International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

A New Algebraic Approach of Neutrosophic Lie Algebra by AH Isometry

Nader Mahmoud Taffach , Mohammad Alsheikh , Ahmed Hatip

This paper introduces a novel approach to the concept of neutrosophic Lie algebra by leveraging the AH isometry framework. We establish foundational properties of neutrosophic Lie algebra, demonstrating that each neutrosophic algebra inherently fulfills the criteria of a Lie algebra. Moreover, we introduce distinct neutrosophic Lie algebraic structures, providing illustrative examples to support these constructs. By integrating neutrosophic logic, our approach effectively addresses indeterminacy, ambiguity, and imprecision, enhancing the classical algebraic structures with new dimensions of flexibility. The potential applications of neutrosophic Lie algebra are vast, particularly in fields requiring nuanced treatments of uncertainty.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 01-09, (2025)

The Runge-Kutta Numerical Method of Rank Seven for the Solutions of Some Refined Neutrosophic Differential Problems

Belal Batiha

In this paper, we present a numerical approach to the seventh rank refined neutrosophic Runge-Kutta numerical method, where we provide the theoretical basis of this formula to be applicable on refined neutrosophic differential equations. In addition, we provide numerical tables to compare the validity of this new method with other methods, as well as a clear computation of absolute errors in terms of refined neutrosophic numbers.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 10-17, (2025)

On A Novel Neutrosophic Numerical Method for Solving Some Neutrosophic Boundary Value Problems

Ahmed Salem Heilat

In this paper, we study a novel numerical method for finding the neutrosophic numerical solutions to some neutrosophic boundary values problems in differential equations of high orders. The proposed method based on neutrosophic numerical collocations of higher degree polynomials as an approximation to solve the problems. In addition, we provide many mathematical proofs about the existence of the solutions with many different examples and numerical tables that clarify the validity of the proposed method.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 18-25, (2025)

SoftWeak θ-Continuity and Preservations of Soft Hyperconnectedness and Soft Near Compactness

Jawaher Al-Mufarrij , Samer Al-Ghour

In this paper, we introduce a new weak form of soft continuity called soft weak θ-continuity in soft topological spaces and investigate the relationships between soft weak θ-continuity and θ-continuity (resp. soft weak continuity and soft δ-continuity). We obtain several characterizations of soft weak θ-continuity. Also, we give sufficient conditions for the equivalence between soft weak θ-continuity and soft θ-continuity (resp. soft δ-continuity). Moreover, we investigate the link between soft weak θ-continuity and weak θ-continuity in classical topology. Furthermore, via soft weak θ-continuity, we obtain preservation theorems of soft hyperconnectedness and soft near compactness. Finally, we obtain soft restriction, soft product, and soft graph theorems of soft weak θ-continuity.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 26-41, (2025)

Neutrosophic Approaches to Soliton Solutions for Nonlinear Time-Fractional Coupled Jaulent–Miodek System Using a Modified Laplace Adomian Dec omposition Method

Kamel Al-Khaled , Adel Almalki , Mahmood Shareef Ajeel , Azza I. Abu-Shams , Sajeda El-bashabsheh

This paper presents a modified Laplace Adomian decomposition method (MLADM) to solve the nonlinear time-fractional coupled Jaulent–Miodek system. The proposed approach provides convergent series solutions with easily computable components, demonstrating both accuracy and simplicity in its application. By employing the Caputo fractional derivative, this study establishes a robust framework for analyzing nonlinear behavior in fractional differential equations. The effectiveness of the method is validated through comparisons with previous studies, with results illustrated using graphical representations. The solutions proposed herein are significant for modeling complex and dynamic real-world phenomena across various scientific disciplines. All computations and graphical results were carried out using Mathematica, emphasizing the method’s reliability, precision, and ease of application to nonlinear fractional systems. The study of fractional nonlinear systems is crucial for modeling complex, dynamic, and uncertain processes, which are core aspects of neutrosophic science. By addressing the intricate behavior of the nonlinear time-fractional coupled Jaulent–Miodek system, this work advances mathematical models that encapsulate uncertainty, indeterminacy, and complex interactions. Such an alignment with the principles of neutrosophic science underscores the relevance of our approach to the objectives of the International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, highlighting its potential to enhance the understanding and practical applications of complex systems.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 42-57, (2025)

Relations between Wd-fuzzy implication algebras and other logical algebras

Fang-an Deng , Yichuan Yang , Zhao Yang

In this paper, we continue the studyWd-fuzzy implication algebras which are subalgebras of fuzzy implication algebras. Properties and axiomatic systems for Wd-fuzzy implication algebras are presented, then a few new results on Wd-fuzzy implication algebras have been added. We showed that there are relations between Wdfuzzy implication algebras and some of other fuzzy logical algebras such as FI-algebras, RFI-algebras, CFIalgebras, HFI-algebras. In particular, the relations between Wd-fuzzy implication algebras and L-algebras are investigated, and we prove that every Wd-fuzzy implication algebras is a proper subclass of L-algebras. Finally, we introduce the notions of GWd-FI algebras, whose some properties of it are investigated. The relations between distributive GWd-FI-algebras, Hilbert algebras, BE-algebras and W-eo algebras have been obtained.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 58-72, (2025)

