Volume 26 , Issue 1 , PP: 144-158, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Çiğdem Apaydin 1 , Abdullah Kargin 2 * , Sevilay Şahin 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.260113
This study is an attempt to explore the value of the teachers’ critical thinking skills with fuzzy expert systems. The study employed this system to obtain an objective and authentic evaluation in an abstract or ambiguous assessment. The working group consisted of 275 teachers working in public schools in Antalya central districts during the 2021-2022 academic year. This study deployed The Critical Thinking Appraisal (CTA) developed by Özelçi (2012). In the first stage, the data obtained from the teachers' critical thinking skill scale were analyzed through classical logic. Validity (explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability analyzes (Cronbach Alpha) were performed during data analysis. Besides, the data regarding the teachers' critical thinking skill scale were also examined through the fuzzy logic approach. Different results emerged when comparing both methods. The findings revealed that the result on the fuzzy logic approach, which underpins artificial intelligence applications and which is used in various decision-making applications, is more consistent and objective. This study may shed light onto the researchers to obtain results that are more objective by conducting studies based on fuzzy logic-based survey. Besides, the validity and reliability analyzes made through the classical method with a similar method may also be carried out through the fuzzy logic method. These new results may be compared with those of the classical method. Thus, the objectivity of classical validity and reliability analyzes may also be examined.
Critical Thinking , Teachers , School Type , Classical Logic , Fuzzy Logic , Fuzzy Survey , Fuzzy Matlab
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