Recently, neutrosophic set is considered as one of the prominent tool to deal with human cognition in three-way fuzzy space. This set has given a way to characterize the human cognition in conscious, unconscious, or indeterminate state. The problem arises when a person realizes all of three states independently as silent mode. It is observed at voting time of Indian democratic system where some people vote in a favor of a party, do not vote in favor of a party, being absent and choose none of the above. The last consciousness is turiyam state which is independent from all. It also observed at time of feedback or rating given by an expert towards which used to based on internal communication rather than true, false and uncertain activity. The internal communication which prvodies the opinion towards rating about any organization or employee is called as Turiya or Fourth dimension cognition. This paper try to introduce this fourth dimension of human cognitions as a new set called as Turiyam set with its graphical visualization via an illustrative example.
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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 09-23, (2021)
Recently, a problem is addressed while dealing with fourth dimensional or non-Euclidean data sets. These are the data sets does not follow one of the postulates established by Euclid specially the parallel postulates. In this case, the precise representation of these data sets is major issues for knowledge processing tasks. Hence, the current paper tried to introduce some non-Euclidean geometry or Anti-Geometry methods and its examples for various applications.
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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 24-33, (2021)
In this short note we show that the newly introduced concept of Neutro-Intelligent Set (NIS) deserves attention in its applications to the human brain activity, and that NIS is a particular case of the Refined Neutrosophic Set.
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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 34-36, (2021)
The use of IoT devices like sensors, actuators, smartphones etc. is the very rapid and useful source in order to cope smartly with the public and community growth requirements. Nevertheless, when you connect thousands of IoT devices to create a smart network as you communicate over the Internet, you produce a massive amount of data, known as Big Data. Integrating IoT services to receive city data in real time and then efficiently processing large amounts of data to create a smart city is a challenge. Therefore, in this paper the smart town framework based on IoT using Big Data Analytics was proposed and developed. We use sensors such as smart home sensors , network cars, water and weather sensors, smart parking sensors, tracking objects, etc. The entire design and implementation model is proposed and implemented in a specific world using Hadoop ecosystems. The system is implemented in various steps , starting from data collection , aggregation, filtering, classification, preprocessing, computing and decision-making. Spark over Hadoop achieves reliability in the production of big data. The program is realistic for building smart cities by using intelligent systems as the city data base.
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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 37-47, (2021)
The aim of this paper is to define the concept of kernel subgroup of a fuzzy group and anti-fuzzy group respectively. Also, we prove that these kernels are groups in the ordinary algebraic meaning, as well as presenting many results about fuzzy groups and anti-fuzzy groups.
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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 48-54, (2021)