On Gr-2-nil ideals of graded commutative rings

Ala’a Abu Qayass , Khaldoun Al-Zoubi

Let G be a group with identity e and let W be a G-graded ring. In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of Gr-2-nil ideals of W. We obtain many results concerning gr-2-nil ideals. Some characterizations of gr-2-nil ideals and their homogeneous components are given. A proper graded ideal I of W is said to be a gr-2-nil ideal of W if whenever rg, sh, ti ∈ h(W) with rgshti ∈ I, then either rgsh ∈ Gr (0) or rgti ∈ I or shti ∈ I.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 73-79, (2025)

Ideals and filters on intuitionistic fuzzy lattices

Abdelhamid Bennoui , Soheyb Milles , Lemnaouar Zedam

Based on the concept of Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy set on a universe X, we introduce the concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy ideals and intuitionistic fuzzy filters on an intuitionistic fuzzy lattice. More specifically, we provide characterizations of these concepts in terms of the intuitionistic fuzzy lattice meet and join operations, in terms of some associated fuzzy sets, as well as, in terms of their crisp level sets. Furthermore, we introduce the concepts of prime intuitionistic fuzzy ideals (resp. filters) as interesting kinds, and investigate their various properties and characterizations.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 80-100, (2025)

Time Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets

Anwar Bataihah , Ayman.A Hazaymeh

Finally In this study, we define parameterized time fuzzy soft expert set (PTFSES) as an extension of fuzzy soft set. Additionally, we will clarify and investigate the characteristics of its primary operation (complement, union intersection, ”AND” and ”OR”). , we’ll apply this approach to decision-making difficulties.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 101-121, (2025)

Smart ETA Predictions: Leveraging AI and Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Sets for Real-Time Accuracy

Priya Mathews , Lovelymol Sebastian , Baiju Thankachan

In this paper we aims to provide a clear definition of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Sets and explain its fundamental operations through relevant examples. This work examines the computation of static Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) utilizing neutrosophic fuzzy soft set values and the fundamental Expected Time of Arrival. Our research also investigates the incorporation of sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) methods to create reliable and adaptable dynamic Expected Time of Arrival(ETA) prediction models. Through the utilization of many types of data, such as current traffic statistics, weather conditions, road conditions, vehicle status, and driver behavior, we suggest a comprehensive system that adapts to changing circumstances and consistently enhances its ability to make accurate predictions. Our methodology utilizes cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret vast amounts of diverse data. In addition, we tackle the difficulties of managing uncertainty and indeterminacy in data by utilizing Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Sets, which improve the model’s resilience and dependability.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 122-134, (2025)

Operations on Translation of Fermatean Neutrosophic INK-Algebra

Wadei Faris AL-Omeri , M.Kaviyarasu , Rajeshwari M.

This paper investigates the theoretical basis of fermatean neutrosophic sets, which were first introduced by Smarandache, to clarify the relationship between single-valued fermatean neutrosophic sets and their role as specific subsets in the wider context of fermatean neutrosophic sets, particularly in science and engineering. This study investigates fermatean neutrosophic INK-ideals within INK-algebras using the translation concept, which is proposed as an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. First, translation fermatean neutrosophic INKalgebras are presented and their fundamental features are studied. Furthermore, the research investigates properties related to the translation of INK-subalgebras and INK-ideals, as well as the dynamics of their unions, intersections, and multiplications for fermatean neutrosophic INK-ideals. The article adds definitions and theorems to provide a complete grasp of the problems of fermatean neutrosophic INK-algebras.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 135-146, (2025)

Epanechnikov-pareto Distribution with Application

Naser Odat

In this article, we combined the Epanechnikov kernel function with the pareto distribution to produce the Epanechnikov-Pareto distribution (EPD). Some properties of this distribution are studied, like the moments, MLEs, reliability analysis functions, ordered statistics, and quintile function.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 147-155, (2025)

Neutrosophic Ideal of a Near Algebra

P. Narasimha Swamy , Bhurgula Harika , T. Nagaiah , L. Bhaskar , K. Vijay Kumar

This article introduces the idea of neutrosophic ideal of a near algebra and provides a definition and example. A few fundamental features related to this approach are also explored. We also present the topics neutrosophic near algebra homomorphism, kernel of a neutrosophic near algebra and coset of a neutrosophic ideal of a near algebra. It is been briefed with the appropriate definitions and theorems on it. It is been proved that sum of the right neutrosophic ideal of a near algebra is also a right neutrosophic ideal of a near algebra over a neutrosophic field.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 169-175, (2025)

UNCA: A Neutrosophic-Based Framework for Robust Clustering and Enhanced Data Interpretation

D. Dhinakaran , S. Edwin Raja , S. Gopalakrishnan , D. Selvaraj , S. D. Lalitha

Accurately representing the complex linkages and inherent uncertainties included in huge datasets is still a major difficulty in the field of data clustering. We address these issues with our proposed Unified Neutrosophic Clustering Algorithm (UNCA), which combines a multifaceted strategy with Neutrosophic logic to improve clustering performance. UNCA starts with a full-fledged similarity examination via a λ-cutting matrix that filters meaningful relationships between each two points of data. Then, we initialize centroids for Neutrosophic K-Means clustering, where the membership values are based on their degrees of truth, indeterminacy and falsity. The algorithm then integrates with a dynamic network visualization and MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) so that a visual interpretation of the relationships between the clusters can be clearly represented. UNCA employs Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SVNSs) to refine cluster assignments, and after fuzzifying similarity measures, guarantees a precise clustering result. The final step involves solidifying the clustering results through defuzzification methods, offering definitive cluster assignments. According to the performance evaluation results, UNCA outperforms conventional approaches in several metrics: it achieved a Silhouette Score of 0.89 on the Iris Dataset, a Davies-Bouldin Index of 0.59 on the Wine Dataset, an Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) of 0.76 on the Digits Dataset, and a Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) of 0.80 on the Customer Segmentation Dataset. These results demonstrate how UNCA enhances interpretability and resilience in addition to improving clustering accuracy when contrasted with Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), Neutrosophic C-Means (NCM), as well as Kernel Neutrosophic C-Means (KNCM). This makes UNCA a useful tool for complex data processing tasks.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 176-192, (2025)

A Comparative Case Study on Neutrosophic Linear Programming Approach and  -Constraint Method for Fuzzy Multiobjective Solid Cold Transportation Problem with an Improved Preservation Technology

L. Brigith Gladys , J. Merline Vinotha

Cold transportation is one among the unquenching needs of people around the globe. Although cost sensitive, refrigerated transportation is preferred globally as it ensures the quality of perishable items in pharmaceutical, food and beverages, chemicals and certain other industries during transportation. However, many refrigerated vehicles fail in offering consistent preservation as most of their cooling units depend on the vehicle’s engine. It is also important to acknowledge that operating a vehicle unceasingly to maintain temperature is impossible in real life. This set up of poor cold logistics and supply chain leads to an increased deterioration of sensitive items. The paper overcomes this complication by adjoining an extra power source that supports freezing during the shutdown time of the vehicle engine by proposing improved mathematical models on Multi-Objective Cold Fuzzy Solid Transportation Problem (MOCFSTP) with an extra time parameter relating to the static and delay condition of the vehicles during various preservation modes (zero, semi, full) and defends them with comparable scrutinizing. The objectives contemplated in the problem are minimizing the cost, time and rate of deterioration. Numerical examples are discussed in detail and solved using reknown methods in LINGO (19.0) to stress on the effectiveness of the models.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 193-202, (2025)

A novel Q-neutrosophic soft under interval matrix setting and its applications

Ayman Hazaymeh , Yousef Al-Qudah , Faisal Al-Sharqi , Anwar Bataihah

Decision-making theory serves as an effective framework to guide decision-makers in solving problems. One notable application of this theory is in the medical field, where it aids doctors in analyzing patient data to determine whether a patient is infected. To enhance this theory with more adaptable mathematical methods, we propose an expanded approach based on previously introduced matrixes of Q-neutrosophic soft under an Interval-valued setting (IV-Q-NSM). This represents a new finding of existing mathematical tools to address the two-dimensional uncertainty prevalent in various life domains. This work explores several algebraic properties and matrix operations associated with IV-Q-NSM. Subsequently, we introduce a new methodology for decision-making (DM) in medical diagnosis selection problems. This approach aims to provide a more flexible and comprehensive framework for evaluating complex medical data and improving diagnostic accuracy.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 156-168, (2025)

Algebraic structures such as distributive, associativity and boundedness properties via tangent neutrosophic set acting generalized weighted averaging and geometric

Aiyared Iampan , Murugan Palanikumar , T. T. Raman

A novel technique to produce complicated tangent trigonometric (ζ,∂,e) neutrosophic sets is presented in this study. Complex tangent trigonometric (ζ,∂,e) neutrosophic weighted averaging, geometric, generalized weighted averaging, and generalized weighted geometric will all be discussed in this article. We calculated the weighted average and geometric using an aggregating model. The following algebraic methods will be used to further study several sets having significant properties.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 203-217, (2025)

An Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Financial Fraud Detection Using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Approach with Machine Learning Models

Umidjon Matyakubov , Ranokhon Sharofutdinova , Aleksey Ilyin , Rustem Shichiyakh , K. Shankar , E. Laxmi Lydia

Neutrosophy has developed as a generalization to fuzzy logic and is being employed in the research field in many areas such as set theory, logic, and others. Neutrosophic Logic is one of the neonate study regions and its intention is assessed to have the percentage of truth in a subset T, the percentage of falsity in a subset F, and the percentage of indeterminacy in a subset I. Recently, financial fraud has become a highly major issue, which results in severe consequences across firm sectors and affects people’s everyday lives. Therefore, financial fraud recognition is critical for the prevention of the regularly overwhelming effects of financial fraud. It includes differentiating fraudulent financial data from accurate data and permitting decision-makers to progress suitable plans to reduce the effect of fraud. Over the past few years, Artificial intelligence (AI), mainly machine learning (ML) systems, turned out to be the highest thriving model in fraud detection. This study presents a novel Intelligent Decision Support System for Financial Fraud Detection Using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean (IDSSFFD-PNBM) model. The main intention of the IDSSFFD-PNBM algorithm is to enrich the detection model for financial fraud using advanced optimization models. Initially, the z-score normalization is applied in the data normalization stage for converting input data into a beneficial format. Besides, the proposed IDSSFFD-PNBM designs a grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA) for the selection of feature processes to enhance the efficiency and performance of the model. For the detection and classification procedure, the pythagorean neutrosophic bonferroni mean (PNBM) model has been employed. Additionally, the firefly optimization algorithm (FFOA)-based hyperparameter range method has been done to heighten the recognition outcomes of the PNBM system. The experimental evaluation of the IDSSFFD-PNBM technique takes place using a benchmark dataset. The experimental results indicated an enhanced performance of the IDSSFFD-PNBM technique compared to recent approaches

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 218--229, (2025)

Geometric Properties of Neutrosophic 𝓆 -Poisson distribution Series through 𝕻𝕞ℵ Operator

Layla Esmet Jalil , Mohammad El-Ityan , Rafid Habib Buti

This paper investigates the 𝔓𝕞ℵ operator, constructed from the Neutrosophic 𝓆-Poisson distribution series. The study examines this operator within the realm of geometric function theory, focusing on key characteristics such as coefficient bounds, growth and distortion behavior, and the determination of convexity and star likeness radii. Additionally, the paper explores the weighted and arithmetic means of functions associated with this operator and analyzes its closure properties under the Hadamard product.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 230-239, (2025)

Applying Block Method for the Numerical Solutions of the Second Order n-Refined Neutrosophic ODE for n=2, 3

Ahmad A. Abubaker , Wael mahmoud mohammad salameh , Sara A. Khalil , Ibraheem Abu Falahah , Ahmed Atallah Alsaraireh , Abdallah Al-Husban

In this paper, we study the applications of block method to find the numerical solutions of some neutrosophic differential problems, where we discuss the approximated n-refined neutrosophic solutions and absolute n-refined neutrosophic errors in two special cases for n=2, and n=3. In addition, we list the numerical tables of our results.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 240-249, (2025)

Analyzing and Interpretation of Kernel Neutrosophic Set Based Machine Learning Model for Cost Estimation of Multi Product Supply Chain Management Systems

Olga Loseva , Bakhtiyar Ruzmetov , Ildar Begishev , Denis Shakhov , Elena Klochko , Elvir Akhmetshin

Neutrosophic set (NS) is a novel devise to handle uncertainty considering the memberships of truth T, indeterminacy I, and falsity F satisfying. It is employed to illustrate the indefinite data more appropriately and precisely than an intuitionistic fuzzy set. The search for cost information over the supply chain is very significant for controlling costs that aid in enhancing and beginning activities in organizations in the value chain. In today’s intricate supply networks, sharing data among suppliers and buyers is important for sustainable competitive benefit. Particularly, for both business partners, cost information is extremely appropriate in buying conditions. As per experimental analyses in literature, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are probable to have a great latent to expose cost structures by machine learning (ML). This study presents a novel Interpretation of Kernel Regression Neutrosophic Set using Enhanced Coati Optimization for Cost Estimation Model (KRNSECO-CEM). The main goal of the presented KRNSECO-CEM technique is to analyze and interpret the multi-product of Supply Chain Management Systems. At first, the KRNSECO-CEM approach applies Z-score normalization to pre-process the input data. For the regression process, the kernel regression based neutrosophic set (KRNS) model can be used. Eventually, the enhanced coati optimization algorithm (ECOA) has been applied for the fine-tuning of the best hyperparameter of the KRNS model. The experimental evaluation of the KRNSECO-CEM algorithm can be tested on a benchmark dataset. The extensive outcomes highlighted the significant solution of the KRNSECO-CEM approach over other recent approaches

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 250-261, (2025)

Practical Applications of Neutrosophic Logic in Enhancing the Accuracy of Economic Forecasting Models and Supporting Decision-Making in Banks

