American Journal of Business and Operations Research

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2692-2967ISSN (Online) 2770-0216ISSN (Print)

Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit

Abror N. Gadaev , Dilnora U. Ganieva , Nemat Halilov , Gulmera S. Boboeva , Jamshid S. Tukhtabaev

Today, due to several positive indicators of underground water, it is being used in the water supply system. Groundwater wells and their efficient operation ensure the reliability and stability of the entire water supply system. When using wells, their operation individually or in groups causes different calculations, and the justification of this order is a very important factor. The following article is devoted to the calculation of a group of wells and their interaction indicators. The analysis of the problem and the research on its solution shows that the situation is different in wells working individually and in groups. If the decrease in flow rate of individual wells depends only on its indicators, this situation becomes more complicated in a group of wells, that is, they interact depending on their number and location. When calculating water intake structures consisting of a large number of wells, groups of wells interacting with each other are often used by the method called generalized systems. First, let's talk about the impact radius of the well and what factors it depends on.

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Vol. 9 Issue. 1 PP. 08-16, (2023)

The Use of Intelligent Mathematical Models for Regional Investment Distribution Processes Analysis

Jamshid S. Tukhtabaev , Umid A. Otajanov , Shakhnoza T. Nurullaeva , Saodat A. Saydullaeva , Gulshan M. Abdulxayeva

In this article, the artificial neural network mathematical model is used for Regional Investment Distribution Processes Analysis in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan; forecasts are made using this model, and the results are compared with the results determined using the trend and panel methods, and the preferred method is defined. Multi-layer perceptron, radial-basis grid, generalized-regression grid, and recurrent grid can be used to solve the forecasting problem. In the study, a program for intellectual analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development indicators of the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan using the generalized regression network was developed. This program makes it possible to extract the most necessary factors from other methods even in the presence of multi-factor indicators and determine the future forecast result under their influence. According to the results of the forecast determined using the intellectual mathematical model developed because of the research, by 2025, the volume of the gross regional product of Andijan region is expected to be equal to 95607.34 billion soums, and in Samarkand region, it is expected to be equal to 80419.73 billion soums, in Tashkent city it is expected to be 259301.8 billion soums. According to the error levels of the results determined by the intellectual mathematical method, it represents an average error of 1.13% compared to the forecast period. If we determine the result of the trend by the level of error, it is equal to an average of 4.96% error compared to the forecast period, and these results prove the superiority of the intellectual mathematical method developed in the research.

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Vol. 9 Issue. 1 PP. 17-25, (2023)

Influence of Risk Management on Financial Performance of “Uzbekinvest” Insurance Company

Sherkulov S. E. ugli

Risk if not well managed could lead to collapse for most organizations especially those whose core business deals with day-to-day handling of risk. Risk management should, therefore, be at the core of an organization’s operations by integrating risk management practices into processes, systems, and culture of the entire organization. This involves identifying and analyzing risks, developing, and implementing risk handling techniques and monitoring the progress of these to avoid and/or reduce the impact of risk on the financial performance of the company. Furthermore, insurance company under concern should follow current international leading practice by adopting Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) which incorporates other insurance risk quantification models. This will ensure that the companies remain afloat during such times of strict regulatory regimes such as solvency 11 and Basel.

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Vol. 9 Issue. 1 PP. 26-32, (2023)

Using Blockchain Technologies to Manage Business in the Digital Economy

Ulugbek Kubayev , Akram Ishnazarov

Blockchain is a distributed data storage technology that includes information about all transactions of system participants in the form of a "blockchain". Blockchain offers a reliable way to perform processes, ensures stable performance, eliminates the possibility of data duplication, and reduces costs. The promising technology is rapidly gaining popularity and is being implemented in various fields, including business process management. However, even though blockchain technology has been around for several years, many business leaders are still not familiar with it because there is very little information and blockchain technology has not yet been widely used in enterprise infrastructure. Therefore, blockchain technology for business process management remains a hot topic, and the significant advantages of blockchain technology in improving business efficiency cannot be ignored. Thus, this article discusses the main features of using blockchain technology in the management of business processes in the digital economy. Also, the main advantages and disadvantages of technology implementation are presented, problems that business leaders may face are considered. In addition, the important aspects of the use of blockchain technology in the management of business processes in the digital economy are analyzed.

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Vol. 9 Issue. 1 PP. 33-46, (2023)

Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study

Mohammad Irfan , Kathari Santosh

This project aims to understand the level of financial literacy among the rural respondents from five adopted villages by CMRIT. It also focuses on the socio-economic factors of the respondents including age, gender, level of education, work experience, marital status, number of children and sector of work and level of income from five adopted villages. This project is basically dependent on the primary data and the study in descriptive in nature. The convenient sampling method was adopted and the 500 sample were collected from five villages using a survey method. For analysing the sample data, percentage analysis, cross tabulation, correlation analysis and regression analysis was applied. It found that majority of the respondents are aware about financial literacy and financial product and majority of the respondents have bank account also. All the respondents are aware about financial products and investment avenues to invest for their savings. Based on the analysis, most of the respondents are availed loans from the Govt promoted schemes and participating in the other schemes.

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Vol. 9 Issue. 1 PP. 47-56, (2023)