Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems

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2771-6449ISSN (Online) 2771-6430ISSN (Print)

On the Representation of Winning Strategies of Finite Games by Groups and Neutrosophic Groups

Mikail Bal , Mohammad Abobala

In this paper, we show that for a finite game with two players A , B: Each winning strategy of the first player A can be represented by a neutrosophic subgroup of the neutrosophic group ( , and each winning strategy of the second player B can be represented by an elementary abelian group .   Also, we introduce the concept of algebraically relative  games and present some examples on it.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 1 PP. 8-13, (2022)

A Short Note on the Kernel Subgroup of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Groups

Mikail Bal , Katy D. Ahmad , Arwa A. Hajjari , Rozina Ali

This paper defines  the concept of kernel subgroup of an intuitionistic fuzzy group. Also, it proves that this kernel is a group in the ordinary algebraic meaning as a direct application of the concept of kernel in fuzzy and anti-fuzzy groups. Also, we derive some properties of intuitionistic fuzzy groups.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 1 PP. 14-20, (2022)

The Structure of Imperfect Triplets in Several Refined Neutrosophic Rings

Mikail Bal , Katy D. Ahmad , Arwa A. Hajjari , Rozina Ali

This paper solves the imperfect triplets problem in refined neutrosophic rings, where it presents the necessary and sufficient conditions for a triple  (x,y,z) to be an imperfect triplet in any refined neutrosophic ring. Also, this work introduces a full description of the structure of imperfect triplets in numerical refined neutrosophic rings such as refined neutrosophic ring of integers Z(I1,I2) , refined neutrosophic ring of rationales Q(I1,I2), and refined neutrosophic ring or real numbers  (R(I1,I2). 

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Vol. 2 Issue. 1 PP. 21-30, (2022)

Data with Rough Attributes and Its Reduct Analysis

Prem Kumar Singh

Recent time many researchers focused on dealing the uncertainty and its characterization. The precise approximation of uncertainty in many-valued data set is one of the major tasks. It becomes more difficult in case the given data sets are non-Euclidean. Hence the rough fuzzy set and its graphical visualization is introduced in this paper for knowledge processing tasks.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 1 PP. 31-39, (2022)

A Review Study On Neutrosophic AH-Algebraic Structures

Mikail Bal , Katy D. Ahmad , Rozina Ali

Neutrosophic Algebraic structures are rich fields for researchers to get many interesting generalizations of classical and fuzzy structures.  This Study is dedicated to give the interested reader some of special neutrosophic algebraic substructures of neutrosophic algebraic structures, especially AH-substructures in neutrosophic rings, spaces, modules, and their generalizations.

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Vol. 2 Issue. 1 PP. 40-60, (2022)