Journal of Cosmology, Filaments and Astrobiology

ISSN (Online)



Dr. Victor Christianto

Initiator, Halton Arp Institute With affiliation to International Mariinskaya Academy, St PetersburgMalang Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia



Accepted papers will be published online directly

Contact Information

Editorial Office

Mr. A Hussain

Phone: +1(504) 784-5024

Mailing Address: 625 Wright Ave, Gretna, LA 70056, USA

Journal DOI

Published Articles & Issues

"per aspera ad astra"


Journal of Cosmology, Filaments and Astrobiology (JCFA) is double blind peer-review with free of APC, published and host by ASPG. The purpose is to explore new possibilities of stargate, wormhole etc, in order to enable mankind to explore the vast cosmos; including but not limited to exotic physics stuff, design of alternative devices for alternative to warpdrive, exobiology, origins of life, and also extraterrestrial superluminal communication. 

Topics to be covered:  

Allow authors to investigate freely on exotic physics, like wormholes, alternative theories to big bang scenario, outer space life, origins of life, biogenesis, origins of humans and other species, alternatives to classic evolution etc.


Scientific background:  

First of all, we acknowledge the limitations of present rocket technologies, i.e. they will require massive amount of liquid/solid fuel even only to get to Mars..But to embrace FTL /fasfer than light, the first question is : what about special relativity? Our basic premise here is that Smarandache's hypothesis suggests that there is no speed barrier for anything, which means that interstellar travel is possible, even going beyond speed of light. This is the question that we need to address deeply in this journal intended for scholarly more open communication regarding FTL etc.  

Quote from Beyond Relativity Conference webpage (2019): "At first sight, it seems that Einstein’s Special Relativity (SR) is an unquestionable extension of classical Gallilean-Newtonian mechanics. SR is supported by countless confirmations and experimental evidences. However, since its birth, SR was always the subject of controversy and myths. One of them, for example, is that the Gallilean transformation is a limiting case of the Lorentz transformation. In fact, Gallilean and Lorentz transformations are different even in the limit of vanishing relative velocity. The Twin paradox, which undermines a basic postulate of SR inertial frame equivalence is usually explained by arguments that one of the siblings has to undergo an acceleration at the time of the turnaround. However, the famous CERN experiment with accelerated muons (“Measurements of Relativistic Time Dilatation for Positive and Negative Muons in a Circular Orbit,” Nature, vol. 268, pp. 301–305, 1977. ), traditionally presented as a confirmation of time dilatation clearly shows that acceleration (10^15 g) plays no role. Furthermore, the results of some experiments like the Dayton Miller interferometer, Trouton-Noble experiment, Sagnac effect and many others, are difficult to reconcile with SR."  Once we are convinced that Smarandache's hypothesis is superseding STR postulate of light speed barrier, we can begin to design and experimenting of various designs.

Board of advisors:

Prof. Thee Houw Liong - Cosmology and computational physics advisor, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.

Prof. Florentin Smarandache: Mathematics advisor, University of New Mexico at Gallup, NM, USA.

Editorial Board:

- Dr. Said Broumi, Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco  

- Prof. Hoda Esmail - Iraq: Mathematics Associate editor/peer reviewer

- Prof. Elbaz I. Abouelmagd - National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, Egypt 

- Robert Neil Boyd, PhD  - experimental / advanced physics editor

- Dr Neena Devi S., The University of Auckland, New Zealand

- Dr. Yunita Umniyati, Swiss-German University, Tangerang, Indonesia