International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 18 , Issue 1 , PP: 20-29, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit

Maissam Jdid 1 * , A. A. Salama 2 , Rafif Alhabib 3 , Huda E. Khalid 4 , Fatima Al Suleiman 5

  • 1 Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Al-Sham Private University, Damascus, Syria - (
  • 2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt - (
  • 3 Department of Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Science, AL Baath University, Homs, Syria - (
  • 4 Administrative Assistant for the President of Telafer University, Telafer, Iraq - (
  • 5 Business Supervisor- Department of Mathematical, Faculty of Science, Damascus, Syria - (
  • Doi:

    June 26, 2021 Accepted: Jan 04, 2022

    In this article, when the inability to manage inventory is allowed in exchange for certain fines, managers can then allow the remaining stock to run out and accumulation the order until compensation is reinstated.  The idea depends on the amount of stock deficit, which could be small in comparison to the storage cost. This refers to inventory models with deficits and is used to store damageable material. To manage these models, deficit costs should pair with storage costs by applying a mathematical model that illustrates the state in which deficit occurs by satisfying a requirement for one item. All that follows the principles of static modelling with a deficit and the ideal solution would be the most appropriate. We know that the ideal amount depends on the inventory demands. In the classical logic, we define the required storage amounts by the inventory cycle which has a constant value during the inventory cycle; however, that logic overlooks the fluctuation of inventory demands. Therefore, this manuscript conducts a study about static inventory models with a deficit for one material based on neutrosophic logic, which takes into consideration the indeterminate states and hence it provides more precise results, thus, it gives institutions a stable work environment with the least costs.

    Keywords :

    Inventory Management , Static Model for Inventory Management , Neutrosophic Logic , Inventory Management with Deficit by Neutrosophic Logic


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    Cite This Article As :
    Jdid, Maissam. , A., A.. , Alhabib, Rafif. , E., Huda. , Al, Fatima. Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 20-29. DOI:
    Jdid, M. A., A. Alhabib, R. E., H. Al, F. (2022). Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 20-29. DOI:
    Jdid, Maissam. A., A.. Alhabib, Rafif. E., Huda. Al, Fatima. Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2022): 20-29. DOI:
    Jdid, M. , A., A. , Alhabib, R. , E., H. , Al, F. (2022) . Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 20-29 . DOI:
    Jdid M. , A. A. , Alhabib R. , E. H. , Al F. [2022]. Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 20-29. DOI:
    Jdid, M. A., A. Alhabib, R. E., H. Al, F. "Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 20-29, 2022. DOI: