Volume 10 , Issue 1 , PP: 100-115, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Sameer Kadem 1 * , Noor Sami 2 , Ahmed Elaraby 3 , Shahad Alyousif 4 , Mohammed Jalil 5 , M. Altaee 6 , Muntather Almusawi 7 , Ismaeel, A. Ghany 8 , Ali Kamil Kareem 9 , Massila Kamalrudin 10 , Adnan Allwi ftaiet 11
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.100106
The study aims to investigate the similarities and differences in the brain damage caused by Hypoxia-Ischemia (HI), Hypoglycemia, and Epilepsy. Hypoglycemia poses a significant challenge in improving glycemic regulation for insulin-treated patients, while HI brain disease in neonates is associated with low oxygen levels. The study examines the possibility of using a combination of medical data and Electroencephalography (EEG) measurements to predict outcomes over a two-year period. The study employs a multilevel fusion of data features to enhance the accuracy of the predictions. Therefore this paper suggests a hybridized classification model for Hypoxia-Ischemia and Hypoglycemia, Epilepsy brain injury (HCM-BI). A Support Vector Machine is applied with clinical details to define the Hypoxia-Ischemia outcomes of each infant. The newborn babies are assessed every two years again to know the neural development results. A selection of four attributes is derived from the Electroencephalography records, and SVM does not get conclusions regarding the classification of diseases. The final feature extraction of the EEG signal is optimized by the Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) to get the clear health condition of Hypoglycemia and Epilepsy patients. Through monitoring and assessing physical effects resulting from Electroencephalography, The Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) is used to extract the test samples with the most log data and to report hypoglycemia and epilepsy patients non-invasively. The experimental findings demonstrate that the suggested strategy improves accuracy by 95.05% and reduces the error rate to 0.41 when comparing diseases.
Hypoxia-Ischemia , Hypoglycemia , Epilepsy , Multilevel Fusion of Data Features , Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) , Support Vector Machine (SVM).
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