Volume 19 , Issue 1 , PP: 128-143, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Rasha Hani Salman 1 * , Hala Bahjat Abdul Wahab 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.190112
Blockchain technology is now widely used in data sharing, cryptocurrency industry, Internet of Things and other fields. However, despite its increasing use, security and privacy concerns remain important issues. Blockchain security is enhanced by the use of hashing algorithms that ensure data integrity and provide a solution to security problems, but hashing algorithms usually have limitations in terms of resource consumption, memory and speed. To overcome these obstacles, the efficiency and security of the hashing algorithm used in blockchain must be increased. This paper presents a proposal to improve the hashing process in blockchain by leveraging the lightweight quantum algorithm Ascon, which has been improved after integrating it with nonlinear Lotka-Volterra equations. This integration can improve performance and security by combining the mathematical principles of these nonlinear equations to study the interactions between systems. Through this integration, it is possible to improve power management and work on intelligent resource allocation, as well as make the system more robust against attacks by complicating the random number generation process. The performance of the proposed system was tested in terms of throughput, elapsed time, amount of memory used, and time required to process data. The results showed that the proposed algorithm outperforms the original Ascon algorithm in terms of providing faster processing while maintaining a high level of performance and security, reducing time, and increasing the amount of data processed with less memory required for storage. These improvements are of great importance in developing blockchain technology and enabling its multiple uses in many applications.
Lightweight blockchain , Cryptographic hashing , Post-quantum algorithm , Ascon algorithm , Lotka&ndash , Volterraequation , Performance optimization
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