Volume 22 , Issue 3 , PP: 08-14, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Amer Khrija Abed 1 * , Ekram Abd Ali 2 , Ahmed Salam Razzaq 3 , Qays Hatem Imran 4 , Said Broumi 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.220301
In this paper, we redefine the dense neutrosophic set operations and, by using them, we introduce new definition for topological space in neutrosophic topological space and also gives the basic specifications for the new definitions of neutrosophic topological space in neutrosophic topological space, we also obtained some properties that show the relationship between neutrosophic topological space and neutrosophic semi-open sets in the neutrosophic topological space, we also studied image characterization and preimages of neutrosophic topological space .
Neutrosophic dense set , neutrosophic semi-open , neutrosophic topological space , neutrosophic semi-continuous (irresolute) function.
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