Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems

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2771-6449ISSN (Online) 2771-6430ISSN (Print)

Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Sets (IVNHSs) for enterprise resource planning selection

Shereen Zaki , Mahmoud Ismail

An information system known as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is designed to organize and combine all of an organization's subsystems, such as marketing, manufacturing, finances, and purchasing transactions. The adoption of such a complete framework may result in significant cost reductions as well as time reductions for individual workers. This problem is solved by the interval-valued neutrosophic hypersoft set. A new area of research known as the hypersoft set is being established to resolve issues with the inadequacy and limitations of pre-existing models that are similar to soft sets in terms of the consideration and entitlement of multi-argument approximation functions. (This particular kind of function transfers the multi-sub parametric tuples to the power set of the universe. It concentrates on the splitting of each attribute into its own attribute-valued set, which is something that is lacking in current structures that are similar to soft sets.

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Vol. 5 Issue. 2 PP. 60-68, (2023)

Algebraic Approach to Neutrosophic Confidence Intervals

Abdulrahman Astambli , Mohamed Bisher Zeina , Yasin Karmouta

In this paper, confidence intervals for neutrosophic statistical populations were driven in many cases. Firstly, confidence intervals for one neutrosophic normal population parameters were driven including population’s mean which was driven under the assumption that variance is known, then it was driven under the assumption that variance is unknown and estimated based on the sample. Confidence interval for the neutrosophic variance was also driven based on sample’s estimates. Secondly, confidence intervals for two neutrosophic normal populations were driven including confidence intervals for means differences when variance are known or unknown, also confidence intervals for variances ratio for two populations were driven. All theorems and calculations were done using the AH-Isometry. Suitable numerical examples were presented and solved successfully.

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Vol. 5 Issue. 2 PP. 08-22, (2023)

An integrated Neutrosophic sets with MCDM methodology for location-allocation of relief centers

Ahmed Abdelmonem , Nehal Nabil Mostafa

To aid those who have been affected by an earthquake, it is necessary to set up temporary relief facilities. The careful selection of suitable locations for these centers has a considerable impact on the procedures involved in the handling of urban emergencies. In this study, the decision model known as the VIKOR was used to determine the placement of relief centers in Cairo's district and the distribution of available space among them. The selection best location contains uncertainty, so the interval-valued neutrosophic sets were used to overwhelmed this vagueness. To begin, we will use VIKOR, which is the suggested clustering approach. The average method is used to compute the weights of selected criteria. Then the VIKOR technique is used to order and select the best location. The results of the implementation demonstrate that VIKOR, the clustering approach, is adequate in most situations. This strategy is suited for resolving such difficult site selection and allocation issues.

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Vol. 5 Issue. 2 PP. 23-32, (2023)

A Study of Derivative and Integration a Neutrosophic Functions

Ahmed Salamah , Malath F. Alaswad , Rasha Dallah

The objective of this paper is to study and define the neutrosophic real functions with one neutrosophic variable depending on the geometric isometry (AH-Isometry), with a lot of concepts from real analysis including continuality, differentiability, derivativility, integrability. We have presented the formal forms of different popular functions in neutrosophic environment like logarithmic function, exponential function, trigonometric functions. Rising neutrosophic derivative, indefinite integral, and definite integral well defined including rising to neutrosophic functions.

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Vol. 5 Issue. 2 PP. 33-37, (2023)

Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Flood Risks Management: A Comprehensive Analysis

Abdullah Ali Salamai

The terrible consequences that floods are having on human life and property can be seen all around the globe. The flood risks management problem is subject to uncertain and imprecise data, and it is influenced by several different factors. As a result, the assessment procedure in question might be seen as an instance of a challenging uncertain multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) issue. Within the context of single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs), this research aims to present a novel integrated methodology that is based on the Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) technique under a neutrosophic environment. Both the decision-makers and the weights of the criteria are completely unknown. The average technique is used in the proposed methodology to calculate the weighting of the criteria, and an updated version of the CoCoSo method is used within the context of the SVN to decide which option is the most appropriate. In addition, an example case study of flood risk management is explored to highlight the entire execution process of the suggested technique. In addition, a comparison with other approaches that already exist is described to evaluate the validity of the results that were achieved.

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Vol. 5 Issue. 2 PP. 38-50, (2023)