Volume 25 , Issue 2 , PP: 338-352, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
S. Sudha 1 , B. Felcia Merlin 2 , B. Shoba 3 , A. Rajkumar 4 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.250229
Quadripartitioned neutrosophic set is an extension of neutrosophic set and n-valued neutrosophic logic for solving real-world issues. In order to demonstrate the validity of the suggested idea, this paper's major goal is to provide several quadripentapartition neutrosophic probability distributions with numerical examples. Neutosophic probability has up till now been obtained from traditional statistical distributions, with less contributions to the statistical distribution's creation. With the help of numerical examples, we introduced the quadripartition neutrosophic binomial distribution, the quadripartitioned Poisson distribution, and the quadripartitioned Poisson distribution as a limiting case of the neutrosophic binomial distribution. We also proposed the quadripartitioned exponential distribution and the quadripartitioned uniform distribution. This paper paves the door for addressing problems that adhere to the classical distributions while still include inaccurately stated data.
Neutrosophic probability distributions , neutrosophic binomial distribution , quadripartitioned Poisson probability , quadripartitioned uniform probability , quadripartitioned exponential probability
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