Khaled A. Hassan Mohmmed , Hiba Awad Alla Ali Hussin , Nadia Bushra Mohammed Ali , Abdelsamie Eltayeb Tayfor

Using three machine knowledge models that utilise Neutrosophic Logic (NL)—Linear Regression, Random Forest, and Gradient Increasing—this study studies the possibilities of refining financial result forecast. The cognitive behind this is that NL recovers the prediction power of these models across dissimilar organisations by accounting for the inherent uncertainty, unpredictability, and lack of sureness in financial numbers. In this study, the models' presentation is evaluated using a variety of financial factors, including interest rates and stock prices. F1 score, recall, correctness, and exactness are some of the metrics used by this drive. When likened to other models, NL with Gradient Cumulative consistently outperforms them in terms of correctness and robustness. You might think of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and the National Bank of Bahrain as two such examples. Companies like Emirates Islamic Bank reap some benefits from Chance Forest's combination of cheap computation with precision, but only to a lower degree. Complex datasets used by businesses like Al Rajhi Bank are beyond the capabilities of Linear Reversion, even when combined with NL. By proving that cooperative techniques combined with NL positively reduce financial data volatility, our results lay the groundwork for improved financial forecasting and decision-making. The exercise has demonstrated that NL has great potential to enhance financial prediction models, which could have future applications in investment planning and risk organization.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 282-294, (2025)

Modeling Extreme Healthcare Costs Using the Neutrosophic Cauchy Distribution

Afrah Al Bossly , Adnan Amin

Real data modelling of extreme events, such as rainfall, temperature, financial costs is very important in neutrosophic statistical methods. The Cauchy distribution is one of statistical models used for modelling such extreme events in natural processes. In cases of imprecise data which most often involve vague, incomplete and ambiguous information, standard statistical methods cannot fully describe the spectrum of uncertainty. In this study, we have considered a new Cauchy distribution under neutrosophic context to deal with uncertain data. The proposed neutrosophic Cauchy distribution (NCD) may analysis extreme events data involving incomplete observations. We provide basic mathematical characteristics and important statistical functions of the Cauchy model under neutrosophic framework. A complete procedure of random numbers generation using neutrosophic quantile function is discussed. The unknown parameters of the proposed are estimated using the maximum likelihood approach. Numerical results show that the proposed model adequately fits the data involving extreme and imprecise values. The performance and flexibility of the model are also supported by an application to a real data set.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 262-271, (2025)

Neutrosophic Burr Distribution for Modeling Health Risk Factors

Fuad S. Alduais , Zahid Khan

The Burr distribution is one of the most important and commonly used probability distribution in statistical analysis. In this study, a new class of univariate distribution based on the Burr random variable is proposed. Characteristics of the proposed neutrosophic Burr distribution (NBD) are discussed. The neutrosophic form of the proposed distribution is particularly advantageous for handling the imprecise and uncertain information commonly present in real-world problems. The statistical properties and the shapes of corresponding probability density and cumulative density functions are illustrated. Some important functions commonly utilized in survival studies are formulated within neutrosophic structures. General expressions for other distributional properties of the proposed NBD are developed under neutrosophic framework. The inverse cumulative method is used to find random numbers from the suggested model. Maximum likelihood method for estimating the model parameters is described, and the performance of estimated parameters are assessed using a Monte Carlo simulation experiment. Finally, the paper demonstrates the practical use of the proposed model through a real-world application of malaria cases per thousand population at risk.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 272-281, (2025)

Optimize Decision-Making in the Industrial Sector under Uncertainty: A Neutrosophic Inverse Exponential Distribution Approach

Mansour F. Yassen

The most widely used distribution for risk management data for modeling longevity is the one-parameter inverse exponential distribution. Among alternative models, we suggest the neutrosophic inverse exponential (NIE) model, which generalizes the extended inverse exponential distributions and the classical structure. For the suggested model, we derive explicit formulations for the quantile functions, median, mode, cumulative distribution function, and probability density function. Data generating process of the proposed model under neutrosophic environment is discussed. To estimate the model parameters, we use the maximum likelihood approach. Using the proposed model, we run the simulation setup for randomly generated data. A genuine data set is also used to support the proposed model applicability.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 295-304, (2025)

