Volume 3 , Issue 1 , PP: 70-90, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Abedallah Z. Abualkishik 1 * , Rasha Almajed 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.030105
Modern Machine learning fusion approaches tend to extract features depending on two techniques (hand-crafted feature and representation learning). Hand-crafted features can waste time and are not sufficient for downstream tasks. Unlike representation learning, we automatically learn features with minimum time and effort and are suitable for downstream tasks. In our paper, we provide work on graph neural network methods with details on classical graph embedding approaches and the different methods in neural graph networks such as graph filtering, graph pooling, and the learning parameter for graph following each technique with a general framework or mathematical proof for customer satisfaction. To satisfy customer's feel, this research employs NLP techniques. We describe the adversarial attacks and defenses on graph representation approaches. Also, advanced application of neural graph networks is reviewed, such as combinational optimization, learning program representation, physical system modeling, and natural language processing. Finally, the challenges in geometric neural networks and future research work have been introduced.
Machine learning , neural graph networks , graph filtering , graph pooling , optimization , fusion based on NLP , customer satisfaction.
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