Volume 13 , Issue 1 , PP: 135-146, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
S. Malathi 1 * , M. Sangeetha 2 , Faiyaz Ahmad 3 , Saravanan M. S. 4 * , T. Kalachelvi 5
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130111
Testing is a process of trying to find out every believable fault or weakness in a project. In today’s world, software products and components play a vital part in our life. Software testing is a world, it contains its own life cycle consists of the following stages – Requirements, Test Plan, Test Design, Test Execution, Defect reporting/tracking. The core of software testing lies in writing test cases based on specifications. Software testers play a vital role writing the test cases during test design phase of software testing life cycle. Research have proved that writing test cases is the most time killing and challenging activity among other testing life cycle phases. It is very crucial to sequence and write optimized test cases to increase the rate of fault identification during test design phase as early as possible. There are various proven test design techniques available which focuses on optimizing test cases in different test stages. Our key focus in this paper is to identify the optimized test cases minimizing the actual number of test cases with minimal effort using OATS (Orthogonal Array Test Strategy) techniques covering double mode and triple mode test combinations and Random Forest algorithm.
defects , testsuite , sequence , Equivalance Partitioning , Boundaryvalue analysis , optimization
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