Development of Neutrosophic Pareto Distribution for Survival Analysis

Ahmedia Musa M. Ibrahim

We provide a neutrosophic approach to the Pareto model, which is widely used to model survival data. In this paper, the neutrosophic Pareto model (NPM) is constructed under the framework of neutrosophic statistics, that can manage uncertain nature of data, commonly occur in many real word problems. This formulation generalizes the classical model and is a useful method for dealing with fuzzy or uncertain data typically encountered in many applications in survival data. Using neutrosophic statistical framework, few key mathematic qualities of the proposed model such as its moments, survival function, and hazard rate are presented in the study. These properties are motivated and rigorously established to ensure theoretical soundness of the proposed model. Moreover, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is used to estimate the neutrosophic parameters of the distribution. This approach is essential for deriving accurate parameter estimates from the data available, especially in cases where uncertainty or imprecision is present within the data as it is usually the case for any real-world situation. Based on the simulation experiment, we display the adequate performance of the suggested model. The simulations allow us to evaluate the performance of the routine as well as the stability of the model parameters across different settings. At the end, the real data analysis is conducted to show the applicability of proposed approach. The proposed model processes such a dataset filled with a range of uncertain values and presents its possibilities to be applied for information extraction from real world data sets that are abundant in uncertainty. Our results open a new avenue for neutrosophic statistical model approaches to the analysis of survival data in subsequent studies.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 305-315, (2025)

On Modules Related to Homomorphism Their Kernel Equal Zero in Neutrosophic Theory

Firas N. Hameed , Fawzi N. Hammad , Majid Mohammed Abed

Neutrosophic set is a modern branch as a generalization of fuzzy concept.  Zadeh in 1965 presented fuzzy concept and later he introduced more applications in more subjects of mathematics.  On of the type branch of mathematics is fuzzy algebra. In this work, we present and clarify several results of several modules, which has zero-kernel, and zero homomorphism in neutrosophic theory. The aim modules are mnonoform and small monoform modules.  Several concepts have been studied in this paper like Quasi-dedekind and uniform modules.  We proved that if ( ( )) is a module over neutrosophic ring ( ). If ) is a directed sum of simple submodules an  is monoform, then ) is monoform module.  Also, if  𝒯) is a semi simple ring and  𝒯) is a  𝒯)-module, so  𝒯) is small and satisfies all conditions of monoform with Q-dedekind property. On the other hand, let be an R-module. is a neutrosophic modules and generated by  and . So, is a weak neutrosophic. Finally, we presented more results, examples and properties about the topic with new results in neutrosophic algebra.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 316-321, (2025)

On the Numerical Approximation and Optimization Techniques for Solving an Inverse Cauchy Problem of Viscous-Burgers’ Equation

Mohammed A. Hilal , Faris M. Alwan , Alaa Adnan Auad

This paper deals with some inverse problems for nonlinear time-dependent PDEs in one spatial dimension, we investigate an inverse Cauchy problem that is settled by the nonlinear viscous Burgers equation. The viscous Burgers equation is a partial differential equation that is encountered in fluid dynamics studies, particularly in the domain of upward flow. The simplified model of the viscous Burgers equation explains the behavior of incompressible viscous fluid. The inverse Burgers problem belongs to a class of problems called ill-posed problems, which implies that there may be multiple sets of initial and/or boundary conditions that result in the same solution of the Burgers equation. To obtain robust and reliable solutions, it is essential to use regularization and cross-validation methods. However, it is often difficult to solve analytically, so numerical approaches are developed to overcome this difficulty. Domain decomposition (DDM) was used with alternative iterative methods. We performed a numerical reconstruction of the velocity and normal stress tensor that were vanished on an inaccessible part of the boundary using the over-prescribed noisy data obtained on the other accessible part of the boundary.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 322-345, (2025)

Subclass of uniformly starlike functions associated with a linear operator whose coefficients are the reciprocal Gamma function

Jamal Salah

This study, aims to consider the coefficients of the reciprocal Gamma function in order introduce a linear operator by the means of Hadamard product. Thus, we define a new subclass of uniformly starlike functions of order 𝛼, Γ−1(𝛼). Further, we obtain coefficient estimates, distortion theorems, convex linear combinations and radii of close-to-convexity, starlikeness and convexity for functions 𝑓∈Γ−1(𝛼). In addition, we investigate the inclusion conditions for the Hadamard product and the Integral transform.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 346-356, (2025)

Exploring Critical Path Solving Methods under Neutrosophic

M. Navya Pratyusha , Ranjan Kumar

Over the past few decades, the traditional critical path method and its various generalizations have become the most popular technique for managing complex projects. It plays a crucial role in differentiating between critical and non-critical tasks to enhance project schedules. For the first time in the literature, our proposed model implements two algorithms for the study of the critical path method, each addressing an advanced framework in the form of a single-valued triangular neutrosophic. The proposed algorithm 1 utilizes Python to extended Dijkstra’s algorithm under the neutrosophic framework, while the proposed algorithm 2 employs linear programming for optimality checks, which is solved using LINGO. Our comparison with previous research on the critical path method shows that the proposed algorithms are better at dealing with uncertainty, making project schedules more reliable and flexible. The findings lead to the proposed algorithm framework, combined with Python and LINGO, to enhance decision-making and improve the accuracy and efficiency of critical path identification in complex project environments.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 357-370, (2025)

New Higher-Order Implicit Method for Approximating Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems

Iqbal M. Batiha , Mohammad W. Alomari , Iqbal H. Jebril , Thabet Abdeljawad , Nidal Anakira , Shaher Momani

