Volume 10 , Issue 2 , PP: 86-96, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Yasmmen Mashtah 1 * , Alaa J. kadi 2 , Batoul Hasanin 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJBES.100209
This study concludes that integrating sustainable practices into the design and modeling of medical centers significantly contributes to enhancing resource efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of healthcare facilities. The sustainability of these facilities can be further improved using advanced technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), which simultaneously enhances the well-being of patients and staff. The study also highlights the importance of adopting globally recognized sustainability assessment systems and adapting them to suit the local context to ensure effective sustainability in future medical centers.
Sustainable Practices , Sustainable Design , Medical Centers , Building Information Modeling (BIM) , Sustainability Assessment Systems , Sustainability in Healthcare
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