Volume 25 , Issue 3 , PP: 339-348, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Jamal Oudetallah 1 , Rehab Alharbi 2 * , Salsabiela Rawashdeh 3 , Ala Amourah 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.250330
In this study, the lindel”of property of spaces will be examined across nth topologies, referred to as nthlindel” of spaces. Furthermore, the characteristics of these spaces will be analyzed in relation to lindel¨o]f spaces and tri-Lindelf spaces. Several theoretical results have been presented and proven, and various well-known theorems concerning Lindel?f spaces have been extended to accommodate nth topologies. An illustrative examples are provided to support the findings.
lindel&rdquo , of spaces , Hausdorff , bitopological spaces , tri-topological spaces
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