Volume 12 , Issue 2 , PP: 109-119, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Anita Venugopal 1 * , Aditi Sharma 2 , F. Abdul Munaim Al Rawas 3 , Rama Devi S. 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.120209
There has been a growing need for fusion based research studies on the relations between university teaching and research. The higher educational universities of the current generation believe in and focus on the teaching-research nexus in academics. To improve teaching methodology there is more emphasis given to the fusion teaching by enabling the information fusing concept through pedagogy. Many discussions have been carried out to evaluate the contribution of teaching–research nexus from the student's point of view. The current study highlights teaching through research where the learners are taught with a special focus on research activities at the same time. The objective of this work is to promote fusion of research related activities into the teaching and learning process to achieve positive impact on enhancing students’ interest towards learning. In view of this and to support this, various opportunities were provided for students and teachers to conduct research and a strategic approach was implemented to achieve this objective. We explore a) student involvement in different scholarly activities b) analyse research skill acquisition of the experimental group c) collect feedback to find students satisfaction level on FTBR approach.The findings demonstrate (mean score 3.09) the positive contribution of the fusion research-teaching towards achieving academic excellence.The strategies discussed in the methodology and results of the study may be used to broaden the fusion teaching-research at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Fusion Teaching&ndash , Research Nexus , Information Fusion , Research Strategies , Learning, Education.
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