This paper is devoted to introducing a novel numerical approach for approximating solutions to Boundary Value Problems (BVPs). Such an approach will be carried out by using a new version of the shooting method, which would convert the BVP into a linear system of two initial value problems. This system can then be solved by the so-called Obreschkoff approach. The numerical solution of the main BVP will ultimately be a linear combination of the solutions of the two system of equations. Two physical applications will be presented in order to confirm that the suggested numerical technique is valid.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 389-398, (2025)

Fixed Points Results in Algebra Fuzzy Metric Space with an Application to Integral Equations

Raghad I. Sabri , Jaafer Hmood Eidi , Hussein S. ALallak

This paper introduces a new class of mappings termed (α̂,β̂)−Ω-contraction mapping (briefly, "(α̂,β̂)−Ω−CMap") and establishes certain fixed-point (FP) results in the framework of Algebra fuzzy metric space. Additionally, we expanded our results to include the existence of a nonlinear integral equation solution. Results from this study improve, expand and generalization certain previously published results in the literature.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 399-407, (2025)

Investigating Workplace Challenges: A Neutrosophic Soft Set Analysis of Female Workers' Problems in Diverse Industries

John Jayaraj J. , I. Paulraj Jayasimman , N. Jose Parvin Praveena , Broumi said

This research proposes a novel approach to rank the problems faced by female employees in various sectors by utilizing the concept of the bipolar single-valued Neutrosophic soft set-in variable. The feature assessment used an enormous collection of multi-observer information as a basis for examining the issues encountered by women employed in a variety of sectors. An effective method for identifying the Neutrosophic domain's choice-making problem is the Neutrosophic Soft Set. The creation of similar tables has shaped the investigation into classification. In a Neutrosophic setting, grouping objects and persons according to their properties, capacities, the result, etc., is advantageous.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 408-407, (2025)

Some New Results about Neutrosophic KU-Module

Mohammed N. Hamidy , Majid Mohammed Abed

In this paper, we present new concept namely neutrosophic algebra. Some types of notions such as KU-module, KU-ideal and KU-submodule. We proved that if AI is minimal submodule, then AI ascending (descending) chain condition. On the other hand, more results about Neutrosophic exact sequence and Neutrosophic homomorphism KU-module have been presented.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 418-424, (2025)

On a convex topological order and neutrosophic continuous sets

Elvis Aponte , Jorge Vielma , Jos´e Sanabria , Ennis Rosas

In this paper, we employ the classical topological preorder to introduce the concept of topologically bounded sets, in order to relate it to the Collatz conjecture problem. In addition, this preorder allows us to derive some results about topologically convex sets, showing that these form a convex structure. Finally, using this topological preorder, we define the neutrosophic continuous sets and establish the necessary conditions to identify the points that are connected to these sets, which form a topological convex set.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 425-432, (2025)

Neutrosophic N-structures on Sheffer stroke UP-algebras

S. R. Vidhya , Aiyared Iampan , Neelamegarajan Rajesh

The study defines a neutrosophic N-subalgebra and a level set of a neutrosophic N-structure on Sheffer stroke UP-algebras. It appears that these concepts are integral to understanding the behavior of neutrosophic logic within the framework of Sheffer stroke UP-algebras. The study establishes a relationship between subalgebras and level sets on Sheffer stroke UP-algebras. Specifically, it proves that the level set of neutrosophic Nsubalgebras on this algebra is its subalgebra, and vice versa. This indicates a tight connection between these concepts within the given algebraic structure. It is stated that the family of all neutrosophic N-subalgebras of a Sheffer stroke UP-algebra forms a complete distributive lattice. This suggests that there is a well-defined structure and order among these subalgebras, allowing for systematic analysis. The study describes a neutrosophic N-ideal of a Sheffer stroke UP-algebra and provides some of its properties. Additionally, it is shown that every neutrosophic N-ideal of a Sheffer stroke UP-algebra is also its neutrosophic N-subalgebra, though the inverse is generally not true. This highlights the specific characteristics and behavior of neutrosophic Nideals within the given algebraic context.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 433-443, (2025)

Neutrosophic Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution: Properties and Application to Healthcare Data

Afrah Al Bossly , Adnan Amin

In this work, we present and analyze new probability distribution by generalizing the classical Maxwell–Boltzmann model to neutrosophic structure. The generalized structure, known as the neutrosophic Maxwell (NMX) model that is designed to analyze data with imprecise or vague information. Closed-form expressions for cumulative distribution functions, probability density functions, survival functions, hazard functions, and moments, moment generating functions, mode, skewness, and kurtosis are derived as part of its detailed mathematical and statistical characteristics. The parameter estimation of the suggested model is carried out employing the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique, and the statistical properties of the estimators are discussed in uncertain environments. The inverse cumulative distribution method is established to generate random samples from the proposed model and to evaluate the efficiency of the MLE method. Eventually, a real-world healthcare data set is used to show the efficacy of the proposed model.  This research provides new knowledge in the field of neutrosophic statistics, laying a foundation for further exploration in this area

