International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

A Glimpse of Neutrosophic Approach Publications Relevant to a Prominent Researcher in Africa of the Decade 2010 to 2020: A Digital Vision

A. Abd ELhamid , Shimaa. I. Hassan , N. M. A. Ayad

In recent times, with a rapid spark of scientific progress and development, new scientific approaches have been begun to emerge and widely spread in various fields. Currently, neutrosophic approach is one of the most approaches which considered as a precious modern approach. With the increasing popularity of Neutrosophic approach, the development of this approach became a great trend of science which has its own rules and principles. The overwhelming spread of neutrosophic approach in the late 20th century has provided a new trend into the debate and research. As well as, it has offered a worthwhile forum and symposiums. The first touches of neutrosophic approach and neutrosophy were provided by the American pioneer researcher Florentin Smarandache. The African researcher prof. Ahmed Salama is one of the most Arab researchers who interested in Neutrosophic approach and he has cooperated with prof. Florentin Smarandache in many studies and symposiums. Neutrosophic approach is a special approach which connected and used in several fields. Due to the importance of neutrosophic approach, this study sheds light on Neutrosophic approach, and lists a glimpse of common publications and studies involved which relevant to the most prominent researcher in Africa. Possible application to virtual university is touched upon.

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Vol. 13 Issue. 1 PP. 34-51, (2021)

A Novel Routing Network Algorithm Via Neutrosphic Fuzzy Set Approach

S.Krishna Prabha , Broumi said , Selçuk Topal

  Routers steer and bid network data, through packets that hold a variety of categories of data such as records, messages, and effortless broadcasts like web interface. The procedure of choosing a passageway for traffic in a network or between several networks is called routing. Starting from telephone networks to public transportation the principles of routing are applied. Routing is the higher-level decision making that directs network packets from their source en route for their destination through intermediate network nodes by specific packet forwarding mechanisms. The main function of the router is to set up optimized paths among the different nodes in the network. An efficient novel routing algorithm is proposed with the utilization of neutrosophic fuzzy logic in this work addition to many routing algorithms for finding the optimal path in the literature. In this approach, each router makes its own routing decision in the halting time. Various concepts like routing procedures, most expected vector, most expected object, and list of estimated delay are explained.  

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Vol. 13 Issue. 1 PP. 9-22, (2021)

Introduction to Neutrosophic Genetics

Florentin Smarandache

  Neutrosophic Genetics is the study of genetics using neutrosophic logic, set, probability, statistics, measure and other neutrosophic tools and procedures. In this paper, based on the Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution (that includes degrees of Evolution, Neutrality (or Indeterminacy), and Involution) – as extension of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, we show the applicability of neutrosophy in genetics, and we present within the frame of neutrosophic genetics the following concepts: neutrosophic mutation, neutrosophic speciation, and neutrosophic coevolution

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Vol. 13 Issue. 1 PP. 23-27, (2021)

Structure, NeutroStructure, and AntiStructure in Science

Florentin Smarandache

  In any science, a classical Theorem, defined on a given space, is a statement that is 100% true (i.e. true for all elements of the space). To prove that a classical theorem is false, it is sufficient to get a single counter-example where the statement is false.   Therefore, the classical sciences do not leave room for partial truth of a theorem (or a statement). But, in our world and in our everyday life, we have many more examples of statements that are only partially true, than statements that are totally true.   The NeutroTheorem and AntiTheorem are generalizations and alternatives of the classical Theorem in any science. More general, by the process of NeutroSophication, we have extended any classical Structure, in no matter what field of knowledge, to some NeutroStructure, and by the process of AntiSophication to some AntiStructure

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Vol. 13 Issue. 1 PP. 28-33, (2021)

PROMTHEE Plithogenic Pythagorean Hypergraphic Approach in Smart Materials Selection

Nivetha Martin , Florentin Smarandache , Said Broumi

  The production sectors are optimizing its profit with the employment of smart materials at recent times and one of the challenges faced is the selection of smart materials. This article proposes a new decision-making method based on the approach of PROMTHEE plithogenic Pythagorean hypergraph. The efficiency of the proposed method is determined in the selection of smart materials that are significantly utilized in the production processes by the production sectors. In this research work, the decision making on smart material selection environment is characterized by four major influencing factors such as production processes, operational necessities, fiscal constraints and external effects with eighteen sub-factors. The main objective of this research work is to determine the core sub-factors persuading the selection of smart materials based on the five-point scale of expert’s opinion represented as Pythagorean neutrosophic number. Out of eighteen sub-factors four significant factors belonging to each of the major factors were identified by this method.  The plithogenic hypergraphs with Pythagorean representation are the extension of plithogenic hypergraphs and the novel decision - making method with the integration of PROMTHEE developed in this article will certainly benefit the decision makers on smart material selection. Comparative analysis on the criteria is also made based on Pythagorean neutrosophic sets & neutrosophic sets.  

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Vol. 13 Issue. 1 PP. 52-60, (2021)