Volume 9 , Issue 1 , PP: 47-53, 2020 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
D. Nagarajan 1 , Said Broumi 2 , J. Kavikumar 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.090104
Neutrosophic along with its environment development over the past decades. Neutrosophic environment is apply to various applications in logic,statstics,albebra, neural networks and several other fields. Neutrosophic sets has been presented to handle the indeterminacy in real-world decision-making problem. Real world problems have some kind of uncertainty in nature and one of the influential problem in environment. Neutrosophic environment results are apply to a new dimension in traffic control. Neutrosophic is the vital role on traffic flow control . It is deal with membership , non membership and also indeterminacy of the data as well. The advantage of the neutrosophic environment is to find the optimized result of the system choosing the best alternative.In this paper, traffic flow control is analyzed under neutrosophic environment using MATLAB.
Traffic flow, Neutrosophic environment, Neutrosophic network
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