Volume 16 , Issue 1 , PP: 275-283, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
María Lorena Merızalde Avıles 1 , Emver Nivela Ortega 2 , Kleber Eduardo Carrion Leon 3 , Wiem Abdelbaki 4 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.160120
This study addresses a particular issue in relation to the disambiguation of human views, which remains critical in the current era that is the quest for suitable instruments that can cognize, simulate, and interpret the multilayered nature of the standpoint. Today, in contexts where a decision must be made that requires a synthesis of different and often-opposed points of view, such methods are very limited. This methodological gap focuses on the question where ways and means are lacking, which combine analytical accuracy and the flexibility of approaches for dealing with huge amounts of complex and unstructured information. To mitigate this problem, the study seeks for the application of neutrosophic methods and languages as a new approach for understanding human perceptions, which present a great deal of uncertainty. From the combined angles of neutrosophic logic and special linguistic devices, images from different practical situations are scrutinized. The results indicate that this method not only enhances the accuracy with which human subjectivity is simulated but also renders stronger analytical models for application in the area of organizational strategy, public policy formulation and even marketing research. In conclusion, this research extends new and significant methodological boundaries to the social and applied sciences and provides a useful approach to the problem of interpretation and decision-making in a multidimensional and time-changing society.
Human perceptions , Neutrosophic logic , Uncertainty , Ambiguity , Contradiction , Traditional methodologies , Decision making , Analytical tools , Neutrosophic language , Subjective models , Data analysis
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