacy). We suggest that what makes plagiarism so reprehensible is that it distorts scientific credit. In addition, intentional plagiarism indicates dishonesty. Moreover, there are a number of possible negative consequences of plagiarism. So we just create a framework for external plagiarism detection in which a some NLP processes are applied to process a set of suspicious and original documents, we have classified the different plagiarism detection techniques based on Lexical, Semantic, Syntactic and grammar analysis algorithms, And all of these algorithms precedes it NLP processing.

    Keywords :

    Tex  , plagiarism, NLP, detection methodologies, Lexical Analysis, Semantic Analysis, NLTK, LSA, PLSA, LDA


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    Cite This Article As :
    A., Ahmed. , Gamal, Mohamed. , Fathy, Amar. , Moustafa, Basma. , Mahmoud, Omar. , Shaban, Mohamed. Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 43-61. DOI:
    A., A. Gamal, M. Fathy, A. Moustafa, B. Mahmoud, O. Shaban, M. (2021). Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 43-61. DOI:
    A., Ahmed. Gamal, Mohamed. Fathy, Amar. Moustafa, Basma. Mahmoud, Omar. Shaban, Mohamed. Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2021): 43-61. DOI:
    A., A. , Gamal, M. , Fathy, A. , Moustafa, B. , Mahmoud, O. , Shaban, M. (2021) . Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 43-61 . DOI:
    A. A. , Gamal M. , Fathy A. , Moustafa B. , Mahmoud O. , Shaban M. [2021]. Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 43-61. DOI:
    A., A. Gamal, M. Fathy, A. Moustafa, B. Mahmoud, O. Shaban, M. "Plagiarism Detection Algorithm Model Based on NLP Technology," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 43-61, 2021. DOI: