International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science

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Volume 5 , Issue 2 , PP: 66-73, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Road Safety Requirements

Manar M. Nassef 1 *

  • 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Delta Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Egypt - (
  • Doi:

    Received: May 18, 2022 Accepted: August 11, 2022

    Frequent and severe traffic accidents have become a major concern because they hinder the sustainable development of society. Elements of roadway design play an important role in determining the risk of traffic accidents. Where, the geometry of the road has an effect on both the severity and frequency of road accidents. Road safety is affected by a variety of factors related to the behavior of drivers and the quality of the infrastructure. Some solutions need to be provided in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents, and safety performance functions (SPFs) are essential to the implementation of science-based road safety management. This is because it is preferable to provide preventative protection than to deal with the after-effects of an accident. The ability to address this issue is also dependent on having information about the safety conditions of the road network as well as the amount of finances that are available for the implementation of new road safety initiatives. It also requires the prioritization of the various interventions that may generate benefits, increasing safety, while ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to remedy the deficiencies detected within a reasonable timeframe. Roadside accidents are often considered to be among the "most merciless" types of accidents. It is possible to significantly lessen the severity of collisions by designing roadsides to be more "forgiving". A roadside design that is more forgiving has a limited effect on lowering the overall number of accidents, but it has a significant impact on reducing the severity of collisions, which in turn reduces the number of fatal and injury accidents.

    Keywords :

    Road safety , Safety performance functions , Roadside Safety


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    M., Manar. Road Safety Requirements. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 66-73. DOI:
    M., M. (2022). Road Safety Requirements. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, (), 66-73. DOI:
    M., Manar. Road Safety Requirements. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , no. (2022): 66-73. DOI:
    M., M. (2022) . Road Safety Requirements. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , () , 66-73 . DOI:
    M. M. [2022]. Road Safety Requirements. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science. (): 66-73. DOI:
    M., M. "Road Safety Requirements," International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , pp. 66-73, 2022. DOI: