Fusion: Practice and Applications

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An Improved Equilibrium Optimizer Algorithm for Tackling Global Optimization Problems

Samia Mandour , Ibrahim el-henawy , Kareem Ahmed

This paper introduces a new, metaheuristic optimization algorithm, named an Improved Metaheuristic Equilibrium Optimizer (IMEO). The algorithm Equilibrium Optimizer (EO), is inspired by its method of estimating both equilibrium and dynamics, based on mass balance models. Studying the EO closely, we find that EO does not have the potential to get closer to the optimal global solution when it solves certain problems. To improve EO efficiency, this paper suggests using an improvement, called an elite opposition learning-based, that increases the speed and accuracy of EO convergence, and helps the algorithm to get a better solution. Falling into local optima is a big problem, EO suffers from the fact that when we look deeply at the standard EO mathematical formula, we found that the algorithm is trying to get out of the local optima, but sometimes it can't, so we're introducing a new mathematical formula based on using cosine trigonometric function. To validate the proposed algorithm efficiency, The IMEO algorithm is evaluated on 23 benchmarks and compared with other common naturalistic heuristic algorithms. The statistical analysis shows that the results of IMEO achieve better performance compared to the standard EO and several well-known algorithms on several benchmark issues.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030101

Vol. 3 Issue. 1 PP. 01-28, (2021)

Ultrasound Medical Images Classification Based on Deep Learning Algorithms: A Review

Fairoz Q. Kareem , Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez

With the development of technology and smart devices in the medical field, the computer system has become an essential part of this development to learn devices in the medical field. One of the learning methods is deep learning (DL), which is a branch of machine learning (ML). The deep learning approach has been used in this field because it is one of the modern methods of obtaining accurate results through its algorithms, and among these algorithms that are used in this field are convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN). In this paper we reviewed what have researchers have done in their researches to solve fetal problems, then summarize and carefully discuss the applications in different tasks identified for segmentation and classification of ultrasound images. Finally, this study discussed the potential challenges and directions for applying deep learning in ultrasound image analysis.  

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030102

Vol. 3 Issue. 1 PP. 29-42, (2021)

Electrocardiogram Classification Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Review

Rozin Majeed Abdullah , Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez

Due to many new medical uses, the value of ECG classification is very demanding. There are some Machine Learning (ML) algorithms currently available that can be used for ECG data processing and classification. The key limitations of these ML studies, however, are the use of heuristic hand-crafted or engineered characteristics of shallow learning architectures. The difficulty lies in the probability of not having the most suitable functionality that will provide this ECG problem with good classification accuracy. One choice suggested is to use deep learning algorithms in which the first layer of CNN acts as a feature. This paper summarizes some of the key approaches of ECG classification in machine learning, assessing them in terms of the characteristics they use, the precision of classification important physiological keys ECG biomarkers derived from machine learning techniques, and statistical modeling and supported simulation.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030103

Vol. 3 Issue. 1 PP. 43-53, (2021)

Interpretable Machine Learning Fusion and Data Analytics Models for Anomaly Detection

Ahmed Abdelmonem , Nehal N. Mostafa

Explainable artificial intelligence received great research attention in the past few years during the widespread of Black-Box techniques in sensitive fields such as medical care, self-driving cars, etc. Artificial intelligence needs explainable methods to discover model biases. Explainable artificial intelligence will lead to obtaining fairness and Transparency in the model. Making artificial intelligence models explainable and interpretable is challenging when implementing black-box models. Because of the inherent limitations of collecting data in its raw form, data fusion has become a popular method for dealing with such data and acquiring more trustworthy, helpful, and precise insights. Compared to other, more traditional-based data fusion methods, machine learning's capacity to automatically learn from experience with nonexplicit programming significantly improves fusion's computational and predictive power. This paper comprehensively studies the most explainable artificial intelligent methods based on anomaly detection. We proposed the required criteria of the transparency model to measure the data fusion analytics techniques. Also, define the different used evaluation metrics in explainable artificial intelligence. We provide some applications for explainable artificial intelligence. We provide a case study of anomaly detection with the fusion of machine learning. Finally, we discuss the key challenges and future directions in explainable artificial intelligence.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030104

Vol. 3 Issue. 1 PP. 54-69, (2021)

Deep Neural Network-based Fusion and Natural Language Processing in Additive Manufacturing for Customer Satisfaction

Abedallah Z. Abualkishik , Rasha Almajed

Modern Machine learning fusion approaches tend to extract features depending on two techniques (hand-crafted feature and representation learning). Hand-crafted features can waste time and are not sufficient for downstream tasks. Unlike representation learning, we automatically learn features with minimum time and effort and are suitable for downstream tasks. In our paper, we provide work on graph neural network methods with details on classical graph embedding approaches and the different methods in neural graph networks such as graph filtering, graph pooling, and the learning parameter for graph following each technique with a general framework or mathematical proof for customer satisfaction. To satisfy customer's feel, this research employs NLP techniques. We describe the adversarial attacks and defenses on graph representation approaches. Also, advanced application of neural graph networks is reviewed, such as combinational optimization, learning program representation, physical system modeling, and natural language processing. Finally, the challenges in geometric neural networks and future research work have been introduced.

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Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030105

Vol. 3 Issue. 1 PP. 70-90, (2021)