International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science

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Volume 9 , Issue 1 , PP: 31-37, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City

Mohammad Ibrahim 1 * , Sonia Ahmed 2 , Shaza Aljraki 3

  • 1 Building Information Modeling and Management Master Program, Syrian Virtual University - (
  • 2 Lecturer Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Rasheed University, Damascus, Syria - (
  • 3 Lecturer Professor at Building Information Modelling and Management Master Program, Syrian Virtual University, Damascus, Syria - (
  • Doi:

    Received: December 09, 2023 Revised: March 08, 2024 Accepted: July 14, 2024

    The study presents an applied model of how GIS technology can be used to analyze spatial information and highlight the spatial relationships between them, as the research relied on studying the areas of distribution of educational services in the city of Basilia as one of the cities located in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and then the research extracts the spatial relationships and the nature of the distribution of educational services within the region and identifying the service areas and access distances for each category and comparing them with the approved standards. GIS technology is a good tool for this type of applied studies, where maps can be entered, spatial classifications and distribution of services and the use of Spatial Analyst tools and Spatial Statistics tools in modeling information and analysis, highlighting the relationship in the spread of these services within the region, assessing the pattern of spread and identifying the places that lack those services, and then developing recommendations aimed at sustainable urban planning.

    Keywords :

    GIS , Sustainable Urban Planning , Educational services



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    Cite This Article As :
    Ibrahim, Mohammad. , Ahmed, Sonia. , Aljraki, Shaza. Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 31-37. DOI:
    Ibrahim, M. Ahmed, S. Aljraki, S. (2024). Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, (), 31-37. DOI:
    Ibrahim, Mohammad. Ahmed, Sonia. Aljraki, Shaza. Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , no. (2024): 31-37. DOI:
    Ibrahim, M. , Ahmed, S. , Aljraki, S. (2024) . Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , () , 31-37 . DOI:
    Ibrahim M. , Ahmed S. , Aljraki S. [2024]. Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science. (): 31-37. DOI:
    Ibrahim, M. Ahmed, S. Aljraki, S. "Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning Evaluation of Educational Services in Basilia City," International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , pp. 31-37, 2024. DOI: