Fusion: Practice and Applications

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Volume 13 , Issue 1 , PP: 19-36, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving

Saman M. Almufti 1 *

  • 1 Nawroz University, College of Science, Computer Science Department, Duhok, Iraq - (Saman.Almofty@gmail.com)
  • Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102

    Received: March 07, 2023 Revised: June 03, 2023 Accepted: August 09, 2023

    The "Water Evaporation Optimization - Great Deluge" explores the synergy between the Water Evaporation Optimization Algorithm (WEOA) and the Great Deluge Algorithm (GDA) to create a novel fusion model. This research investigates the efficacy of combining these two powerful optimization techniques in addressing benchmark problems. The fusion model incorporates WEOA's dynamic exploration-exploitation dynamics and GDA's global search capabilities. By merging their strengths, the fusion model seeks to enhance convergence efficiency and solution quality. The study presents an experimental analysis of the fusion model's performance across a range of benchmark functions, evaluating its ability to escape local optima and converge towards global optima. The results provide insights into the effectiveness of the fusion model and its potential for addressing complex optimization challenges., a comprehensive performance analysis of the application of the proposed fusion model to a curated set of widely acknowledged benchmark functions, renowned for their role in evaluating the capabilities of optimization algorithms, is undertaken. By rigorously evaluating the convergence characteristics, solution quality, and computational efficiency of the algorithm, a thorough understanding of the strengths and limitations of WEOA is aimed to be provided. Through meticulous comparisons with established optimization techniques, illumination of the aptitude of WEOA in addressing diverse optimization challenges across a spectrum of problem landscapes is intended. The analytical insights, not only advancing the understanding of WEOA's applicability, but also furnishing valuable guidance for both researchers and practitioners in search of robust optimization methodologies, are proffered.

    Keywords :

    Water Evaporation Optimization Algorithm , Metaheuristic Algorithms , Benchmark Functions , Fusion Model.


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    Cite This Article As :
    M., Saman. Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving. Fusion: Practice and Applications, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 19-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102
    M., S. (2023). Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving. Fusion: Practice and Applications, (), 19-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102
    M., Saman. Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving. Fusion: Practice and Applications , no. (2023): 19-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102
    M., S. (2023) . Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving. Fusion: Practice and Applications , () , 19-36 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102
    M. S. [2023]. Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving. Fusion: Practice and Applications. (): 19-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102
    M., S. "Fusion of Water Evaporation Optimization and Great Deluge: A Dynamic Approach for Benchmark Function Solving," Fusion: Practice and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 19-36, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.130102