Fusion: Practice and Applications

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Volume 15 , Issue 2 , PP: 288-297, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning

Huda Abdulaali Abdulbaqi 1 * , Farah Q. Abdullah AL-Khalidi 2

  • 1 Computer Science Department, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq - (huda.it@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq)
  • 2 Computer Science Department, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq - (farahqaa@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq)
  • Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224

    Received: August 23, 2023 Revised: December 28, 2023 Accepted: April 18, 2024

    For Internet of Things (IoT)-based on healthcare systems to autonomously monitor patients, radio frequency identification, or RFID, its essential. It is difficult to guarantee complete coverage throughout sizable healthcare facilities with a small number of RFID readers, though Software for RFID network planning must be optimized. The purpose of this paper is about optimizing related software and suggest a topological RFID network planning strategy that will minimize reader interference while deploying the fewest possible readers. The best location for RFID tags on patients as well as readers depends on the layout of the institution and how the patients move. To dependably scan tags across a variety of locations, RFID network design software precisely calculates the number and positions of readers using algorithms. Software features and network planning goals are developed to efficiently track patient status by automating the gathering of medical data. in this paper to find the optimal number of RFID readers required and their location in the system. After the algorithm was tested, it was found that the algorithm can determine the true effectiveness of the coverage and reduce the area of interference between the areas of coverage of RFID readers. PSO is a superior algorithm for solving difficult problems (NP). The PSO algorithm has shown a high efficiency in finding the optimal solution, with some of weakness in the performance of the algorithm, represented in finding functional boundaries that serve the research problem. By providing constant access to health information, this plan raises the standard of care.

    Keywords :

    Software Integration , IoT-based Healthcare , Radio Frequency , Computer Networks


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    Cite This Article As :
    Abdulaali, Huda. , Q., Farah. Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning. Fusion: Practice and Applications, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 288-297. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224
    Abdulaali, H. Q., F. (2024). Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning. Fusion: Practice and Applications, (), 288-297. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224
    Abdulaali, Huda. Q., Farah. Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning. Fusion: Practice and Applications , no. (2024): 288-297. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224
    Abdulaali, H. , Q., F. (2024) . Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning. Fusion: Practice and Applications , () , 288-297 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224
    Abdulaali H. , Q. F. [2024]. Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning. Fusion: Practice and Applications. (): 288-297. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224
    Abdulaali, H. Q., F. "Evaluation Software and IT Integration for IoT-based Healthcare Radio Frequency Identification Network Planning," Fusion: Practice and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 288-297, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150224