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Volume 13 , Issue 2 , PP: 140-154, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm

D. Bhanu 1 * , R. Santhosh 2

  • 1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India - (bhanu.saran@gmail.com)
  • 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India - (santhoshrd@gmail.com)
  • Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211

    Received: January 14, 2024 Revised: Mrach 06, 2024 Accepted: May 04, 2024

    A heterogeneous wireless sensor network (H-WSN) comprises multiple sensor nodes having varied abilities, like diverse processing power and sensing range. H-WSN deployment and topology control seem to be more difficult than homogeneous WSNs. Research on H-WSNs has increased in the last few years to improve real-time sensor networks' reliability and deliver better networking services than a homogenous WSN does. When it comes to H-WSN's energy consumption and security, the major problem remains the efficient routing process.  To that end, this research aims at demonstrating how an efficient routing algorithm of hierarchical H-WSN can greatly enhance the network's performance. It is important to note that the nodes' capabilities mostly determine the suitability of a given routing algorithm. Hence, the H-WSN design issues for routing in a heterogeneous environment are discussed in this paper. This research designs an Optimal Energy Conservation and Security-aware Routing Algorithm (OECS-RA) for H-WSN using clustering and a secure-hop selection scheme. In this proposed model, the optimal cluster head selection and routing have been found through various computational stages based on the energy conservation of each sensor node. It further secures the transmission by selecting the secured node with credential factor computation and comparing each hop of the optimal route. The MATLAB simulation scenario finds the significant performance of the routing mechanism with security compared to existing models. The proposed OECS-RA gives highly recognizable throughput, lifetime, energy efficiency, and reliability. With these results, this proposed algorithm is suggested for real-time implementation in the medical industry, transportation, education, business, etc.

    Keywords :

    Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network , Energy Optimization , Cluster , Security , Routing


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    Cite This Article As :
    Bhanu, D.. , Santhosh, R.. Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 140-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211
    Bhanu, D. Santhosh, R. (2024). Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, (), 140-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211
    Bhanu, D.. Santhosh, R.. Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , no. (2024): 140-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211
    Bhanu, D. , Santhosh, R. (2024) . Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , () , 140-154 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211
    Bhanu D. , Santhosh R. [2024]. Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. (): 140-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211
    Bhanu, D. Santhosh, R. "Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Design with Optimal Energy Conservation and Security through Efficient Routing Algorithm," Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management, vol. , no. , pp. 140-154, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCIM.130211