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 444-452, (2025)

Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling on Helm and Closed Helm Graph

Tephilla Joice P. , A. Rajkumar

The Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling Graph integrates both neutrosophic labeling and Cordial Labeling. Building on our previous work, we have extended our study to include Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling for Helm and Closed Helm Graphs. This extension allows us to explore the application of Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling in more complex graph structures, providing insights into their properties and relationships. One of the key aspects of our research is investigating the relationship between Cordial and Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling. By comparing and contrasting these labeling techniques [4], we aim to uncover similarities, differences, and potential synergies between them. This analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of graph labeling methodologies and their implications in various graph-theoretic applications [18]. Our research contributes to the advancement of graph labeling theory, particularly in the context of Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling and its applications in Helm and Closed Helm Graphs. By exploring these concepts and relationships, we aim to enhance the theoretical foundation and practical utility of graph labeling techniques in diverse domains [16,17].

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 453-452, (2025)

The Analysis of Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers in a Neutrosophic Fuzzy Inventory Management Modelling with Minimal Insufficient Supply Required and Fuzzy Consumption

Kalaiarasi K. , Nasreen Kausar , Said Broumi , Tonguc Cagin

The fuzzy stock administration demonstrates displayed in this work employments neutrosophic set hypothesis, pentagonal fuzzy numbers, and the Graded mean Integration Representation (GMIR) strategy for defuzzification. Request rates, arrange amounts, utilization rates, holding costs, setup costs, and deficiency costs are all spoken to as fuzzy parameters within the demonstrate to account for the inborn instability and vacillation. To reduce by and large costs, the whole cost work is calculated, taking setup, holding, and shortage costs into consideration. In arrange to speak to the combined impacts of a few fetched components, the overall taken a toll work is rearranged and the ideal arrange amount is built up beneath fuzzy conditions utilizing pentagonal fuzzy parameters. The demonstrate is assessed beneath different degrees of instability through a case-based investigation, advertising an exhaustive system for making choices on stock administration in equivocal and dubious circumstances. The results appear how versatile and capable the show is for improving fetched advancement and stock control.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 472-483, (2025)

Time-Optical Control Strategies for SIR Epidemic Models in Cattle and Neutrosophic Fuzzy Modelling

T. Kavitha , P. V. N. Hanumantha Ravi , K. Meenakshi , S. Shunmugapriya , Shrivalli H. Y. , Elangovan Muniyandy

The utilization of neutrosophic fuzzy logic with machine learning constitutes a revolutionary way of improving epidemic modelling. With the help of Weka, this method solves the problem of uncertainty and vagueness that is characteristic of epidemic processes with the help of neutrosophic equations. These equations enhance the way how indeterminacy of epidemic levels can be modelled, therefore enhancing predictions of complex networks. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is confirmed by extensive evaluations providing extensive tables and visualizations regarding the improvements in the accuracy and reliability of the models. Further, the work explores time-optimal control strategies of SIR epidemic models. It shows exactly how bang-bang controls work avoiding the duration of outbreaks drastically, especially if introduced with delayed interventions. This finding is especially important for controlling the health of livestock since the response to disease outbreaks has to be done as soon as possible because of stringent measures on animal health. Altogether, the analysis presented therein contains strong recommendations that would help to improve the handling of epidemics and better understand the approaches to employ in decision-making under conditions of risk and ambiguity.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 484-500, (2025)

Finite time Stability and Synchronization of the Glycolysis Reaction-Diffusion model

Raed Hatamleh , Issam Bendib , Ahmad Qazza , Rania Saadeh , Adel Ouannas , Mohamed Dalah

Finite-time stability is a critical property for systems where rapid stabilization is required, as it ensures that the system reaches and maintains equilibrium within a specified time frame, regardless of initial conditions. This contrasts with asymptotic stability, which only guarantees eventual convergence over an indefinite period. This research focuses on demonstrating the finite-time stability of the glycolysis reaction-diffusion system at its equilibrium point. The equilibrium points of the system are derived, and finite-time stability conditions are established. Definitions and lemmas are provided to support the theoretical framework, including conditions for finite-time convergence and Lyapunov stability. A key result shows that the system possesses a unique equilibrium point that can achieve finite-time stability under certain conditions. Additionally, the finite-time synchronization scheme is discussed, highlighting the process of rapidly achieving synchronized behavior in reaction-diffusion systems. The proposed method involves associating the main system with a response system and addressing synchronization discrepancies through the introduction of an error vector. This research provides a robust framework for understanding and achieving finite-time stability and synchronization in complex reaction-diffusion systems.

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Vol. 25 Issue. 4 PP. 371-386, (2025)