International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 26 , Issue 1 , PP: 136-143, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

Michael Raiser Vásquez-Ramírez 1 , Ketty Marilú Moscoso-Paucarchuco 2 , Percy Tito Avila-Zanabria 3 , Omar Arturo Vivanco-Nuñez 4 , Paul Cesar Calderon-Fernandez 5 , Williams Ronald Olivera-Acuña 6 , Manuel Michael Beraún-Espíritu 7

  • 1 Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú - (
  • 2 Universidad Nacional Autónoma Altoandina de Tarma, Perú - (
  • 3 Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú - (
  • 4 Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú - (
  • 5 Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú - (
  • 6 Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú - (
  • 7 Universidad Continental, Perú - (
  • Doi:

    Received: October 21, 2024 Revised: January 11, 2025 Accepted: February 17, 2025

    The Sustainable Development of a country is a relatively new concept, where the right of each country to achieve decent economic and social development is accepted, and where there is well-being for the population. At the same time, the environment is respected. On the other hand, the Circular Economy is another recent concept where the efficient and effective use of resources and products is proposed, where the fundamental principle is the reuse of waste as far as possible and its rational use, to reduce environmental pollution, and providing economic savings for the country. This paper aims to study the relationship between the concepts of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development contextualized in the Peruvian department of Junín. To examine this relationship and its future behavior, there are challenges such as the existence of indirect relationships between these two concepts, dependent on other concepts; and relationships between concepts that are unknown, at least partially. Taking all this into account, a group of three experts on the subject in Junín was asked for their opinion to determine the relationship between the selected concepts. This allowed the representation of knowledge with the help of a Neutrosophic Cognitive Map (NCM) and the study of the dynamic behavior of concepts with the help of the Method for Hidden Patterns.

    Keywords :

    Circular Economy , Sustainable Development , Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps , Neutrosophic Number


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    Cite This Article As :
    Raiser, Michael. , Marilú, Ketty. , Tito, Percy. , Arturo, Omar. , Cesar, Paul. , Ronald, Williams. , Michael, Manuel. Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 136-143. DOI:
    Raiser, M. Marilú, K. Tito, P. Arturo, O. Cesar, P. Ronald, W. Michael, M. (2025). Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 136-143. DOI:
    Raiser, Michael. Marilú, Ketty. Tito, Percy. Arturo, Omar. Cesar, Paul. Ronald, Williams. Michael, Manuel. Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2025): 136-143. DOI:
    Raiser, M. , Marilú, K. , Tito, P. , Arturo, O. , Cesar, P. , Ronald, W. , Michael, M. (2025) . Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 136-143 . DOI:
    Raiser M. , Marilú K. , Tito P. , Arturo O. , Cesar P. , Ronald W. , Michael M. [2025]. Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 136-143. DOI:
    Raiser, M. Marilú, K. Tito, P. Arturo, O. Cesar, P. Ronald, W. Michael, M. "Analyzing the Perspective of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in the Junín Region of Peru Using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 136-143, 2025. DOI: