Fusion: Practice and Applications

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AlertFusion-OptiNet: An Advanced SIEM Alert Management System for IoT Environments using CMRO and AlertQ-Net

Abdullah Alenizi

SIEM, which stands for Security Information and Event Management, is a collection of services and solutions that give businesses the capacity to gather, examine, and handle security-related data in real time from all areas of their IT infrastructure. This study presents AlertFusion-OptiNet, a sophisticated SIEM alert management architecture intended for effective alert handling and intrusion detection. The proposed CMRO algorithm (a hybrid of Coot Bird Optimization and Mug Ring Algorithm) is used to select the best features after the system integrates data from multiple sources (raw logs, network traffic, and security alerts), applies preprocessing to eliminate redundancy and inconsistencies, and extracts features using techniques like LDA, GloVe, statistical analysis, and DWT. PCA is then used to reduce dimensionality. The shortcomings of current intrusion detection systems include delayed alert replies, poor feature selection, and ineffective management of heterogeneous datasets. Two-channel CNNs, LSTM, and Bi-RNNs are used in AlertFusion-OptiNet's hybrid detection model to improve accuracy and real-time detection, while AlertQ-Net uses reinforcement learning to handle and monitor alerts continuously. The proposed AlertFusion-OptiNet accomplished 99.43% and outruns SOTA models.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180201

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 01-23, (2025)

Boosting Financial Risk Prediction Model Using Attention Mechanism Based Recurrent Neural Networks with Red‐Tailed Hawks Algorithm

Ilyos Abdullayev , Hafis Hajiyev , Mahfuza Sattarova , Elena Klochko

The systemic prediction of financial risk issues has become a main attention in the area of finance. Financial risk is the main likelihood that stockholders will lose currency after they finance a business that has debt if the business flow of cash demonstrates insufficient to see its economic requirements. The incorporation of deep learning (DL) methods into financial risk forecast and investigation has altered conventional techniques. While traditional quantitative systems often trust basic metrics such as the highest reduction, the arrival of DL requires a more nuanced assessment, highlighting the model's generalization capability, particularly in market crises like stock market crashes. DL techniques are efficient in removing intricate patterns from massive data collections and become an effective model for forecasting financial trends. In this paper, we offer Boosting Financial Risk Prediction Model Using Attention Mechanism with Red‐Tailed Hawk (BFRPM-AMRTH) Algorithm. The presented BFRPM-AMRTH model aims to address the challenges of identifying and mitigating potential financial threats in a dynamic environment. Initially, the BFRPM-AMRTH technique applies the linear scaling normalization (LSN) data normalization technique to standardize the input features and ensure consistency across the dataset. In addition, the long short-term memory auto encoder with attention mechanism (LSTMA-AE) technique can be employed for classifying financial risks. Eventually, the red‐tailed hawk (RTH) algorithm adjusts the hyperparameter values of the LSTMA-AE algorithm optimally and outcomes in greater classification performance. To ensure the improved performance of BFRPM-AMRTH system, a huge range of simulation studies has been achieved and the obtained outcomes establish the advancement of the BFRPM-AMRTH system over the existing techniques

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180202

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 24-34, (2025)

Enhancing Visibility on Social Media with Categorization Machine Learning Analysis

Haitham S. Hasan

A considerable number of individuals concentrate their engagement on social media sites, notably Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, where they may adeptly exploit their popularity. A considerable volume of research studies has been conducted across diverse social networks to examine user profiles and their relationship with popularity. The primary emphasis of research concerning social media has centered on theme analysis, encompassing domains such as health, creativity, and awareness. This study utilizes K-means clustering to classify social media articles and determine the characteristics that contribute to their popularity. Gathered data from publications by international influencers during an eight-month duration. Producing roughly 161 posts daily and around 1092 posts monthly seeks to improve metrics including views, likes, and dislikes on social media. This strategy is designed to facilitate the growth of the platform's popularity, thereby maximizing visibility and outreach. The analysis focused on three factors: virility, appeal, and publicity rates. Classified the posts into five fundamental groups: casual, quality, number, support, and leader. The study yielded important findings on optimal publication timing, ideal video length, follower metrics, biography and caption lengths, and hashtag utilization. Researchers found some interesting things that will help people who use social media and brand owners make better marketing plans.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180203

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 35-42, (2025)

Financial Data Analysis for Financial Management Based on Cloud Computing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Model

Parviz Gurbanov , Mansur Matkarimov , Nilufar Sapayeva , Alexey Nedelkin , Andrey Kulik , Olga Zanina

Maintainable financial fraud detection includes the usage of viable and decent performs in the recognition of fraudulent actions in financial region. A credit card is susceptible to cyber threats, which leads to a fraud of credit card. The fraudster does dishonest action by attaining illegal access to credit card information and this action affects an economic loss for the user as well as company. At present, deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML), systems were deployed in financial fraud detection owing to their features’ ability of making a great device to find out fraudulent dealings. This paper presents a Financial Data Analysis for Financial Management Based on Cloud Computing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Model (FDAFM-CCDRLM). The main intention of FDAFM-CCDRLM model is to improve analysis of financial data in the economic management. Initially, the min-max normalization is employed in the data normalization stage to convert a data of input into a suitable format. Besides, the proposed FDAFM-CCDRLM model designs a black‐winged kite algorithm (BKA) for the subset of feature selection process. For the classification process, the double deep Q‐network (DDQN) algorithm has been executed. At last, the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm-based hyperparameter range method is done for improving the classification outcomes of the DDQN model. The experimental evaluation of the FDAFM-CCDRLM system can be tested on a benchmark database. The extensive outcomes highlight the significant solution of the FDAFM-CCDRLM approach to the financial data analysis classification process

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180204

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 43-54, (2025)

An Intelligent Model to combat Soybean Plant Disease based on Random Forest and Support Vector Machine Algorithms

Zainab A. Abdulazeez , Israa Abdulkadhim Jabbar Al Ali , Basma Mustafa M. H. , Ghada Kamil Mustafa , Refed Adnan Jaleel

Given that plant disease is the primary factor contributing to damage in most plants, decision makers in the agriculture industry are highly interested in enhancing prediction strategies to detect illness in plants at an early stage. This is crucial for ensuring timely and effective plant care. Classifying healthy soybean plants is a dependable and efficient use of noninvasive techniques like machine learning (ML). In this work, we used ML to enhance a smart forecasting model for the prediction of soybean diseases. We utilized two feature selection techniques, namely gain ratio and correlation, two supervised ML algorithms (support vector machine and Random forest) and the cross-validation technique was used for assessing the proposed system, such as accuracy, F-measure, specificity, executing time, and sensitivity. The suggested technique can readily differentiate between soybean plants that are infected and those that are healthy. The suggested approach has undergone testing using a comprehensive collection of soybean characteristics, as well as a subset of attributes. The findings show that performance metrics are impacted when soybean traits are reduced.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180205

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 55-65, (2025)

Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Predicting Financial Futures Using Ensemble of Deep Learning Algorithms with Heuristic Search Mechanisms

Elvir Akhmetshin , Sanatbek Yakubov , Khurshid Zaripov , Rustem Shichiyakh

Financial markets are an intricate dynamic system. The difficulty comes from the contact among a market and its applicants, which means, the integrated consequence of the activities of whole applicants decides the market trend, while the market trend disturbs the actions of applicants. These linked interactions make financial markets keep developing. Financial markets are interchange financial instruments like savings certificates, bonds, stocks, and much more. Particularly in stocks, because variations in stock prices are inclined by numerous factors, with economic cycles, financial trends, financial structure, and other macro issues, as well as industry growth, listed businesses’ financial quality. In the last few years, deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) techniques have been very effective in predicting financial futures. This study develops a Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Predicting Financial Futures Using Ensemble of Deep Learning Algorithms with Heuristic Search Mechanisms (MDSSPFF-EDLAHS) model. The main intention of the MDSSPFF-EDLAHS method is to predict future of finances using advanced ensemble models. At first, the data normalization stage applies min-max normalization for transforming input data into a beneficial format. Besides, the ensemble of deep learning models namely variational auto encoder (VAE), bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) technique, and dueling double deep Q-network (DDQN) system have been executed for the prediction of financial futures. At last, the spider wasp optimization (SWO) algorithm adjusts the hyperparameter values of the ensemble models optimally and outcomes in greater prediction performance. The experimental evaluation of the MDSSPFF-EDLAHS is examined on a benchmark dataset. The extensive outcomes highlight the significant solution of the MDSSPFF-EDLAHS approach to the financial future predicting process

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180206

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 66-78, (2025)

Transforming Education with Deep Learning: A Systematic Review on Predicting Student Performance and Critical Challenges

M. Nazir , A. Noraziah , M. Rahmah , Mohammed Fakherldin , Ahmad Khawaji

Deep learning (DL) is recognized as a breakthrough in the educational technology arena, more so in the sense that it can be applied for forecasting student performance and critical issues in academic systems. This systematic review is used to investigate advances in the DL-based system-to-predicting student performance and emphasizes its applicability, methodologies, and limitations. The paper analyses key technologies such as neural networks (NNs) and ensemble models used in educational data mining. The paper also points out limitations in previous studies, for example, data imbalance model interpretability, and issues of scalability. This review highlights the potential of DL to improve educational quality, provide personalized learning experiences, and mitigate learning hazards by synthesizing ideas from different studies. Future directions will comprise hybrid models, improvements in data preprocessing, and merging with real-time educational systems to optimize the performance of the prediction model in several academic environments. For this review, 58 papers were collected from the year 2017-2024 respectively based on DL in education, Risk in education, and student education performance analysis. Subsequently, the aim, technique used, dataset used, performance score attained, significance, and limitations of the existing studies were discussed in this review.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180207

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 79-99, (2025)

Multi-Step Financial Stock Index Forecasting Model Using Convolutional Neural Network with Gated Recurrent Unit Approach

Denis Shakhov , Inomjon Yusubov , Sanat Yakubov , Aleksey Ilyin , Emil Hajiyev , Tatyana Khorolskaya

Prediction of time series is a vital issue related to an extensive array of financial, and social applications, and engineering. The main challenge arises from the intricacy due to the temporal assets of time series and the unavoidable weakening function of analytical systems. Therefore, it is usually problematic to precisely forecast values, particularly in a multi-step ahead situation. Multi-step financial stock price forecast over a lasting perspective is vital for predicting its instability, letting economic organizations charge and evade derivatives, and banks to measure the hazard. Recently, Deep learning systems have been capable to perceive and analyze intricate patterns and connections in the data automatically and haste up the trading procedure. This manuscript designs and develops a Multi-Step Financial Stock Index Forecasting Model Using a Convolutional Neural Network with Gated Recurrent Unit (MFSIFM-CNNGRU) model. The proposed MFSIFM-CNNGRU model relies on enhancing the predicting model for the financial stock index. To accomplish that, the data normalization stage is initially performed by employing z-score normalization to convert input data into a suitable format. Next, the proposed MFSIFM-CNNGRU model designs a hybrid of convolutional neural network and gated recurrent unit (CNN-GRU) technique for the prediction model. Eventually, the hyperparameter selection of the CNN-GRU model can be implemented by the design of the improved whale optimization algorithm (IWOA). The efficiency of the MFSIFM-CNNGRU method has been validated by comprehensive studies using the benchmark dataset. The numerical result shows that the MFSIFM-CNNGRU method has better performance and scalability under various measures over the recent techniques

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180208

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 100-109, (2025)

A Smartphone-based Real-time Medication Adherence Monitoring App to Support Full Medication Self-Management among Elderly Faculty Members with Chronic Illness

W. K. ElSaid , Mona Esmat , Nahed Amasha

There has been a widespread misconception that the role of physicians in healthcare systems is limited to accurate diagnosis and prescription writing. This poor vision is based on the assumption that the patient will fully adhere to the written medical prescription, which rarely happens in reality, because most patients disregard their physicians’ instructions for purposeful reasons like financial hardship or inadvertent causes like forgetfulness. In the contemporary university community, which blends in-person instruction with distance learning, the duties of University faculty members go beyond simple research and teaching to include other responsibilities that would place more burdens and stress on them, which could have a detrimental effect on their lives and cause their medical treatment regimens to fall flat totally. With the development of artificial intelligence techniques and the increasing use of mobile devices, it's easier to develop intelligent apps that cover every part of our everyday routine, including the medical sector, as it's now possible to remotely diagnose, treat and monitor patients’ adherence to prescribed medication plans without the need for direct human involvement. This paper combines artificial intelligence techniques and mobile technology to build a healthier university community by providing an effective smart medication reminder mobile app that supports the principle of medication self-management to improve adherence of medication in-take among patient faculty members at Mansoura University who are undergoing long-term therapy. The evaluation plan of the proposed smart medication reminder mobile app was implemented at two primary levels. The proposal’s acceptability was tested at the initial level by a team comprising both mobile app developers and medical professionals. The proposal’s feasibility was tested on a random sample of patient faculty members from Mansoura University in the second level. The outcomes of the first evaluation level showed that, the services provided by the proposal were highly gained satisfaction of the evaluation team, which means it is suitable for wider use in University environments. While, the outcomes of the second evaluation level revealed that the percentage of taking meds improved among the sample of patient faculty members after using the proposal more than before, which means that it is a useful tool to enhance medication adherence of patient faculty members, especially the elderly with chronic medical disorders.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180209

Vol. 18 Issue. 2 PP. 110-127, (2025)