Volume 16 , Issue 2 , PP: 202-212, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Milena Avarez Tapia 1 * , Carlos G. Rosero Martínez 2 , Josue R. Lımaıco Mına 3 , Saidkarimova Matlyuba Ishanovna 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.160213
This paper addresses the question that is global as decision making in the scenario of ambiguity. Given the conflicting or less dependable information, it also becomes necessary to look for approaches that assist us. Conventional strategic planning approaches work relatively well with straightforward and precise information. These become inadequate with situations that are ambiguous. To address this challenge, we adopt the Neutrosophic Hierarchy Method that integrates with SWOT analysis in addressing the challenge. As such, we learn to evaluate or assess the four components of SWOT: Strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in wider terms. However, we do appreciate that often what we assess is not black and white but in shades of color. The conclusion is that for complex decision-making, this approach seems more appropriate and offers better results than others offer. The key aim of this article is to put forth a novel perspective on how decisions should be made in the face of uncertainty. Most of all, we expect to be helpful to both policymakers and strategists in the sense of providing a tool, which can be useful when it comes to the practical inconsistencies that are quite frequently in excess of reasonable solutions.
  , Indeterminate Likert Scale , Neutrosophic Hierarchical Method , SWOT Analysis , Decision making under uncertainty , Complexity and indeterminacy , Multicriteria strategies , Strategic planning , Neutrosophic evaluation , Data ambiguity , Uncertainty management , Analysis tools
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