Volume 18 , Issue 2 , PP: 110-127, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
W. K. ElSaid 1 * , Mona Esmat 2 , Nahed Amasha 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.180209
There has been a widespread misconception that the role of physicians in healthcare systems is limited to accurate diagnosis and prescription writing. This poor vision is based on the assumption that the patient will fully adhere to the written medical prescription, which rarely happens in reality, because most patients disregard their physicians’ instructions for purposeful reasons like financial hardship or inadvertent causes like forgetfulness. In the contemporary university community, which blends in-person instruction with distance learning, the duties of University faculty members go beyond simple research and teaching to include other responsibilities that would place more burdens and stress on them, which could have a detrimental effect on their lives and cause their medical treatment regimens to fall flat totally. With the development of artificial intelligence techniques and the increasing use of mobile devices, it's easier to develop intelligent apps that cover every part of our everyday routine, including the medical sector, as it's now possible to remotely diagnose, treat and monitor patients’ adherence to prescribed medication plans without the need for direct human involvement. This paper combines artificial intelligence techniques and mobile technology to build a healthier university community by providing an effective smart medication reminder mobile app that supports the principle of medication self-management to improve adherence of medication in-take among patient faculty members at Mansoura University who are undergoing long-term therapy. The evaluation plan of the proposed smart medication reminder mobile app was implemented at two primary levels. The proposal’s acceptability was tested at the initial level by a team comprising both mobile app developers and medical professionals. The proposal’s feasibility was tested on a random sample of patient faculty members from Mansoura University in the second level. The outcomes of the first evaluation level showed that, the services provided by the proposal were highly gained satisfaction of the evaluation team, which means it is suitable for wider use in University environments. While, the outcomes of the second evaluation level revealed that the percentage of taking meds improved among the sample of patient faculty members after using the proposal more than before, which means that it is a useful tool to enhance medication adherence of patient faculty members, especially the elderly with chronic medical disorders.
Medication Self-Management , Medication Adherence , Medication Reminder Apps , Acceptability Analysis , Feasibility Analysis , SUS Score
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