Volume 15 , Issue 2 , PP: 61-72, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Mohammed Yousif 1 * , Belal Al-Khateeb 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.150205
In the field of image processing, a well-known model is the Convolutional Neural Network, or CNN. The unique benefit that sets this model apart is its exceptional ability to use the correlation information included in the data. Even with their amazing accomplishment, conventional CNNs could have trouble improving further in terms of generalization, accuracy, and computing economy. However, it could be challenging to train CNN correctly and process information quickly if the model or data dimensions are too large. This is since it will cause the data processing to lag. The Quantum Convolutional Neural Network, or QCNN for short, is a novel proposed quantum solution that might either enhance the functionality of an existing learning model or solve a problem requiring the combination of quantum computing with CNN. To highlight the flexibility and versatility of quantum circuits in improving feature extraction capabilities, this paper compares deep quantum circuit architecture designed for image-based tasks with classical Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and a novel quantum circuit architecture. The covidx-cxr4 dataset was used to train quantum-CNN models, and their results were compared against those of other models. The results show that when paired with innovative feature extraction methods, the suggested deep Quantum Convolutional Neural Network (QCNN) outperformed the conventional CNN in terms of processing speed and recognition accuracy. Even though it required more processing time, QCNN outperformed CNN in terms of recognition accuracy. When training on the covidx-cxr4 dataset, this dominance becomes much more apparent, demonstrating how deeper quantum computing has the potential to completely transform image classification problems.
Quantum computing, Quantum circuit , Convolutional Neural Network , COVID-19 , Quantum convolution , Quantum pooling , Quantum Convolutional Neural Network , Image classification.
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