Fusion: Practice and Applications

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Volume 14 , Issue 1 , PP: 245-258, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols

Quintana Churches Janneth Ximena 1 * , Machado Maliza Messiah Elias 2 , Stefany Lizbeth Ocana Lliguin 3 , Yusupov Sherzod Abdusalamovich 4

  • 1 Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, Colombia - (ur.jannetiglesias@uniandes.edu.ec)
  • 2 University Autonomous Region of the Andes, Colombia - (ur.mesiasmachado@uniandes.edu.ec)
  • 3 University Autonomous Region of the Andes, Colombia - (ur.stefanyol17@uniandes.edu.ec)
  • 4 Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - (sherzod_y1973@mail.ru)
  • Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117

    Received: January 22, 2024 Revised: March 27, 2024 Accepted: June 24, 2024

    The first aim of this paper is to solve the problem of protocol optimization by the means of data integration through DEMATEL (Decision Evaluation and Laboratory Testing Method). The research addresses one key question: how can complexities management protocols be extended in relations with systems where interactions as well as feedback of multiple factors make the process full of uncertainties and hard to analyse? In the present setting, where there is transformation of information systems and critical processes are interwoven, there is a need for proper design of viable protocols to avert redundancy and improve effectiveness of operation. This appraisal is especially important considering the challenge of handling massive data volumes and risk management decision making in complex scenarios. Using DEMATEL pens out a systematic procedure in this research to disentangle the complexity of the interrelations of the variables and accomplish the task of identifying and ordering the key elements affecting protocol performance. The results also show that the methodology enables one to have a good perspective of several factors and the procedures followed in establishing the protocols also enhance the concerned decision making. The main contribution of the study lies in providing a robust and adaptable tool that can be used to optimize protocols in various areas, from logistics to network management, offering a theoretical and practical framework of great value for the advancement of research and practice in complex systems management.

    Keywords :

    Data integration , DEMATEL , Protocol optimization , Complex systems , Interdependency management , Decision making , Operational efficiency , Causal relationships , Variable visualization , Performance improvement


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    Cite This Article As :
    Churches, Quintana. , Maliza, Machado. , Lizbeth, Stefany. , Sherzod, Yusupov. Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 245-258. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117
    Churches, Q. Maliza, M. Lizbeth, S. Sherzod, Y. (2024). Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 245-258. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117
    Churches, Quintana. Maliza, Machado. Lizbeth, Stefany. Sherzod, Yusupov. Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2024): 245-258. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117
    Churches, Q. , Maliza, M. , Lizbeth, S. , Sherzod, Y. (2024) . Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 245-258 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117
    Churches Q. , Maliza M. , Lizbeth S. , Sherzod Y. [2024]. Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 245-258. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117
    Churches, Q. Maliza, M. Lizbeth, S. Sherzod, Y. "Data integration using DEMATEL to optimize protocols," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 245-258, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.140117